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The Nefarious Hidden Agendas Behind OMICRON!


What better way to perpetuate the highly organized and premeditated Covid Plandemic than to roll out a never-ending series of COVID-19 variants, strains and mutants.

State of the Nation

What follows is the “OMICRON” global psyop explained by one very telling graphic.

KEY POINT: There are always multiple objectives behind the launching of any new COVID-19 bioweapon such as OMICRON, also known the “Nu” Variant (PANGO lineage B.1.1.529).  However, there is one purpose for this holiday season release which reigns supreme in the minds of the NWO globalist perpetrators: they needed a plausible reason for the rapidly increasing number of deaths, cases of disease, hospitalizations and serious injuries CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE WEAPONIZED COVID VACCINES. See: Covid “Nu” (Omicron) variant a COVER STORY for accelerating wave of vaccine deaths (Video)

There should be absolutely no doubt about the explicit goals of both OPERATION COVID-19 and the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda at this late date.

First, they released the COVID-19 bioweapon which they deceitfully name SARS-CoV-2*; then, they super-charged that fastidiously bioengineered weapon with the various generations of meticulously weaponized Covid vaccines.

*SARS-CoV-2 is not a coronavirus, or even a virus, as it has never been proven to exist by way of a microbiological laboratory analysis or post mortem examination; nor does its existence comply with the rigorous assessments prescribed by Koch’s postulates.  The COVID-19 bioweapon is actually a lab-fabricated synthetic parasite that works in tandem with a highly pernicious and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria that particularly infects the respiratory system.

What’s the critical point?

OMICRON is simply the latest variant of the highly sophisticated COVID-19 bioweapon which was bioengineered to mutate in vivo so as to forever plague humanity with new strains.

So what?!

Infectious diseases, including every single named influenza going back to the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, have undergone similar evolutions via both natural and programmed mutation.

However, what the medical authorities and government officials are not telling us is that each successive generation of variants always decreases in severity as the symptom set associated with them becomes less damaging and/or debilitating.

People with the Omicron variant have ‘extremely mild’ symptoms
and haven’t had to be hospitalized

Nonetheless, the New World Order globalist cabal has amped up the OMICRON fearmongering to fever pitch.

Fauci, the Fearmonger-in-Chief, has been given strict orders to use OMICRON to shut down the USA — yet again — as just one of many deceptive schemes being executed worldwide in the interest of locking down planet Earth for the entire winter.

In this way, these NWO genocidal manics will implement the same medical mass murdering regime that Governor Andrew Cuomo used to carry out the deliberate “Geriatric Genocide” plan throughout New York State.  That’s why he was really removed, quite ignominiously, from office on sexual harassment charges.  The other Democrat governors who conducted the very same geriatric genocide in their states had to be protected from exposure by his expeditious removal from office.

Bottom Line: The Covid mass murderers are, once again, looking to take out as many elderly folks, people with multiple co-morbidities, as well as institutionalized patients in nursing homes, ALFs, memory care units and hospitals as possible with OMICRON being used as the pretext.  These are the “useless eaters” that The Powers That Be have scathingly talked about for decades.  To the power elite, these needful souls are a tremendous drain on the treasury—all national treasuries; and, therefore, they must be genocided post-haste.  There’s no room on Earth for those who only consume ‘precious’ resources, according to the predatory Davos crowd who live at the very top of the planetary food chain.

Hence, with the intentional release of OMICRON and subsequent Covid variants, the WEF camarilla is further preparing to roll out the long-planned GREAT RESET.

The 2022/2023 time frame is clearly the identified period for the main event of the GREAT RESET, so OMICRON will likely be grossly misrepresented as the worst phase of this Plandemic—EVER!

In point of fact, there are several highly significant synchronicities lining up, especially throughout 2022, which spell nothing short of: 2022: The Controlled Demolition of Everything.

KEY POINT: The annual administration of a global Covid vaccination regimen is central to the creation of a COVID-1984 New World Order.  Toward that end, the globalists will aggressively utilize the OMICRON scare to compel and coerce and con every individual to get vaxxed.  Although an extremely mild variant, governments the world over will use this wholly manufactured and baseless panic to order new, and even more draconian, vaccine mandates.  Just watch the fearmongering crescendo throughout the winter north of the equator.


While all of the forgoing explanations for this carefully timed Christmas season launch of OMICRON are perilously relevant, there is one hidden motive that cannot be denied.

The Covid crime perps have already crossed every line (and they have gone way over those lines).  Their exceedingly brazen, utterly reckless and shamelessly desperate scheme to jab every single person on the planet with a patently poisonous and lethal Covid ‘vaccine’ has backed them into the corner.  WITH NO WAY OUT!

In other words, the NWO cabal and all of their Covid crime co-conspirators are in a VERY serious “do or die” situation for the rest of their lifetimes.  Either they permanently lock down everyone who is not killed during their incessant biowar against humanity; or, they will face the wrath of every populace on Earth.

Many are even saying and writing that:

“They All Need To Be Hung — LIVE — On The Internet !”

State of the Nation
November 28, 2021

Update 1

It should come as no surprise to learn that:
OMICRON” was a 1963 Italian science fiction film about “an alien taking over the body of a human to learn about planet Earth so his race can take it over”.

Update 2

It’s becoming increasing evident that Omicron was ‘first discovered’ by a South African physician so that the entire continent of Africa could be punished.  This global panic was also engineered so that vaccine-resistant Africans could be fearmongered into taking the extremely dangerous and deadly Covid injections.  After the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation permanently sickened and killed so many Africans over many years with their various vaccination programs (e.g. smallpox vaccines), they are justifiably afraid of any jab.  Of course, the harmful Covid shots are now well-known to be the “work of the devil” up and down the African continent.  Nevertheless, the globalists have blamed South Africa and several neighbors for OMICRON; and they are already being subjected to various forms of retribution… … …until every citizen is fully vaxxed. See: South Africa Taking an NWO Beating Because of Their Widespread Vaccine Resistance


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