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Lone MP puts his head above the parapet for vaccine victims

FINALLY, an MP has challenged the government on the horrific levels of Covid vaccine damage recorded under the Yellow Card Scheme run by our watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). It currently shows 1,632 deaths and 360,000 injuries since December 1, 2020, far more than any vaccine in the past.

Sir Christopher Chope, Conservative MP for Christchurch, has researched the reporting system set up in 1979 and its accompanying compensation programme and found them woefully inadequate; a fact anyone who has tried to claim for damage by a vaccine is painfully aware of. He has introduced the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill to deal with the vaccine claims which are currently handled in what is best described as a hostile environment.

Chope told the Commons last Friday that he estimates that more than 10,000 people ‘have suffered real, serious damage as a result of doing the right thing’, and was shocked when the Labour MP for Cambridge, Daniel Zeichner, suggested there were more urgent priorities, asking: ‘I wonder why this issue should get preference over others?’

Chope was clear in his criticism: ‘Families should not be left hanging around for years wondering whether they will be eligible for any compensation. That is totally the wrong message. The government should be sending the message that, “if you do the right thing, you will be looked after by the government if something goes wrong”.’

He recognised that some of the injured had ‘taken one for the team’ and that their sacrifice should be recognised in a similar way to a soldier suffering severe injury. He said: ‘In a sense, that is what we do with the military covenant. People enter the armed forces of our country and, if something goes wrong, they expect the government to look after them, and we do.’

petition to update the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme (VDPS) circulated in July but received only 17,000 signatures; 100,000 are needed to trigger a full debate in the House of Commons. Still, the government had to respond to signatories, which it did on August 5, but Chope was scathing. He told the House the response said: ‘The government has a robust system to monitor potential side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine and has added the vaccine to the VDPs. We will consider further action as more evidence becomes available.’

Chope was not impressed. He said: ‘We already have a lot of evidence that people have suffered damage, if not death, as a result of these vaccinations. The government are saying they are “looking at how it can improve the operational aspects of the VDPS to better meet the additional demand created by the inclusion of the Covid-19 vaccine and improve the customer experience. Once more is known about the possible links between the vaccine and potential side effects, it will be considered whether a wider review of the VDPS is needed.” My Bill answers that question by saying that we need such a review now.’

He told the House that until June 23, there had been 154 applications for compensation: ‘Obviously, there are many, many more now, but there are only four people in that department dealing with all vaccine damage applications, so no decisions have been made and there is no indication as to when any decisions will be forthcoming.’

Claimants will have a rough experience if history is anything to go by. It took Jackie Fletcher 18 years to win compensation for her son Robert, who was severely damaged by the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine as a toddler. The injured, in a time of great need, are likely to find they are gaslighted, that they must spend thousands on specialist lawyers and that the burden of proof to explain why they are vaccine-damaged will be on them rather than Big Pharma, who manufactured the shots.

Chope set out the scheme’s inadequacies. He said: ‘The Pearson commission [1979 reform of compensation for personal injury, including from vaccination] found that those injured as a result of vaccination should have access to financial support, however, the 1979 Act makes provision of a maximum payment of £120,000 together with a threshold of 60 per cent disablement. As a result, fewer than 2 per cent of applications are successful. My Bill calls for the Government to set up a judge-led inquiry into the issues raised.’

Like all MPs and leaders to date, Shaun Bailey, Conservative MP for West Bromwich West, was more concerned with upholding the integrity of the vaccine programme and protecting Big Pharma than the victims. Missing the point, he said: ‘How do we ensure that we do not create a culture of hesitancy where people do not uptake vaccines or, equally, do not produce vaccines because of the fear that they might cause mass severe side-effects?’

If Big Pharma have not worked out how to avoid mass severe side-effects after hundreds of years of vaccination, and government are approving vaccines with that knowledge, we really are in trouble.

Chope agreed and basically said the government had to take responsibility rather than hide serious vaccine damage as it  consistently tries to do. ‘We cannot suppress reports of coroners saying that somebody has died as a result of vaccination. I know from personal experience people who were in really good health and then had their first vaccine. I know one person who had a stroke and then severe heart problems. These are not just anecdotes; these are facts known by people across the country. We need to say to people we will look after them 100 per cent without expecting them to get lawyers engaged which is agonising for families and loved ones.’

The AstraZeneca jab is incurring double the number of adverse event reports of Pfizer. There are rumblings that it will be discontinued under the guise of a mix ’n’ match programme.

MHRA Yellow Card reporting published September 9 2021, figures to September 1

Pfizer – 21.9million people – 40million doses – Yellow Card reporting rate: 1 in 197 people impacted

AstraZeneca – 24.8m people – 48.9m doses – Yellow Card reporting rate: 1 in 107 impacted

Moderna – 1.4m people – 2.3m doses – Yellow Card reporting rate: 1 in 93 impacted

Overall, 1 in 134 people injected experienced a Yellow Card Adverse Event, which may be less than 10 per cent of actual figures, according to MHRA.

