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Did Biden Molest His Kids and Drive His First Wife To Suicide?

NY Times: People Tied to Project Veritas Scrutinized in Theft of Diary From Biden’s Daughter.

 The Real History Channel – Nov 7, 2021

The F.B.I. carried out search warrants in New York as part of a Justice Department investigation into how pages from Ashley Biden’s journal came to be published by a right wing website.

 The Anti-New York Times

 Federal agents raided several locations associated with the conservative group Project Veritas — ostensibly as part of an investigation into how a diary stolen from Pedo Joe’s daughter, Ashley Biden, came to be obtained and publicly disclosed in October of 2020. Some of “youse guys” may recall the Internet scuttlebutt at the time about Ashley — writing as an adult in 2019 in the context of the traumatic childhood causes of her youthful obsession with sexuality — having described taking showers with her father. In her notes, Ashley, once a heavy drug user like her brother Hunter Biden, tells of her psychological struggles and the “probably not appropriate” showers she took with her degenerate father.

Though “The Editorial Board” of The Anti-NY Times could easily and totally believe that Pedo Joe was capable of molesting his own children, questions about the authenticity of the diary precluded us from reporting about it back then. But now, thanks to the FBI raids and Slimes story about them, we know for certain that the diary was Ashley’s and that Pedo Joe is every bit the degenerate child-abusing reprobate that we had imagined — though The Slimes, of course, makes no mention of the Daddy-Daughter showers.

* Project Veritas never actually published the diaries after having come into possession of them. It was a much lesser known blogger which later published them.

Ashley Biden was “hyper-sexualized and “molested” and remembers “trauma” at a young age” by her nutty family and friends — and  “showers w / my dad (probably not appropriate)”


Who gave the order for these raids on Project Veritas? Wethinks it was the White Hats! The event has not only called attention to the forgotten diary, but it also gives the “inappropriate” Daddy-Daughter shower story complete credibility now. Pro-Q Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and the popular blogger / speaker / FOX News gadfly Candace Owens wasted no time tweeting about the perversity of the assertions to their legions of followers. And now, others are following up.

The raids would also have served as the perfect pretext for “washing the fruit of the poison tree” that is the undercover evidence of many wrongdoings obtained (without a warrant) by the crusading crew at Project Veritas. Whatever “non-actionable” data that the White Hats “just happen to find” as part of this “investigation” into Veritas — well, it will all be usable now in connection with other investigations. See the trick? It’s the same “raid” maneuver they played with Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, Rudy Giuliani and others. Well played, White Hats, well played.

By the way, Project Veritas has a defamation lawsuit going against the New York Times and O’Keefe is demanding a TON of money and a jury trial.

Another side-effect of this story is that it leads to more suspicion about the tragic crash in which Neila Biden (Pedo Joe’s first wife) and daughter Naomi (age 1) were killed. On the afternoon of December 18, 1972 — one month after Joe had been first elected to the U.S. Senate — Neilia was driving with her three toddlers along a rural road in Delaware. At an intersection, she inexplicably pulled out in front of an oncoming tractor-trailer truck. Police speculated that Neilia drove into the path of the truck because her head was turned and she did not see it.  All four occupants were taken to Wilmington General Hospital, where Neilia and Naomi were pronounced dead on arrival. Her two sons, Beau (3) and Hunter (2), were critically injured but survived the wreck with multiple serious injuries. Two weeks later, Papa Joe, just recently turned 30 years old, was sworn into the US Senate at the hospital where Beau and Hunter were still being treated.

Nearly 40 years later, Biden made the false claim that the truck driver (since deceased) had “drank his lunch” just before the fatal collision. The driver’s family vehemently denied that claim and the police did not substantiate it either. Lyin’ Biden soon apologized to the deceased trucker’s family. In a 2015 commencement speech at Yale University, the then-Vice President made a rather odd comment. He spoke of his first wife and then said:

“The incredible bond I have with my children is the gift I’m not sure I would have had, had I not been through what I went through [after the fatal accident]. But by focusing on my sons, I found my redemption.”

“Redemption?” Hmmmm. What did you have to “redeem” yourself of after the tragedy, Joe? Did you do something that drove your wife to madness?

The phenomenon of “Suicide by Truck” is well known within the trucking community, and something that truckers dread.  Could Neila Biden have been driven to killing herself and her three children as the only means of escaping a powerful & protected sex-mad pedo monster who was impregnating her at the rate of once-a-year and who may already have been diddling the genitals of all three of the toddlers? Is anything outside of the realm of possibility when dealing with these demons in human form?

Neila Biden drove in front of a tractor-trailer, in broad daylight (2:30 PM), with her three children, ages 3, 2, & 1. Below: Suicide by Truck? More common than people realize.


From Fleet Owner.com



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