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UK to begin nation-wide fluoridation of tap water

The British government is expected start adding fluoride to the drinking water all over the country according to a story in the Guardian.

The story focuses on a joint statement the Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland published on Thursday, which recommends everyone, everywhere should have fluoride added to their water supply.

The report was already praised in a tweet from UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid:


While fluoridation is already in place in some parts of the UK, it has always been considered a matter for local government and currently affects less than 10% of the country.

Proposed changes to the regulations in sections 128-129 of the new Health and Care Bill would centralise this power, taking the decision out of the hands of local councils and handing it to the Health Secretary.

The authors of the report, including England’s CMO Chris Whitty (who we are more than familiar with, thanks to Covid) are not subtle in their attempts to cloak the proposed policy in “progressive” camouflage.

Statistics on tooth decay in children and the working class are trotted out so fluoridation could be sold as both “protecting children” and tackling “entrenched inequality”.

But what is the real risk-reward situation for fluoridated tap water?

Well, the only potential benefit of fluoride is preventing tooth decay. That’s it. (And even then, over-exposure to fluoride can actually damage your teeth through dental fluorosis).

The potential side effects of fluoride toxicity are far more dangerous than needing a root canal.

There is some evidence fluoride could increase the risk of cancer – a 2006 study found an increased risk of osteosarcoma in young boys – but the most serious problem associated with fluoride is developmental neurotoxicity.

In 2012 a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found fluoride exposure is detrimental to the intellectual development of children, with an author of the study saying [emphasis added]:

Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”

These findings were confirmed when the same group conducted a pilot study on the effect of long term fluoridation in Chinese children.

The results found that children raised in areas with widespread water fluoridation had markedly lower average IQs than children from areas with no fluoride in the water:

This pilot study in a community with stable lifetime fluoride exposures supports the notion that fluoride in drinking water may produce developmental neurotoxicity

To sum up: Fluoride in the water could potentially make future generations of people compliant, gullible and stupid.

Or, in other words, it’s the perfect thing to start pumping into the water when you’ve just tried to launch a global coup, and not enough people are falling for it.

UK to begin nation-wide fluoridation of tap water

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5 Responses to “UK to begin nation-wide fluoridation of tap water”

  1. Ander1991 says:

    Forgive my haste and ignorance but I thought the fluoride in water battle was argued and won in the 1950s? Causes mottled teeth, carcinogen, lowers IQ etc etc? Do we really have to brush off all the old arguments and spend our lives battling over this next with the demociders?

  2. Tapestry says:

    Checking with the water filter company I use (ceramic filters down to 1 micron for cooking and drinking water), the kind of fluoride dumped in the public water supply is larger than 1 micron per molecule, and is filtered out at 1 micron. Naturally occurring fluoride compounds are actually good for you, I am told, and they are smaller than 1 micron.

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