Reactions – 314,700 (Pfizer) + 820,923 (AZ) + 47,977 (Moderna) + 3244 (Unknown) = 1,186,844

Reports – 111,317 (Pfizer) + 230,499 (AZ) + 15,079 (Moderna) + 1,061 (Unknown) = 357,956

Fatal – 524 (Pfizer) + 1,064 (AZ) + 16 (Moderna) + 28 (Unknown) = 1,632

Acute cardiac – 5,129 (Pfizer) + 9,214 (AZ) + 544 (Moderna) + 40 (Unknown) = 14,927

Pericarditis/myocarditis (Heart inflammation) – 427 (Pfizer) + 259 (AZ) + 81 (Moderna) + 3 (Unknown) = 770

Anaphylaxis – 476 (Pfizer) + 816 (AZ) + 37 (Moderna) + 1 (Unknown) = 1,330

Blood disorders – 10,736 (Pfizer) + 7407 (AZ) + 895 (Moderna) + 44 (Unknown) = 19,082

Infections – 7,421 (Pfizer) + 18,237 (AZ) + 802 (Moderna) + 90 (Unknown) = 26,550

Herpes – 1,602 (Pfizer) + 2,492 (AZ) + 81 (Moderna) + 13 (Unknown) = 4,188

Headaches – 22,354 (Pfizer) + 83,728 (AZ) + 2,883 (Moderna) + 232 (Unknown) = 109,197

Migraine – 2,599 (Pfizer) + 8,064 (AZ) + 319 (Moderna) + 29 (Unknown) = 11,011

Eye disorders – 5,236 (Pfizer) + 13,818 (AZ) + 542 (Moderna) + 57 (Unknown) = 19,653

Blindness – 101 (Pfizer) + 283 (AZ) + 14 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 402

Deafness – 195 (Pfizer) + 367 (AZ) + 16 (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 580

Psychiatric disorders – 6,444 (Pfizer) + 17,172 (AZ) + 977 (Moderna) + 76 (Unknown) = 24,669

Skin disorders – 22,076 (Pfizer) + 50,525 (AZ) + 7,024 (Moderna) + 214 (Unknown) = 79,839

Muscle & tissue disorders – 37,907 (Pfizer) + 98,975 (AZ) + 5,235 (Moderna) + 371 (Unknown) = 142,488

Spontaneous abortions – 301 + 7 stillbirth/foetal death (Pfizer) + 203 + 2 stillbirth (AZ) + 29 + 1 foetal death (Moderna) + 2 (Unknown) = 535 + 10 (figures now imply 24 related maternal deaths)

Vomiting – 3,390 (Pfizer) + 11,377 (AZ) + 574 (Moderna) + 42 (Unknown) = 15,383

Facial paralysis including Bell’s Palsy – 727 (Pfizer) + 879 (AZ) + 54 (Moderna) + 7 (Unknown) = 1,667

Nervous system disorders – 55,002 (Pfizer) + 174,814 (AZ) + 7473 (Moderna) + 615 (Unknown) = 237,904

Strokes and CNS haemorrhages – 515 (Pfizer) + 2033 (AZ) + 17 (Moderna) + 9 (Unknown) = 2,574

Guillain-Barré syndrome – 46 (Pfizer) + 397 (AZ) + 3 (Moderna) + 5 (Unknown) = 451

Tremor – 1,349 (Pfizer) + 9,692 (AZ) + 173 (Moderna) + 38 (Unknown) = 11,252

Pulmonary embolism & deep vein thrombosis – 623 (Pfizer) + 2,737 (AZ) + 32 (Moderna) + 18 (Unknown) = 3,410

Respiratory disorders – 13,500 (Pfizer) + 27,616 (AZ) + 1,253 (Moderna) + 113 (Unknown) = 42,482

Seizures – 757 (Pfizer) + 1891 (AZ) + 127 (Moderna) + 11 (Unknown) = 2,786

Paralysis – 308 (Pfizer) + 748 (AZ) + 39 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 1,101

Haemorrhage (all types) – 2,755 (Pfizer) + 4,877 (AZ) + 342 (Moderna) + 29 (Unknown) = 8,003

Vertigo/tinnitus – 2,801 (Pfizer) + 6,389 (AZ) + 293 (Moderna) + 25 (Unknown) = 9,508

Renal/urinary – 852 (Pfizer) + 2,534 (AZ) + 103 (Moderna) + 23 (Unknown) = 3,512

Reproductive/breast – 18,171 (Pfizer) + 17,023 (AZ) + 2,388 (Moderna) + 131 (Unknown) = 37,713

See Annex One for full reports.

Lone MP puts his head above the parapet for vaccine victims

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