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Former Prime Minister of Malaysia – Whistle-blows the global depopulation plan 2015


Conference titled “The New World Order – A Recipe of War or Peace!” Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the ‘Elites want to reduce the world population to 1 Billion’ and will go to any length necessary to achieve their goal. Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement The conference was held at Putrajaya International Convention Center in Putrajaya, Malaysia, organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF). PM Mohamad stated that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (or TPPA) is a strategy lead by the United States to dominate the world economy. Several guest speakers focused on borderless trade and globalization being used to usher in a one-world government. “Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, nations, and bodies but instead have only a one-world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites. People who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders, instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment,” Dr. Mahathir explained. “And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order has annunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.” Mahathir served as Malaysia’s prime minister from July 1981 to October 2003 and from May 2018 to March 2020.


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2 Responses to “Former Prime Minister of Malaysia – Whistle-blows the global depopulation plan 2015”

  1. ian says:

    And there you have it. The only thing I might disagree with is that the elite are very intelligent. They are certainly arrogant, entitled and spoiled. Very wealthy, and cushioned. Remove their wealth, their contacts, their security, and give them a council house on an estate in Rotherham, and let’s see how far their supposed intelligence would get them.

  2. ian says:

    Take Prince Charles. Can you imagine him cutting the grass, or having to work for poxy Amazon like my granddaughter did on the Uni holidays. 3am till 11am. Sometimes getting a call at midnight saying they don’t need you tomorrow. Me neither.

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