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Latest UK Health Security Agency Report shows the Covid-19 Vaccine DO NOT WORK and have a NEGATIVE effectiveness as low as MINUS 86%

Last week we told you how the Covid-19 vaccines were proving to have a collective negative efficacy in everyone over the age of 40 in the UK as low as minus-sixty-six-percent. Today we can reveal that the latest report available from the UK Health Security Agency, which has recently replaced Public Health England, shows that the Covid-19 vaccines are now proving to have a negative efficacy in everyone over the age of 30 in the UK as low as minus-eighty-six-percent.

Pfizer claim that there Covid-19 mRNA injection has a vaccine effectiveness of 95%. They were able to claim this because of the following –

During the ongoing clinical trial, 43,661 subjects were split evenly between the placebo and vaccine groups (about 21,830 subjects per group).

In the placebo group — the group that got didn’t have the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine — 162 became infected with the coronavirus and showed symptoms.

Whilst in the vaccine group — the group that got the real vaccine — that number was only 8.

Therefore the percentage of placebo group who became infected equated to 0.74% (162 / 21830 x 100 = 0.74).

Whilst 0.04% of the vaccinate group became infected (8 / 21830 x 100 = 0.04)

In order to calculate the efficacy of their Covid-19 mRNA injection, Pfizer then performed the following calculation –

They first subtracted the percentage of infections in the vaccinated group from the percentage of infections in the placebo group.

0.74% – 0.04% = 0.7%

Then they divided that total by the percentage of infections in the placebo group, which equated to 95%.

0.7 / 0.74 = 95%.

Therefore, Pfizer were able to claim that their Covid-19 mRNA injection is 95% effective.

We don’t need to go into the fact that this calculation was extremely misleading and only measured relative effectiveness rather than absolute effectiveness. Neither do we need to go into the fact that Pfizer chose to ignore thousands of other suspected infections during the ongoing trial and not perform a PCR test to confirm the infection because it would have thrown efficacy below the required minimum of 50% to gain regulatory approval.

The reason we don’t need to go into it is because the general public are being told that the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is 95% effective due to the calculation performed above. The same calculation was also used based on individual results to claim a vaccine efficacy of around 70% for AstraZeneca, and around 98% for Moderna.

Now, thanks to a wealth of data published by the new UK Health Security Agency we are able to use the same calculation used to calculate 95% effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine, to calculate the real world effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Table 2 of the UK Health Security Agency Vaccine Surveillance report, published October 7th 2021, shows the number of recorded infections by vaccination status between week 36 and week 39 of 2021. It also shows the confirmed case rate among persons fully vaccinated, and rates among persons not vaccinated per 100,000 people.

Pfizer had an equal amount of people who had been vaccinated, and had not been vaccinated in the ongoing clinical trial in order to calculate the effectiveness of their vaccine, so in order to calculate the real-world effectiveness all we have to do is perform the same calculation using the rates per 100,000 numbers supplied by the UK Health Security Agency, which are as follows –

The efficacy of all available vaccines combined is as low as – 85.71% within the 40-49 age group, and as high as – 3.4% in the 30-39 age group. This shows that the Covid-19 vaccines are making people more susceptible to catching Covid-19, rather than preventing cases of Covid-19 by the claimed 95%.

By combining the numbers provided for all age groups over the age of 30, we have been able to calculate an average vaccine effectiveness of – 47.69%, and we’re definitely seeing this in the number of confirmed cases by vaccination status.

Between week 36 and week 39 of 2021 there were 41,149 confirmed Covid-19 cases in the unvaccinated over 30’s, 14,649 confirmed cases in the partly vaccinated over 30’s, and a frightening 243,373 confirmed cases in the fully vaccinated over 30’s.

The new UK Health Security Agency report proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Covid-19 vaccines do not work, and actually make the recipients worse.

Read and Share – Deaths among male children have increased by 400% since Chris Whitty decided they should have the Covid-19 Vaccine’

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