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The Savvy Farmer

The savvy farmer can see the writing on the wall.

Can see that slavery to a system of national and global manipulation – totally out of his/her hands – is a recipe for disaster.

Such a farmer will be on the look-out for a secure local market; one where purchasers want to buy direct from the farm with no middle-man taking a cut. This must be the way forward if a secure future on the land is the desired outcome. Any intelligent farmer will recognise this and will take seriously a bona fide request to supply farm-raised produce to those eager to buy it.

The Savvy Consumer 

The savvy consumer will be looking for fresh, healthy, flavourful good quality foods upon which to raise their family, or simply to feed themselves. They will recognise that the chance to acquire such food ‘direct from the farm’ represents the best possible outcome. A bond built-up with a local farmer, via regular purchasing of their farm raised products provides a powerful ally for times ahead when the commercial food chain is subjected to the brutal intervention of the architects of global control and shortages become the norm. Such times are no longer speculative. They are on our doorstep.

The Savvy Farmer and the Savvy Consumer – getting together

Either the consumer or the farmer can can take the initiative of bringing both parties together.


By calling a ‘round table’ meeting in the local village/town hall or simply in your home. Invite one or two farmers to sit round that table with some individuals eager to obtain food direct from the farm. Some might even be ready to discuss contracting a farmer to grow the staple foods they require. Good quality food grown without recourse to chemical pesticides.

Farmers need a secure income and the buyers a secure local source of nutritious food. Fair prices for both parties and delivery or ‘pick-up from the farm’ can be negotiated in a friendly and informal manner. This is not purely ‘business’ in the old sense of the term; it is forming a common bond in a time when such bonds have been tragically neglected and supermarket convenience cultures have destroyed the links that hold communities together.

A new trading, bartering and sharing practice will be built around the adoption of this ‘proximity principle’. This is the one sure way of effectively resisting the Klaus Schwab farm killer and the New World Order plan for global domination of the food chain. 

Other ways of supporting local trading include: farm shops, farmers markets, box schemes, food cooperatives. Get onto the front foot and regenerate your community – from the ground up!

For further details of the Proximity Principle and community regeneration see ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ by Julian Rose.


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Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, writer, international activist, entrepreneur and holistic teacher. Julian is co-founder of HARE The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology see https://hardwickalliance.org/His acclaimed book ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind – Why Humanity Must Come Through’ is particularly recommended reading for this time: see www.julianrose.info

He is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

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One Response to “The Savvy Farmer”

  1. ian says:

    barter systems need organising rapidly, before money goes digital. It might soon be that you want to buy something, but the credit card/chip says no.

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