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By-election battle at Batley.

Last time there was a By-election in Batley & Spen we (English Democrats) came second and we put out this press release afterwards:-

“The English Democrats are pleased to announce that our candidate, Therese Hirst, came second in Batley and Spen which is a constituency where the English Democrats have never previously stood. Despite this we easily beat the BNP which had previously stood on many occasions and even once had two councillors in the constituency.

Batley & Spen By-election

As Tracy Brabin, the Remain supporting former actress Labour MP, has now been elected as the Mayor of West Yorkshire, she has had to stand down as an MP because the mayoralty in West Yorkshire includes the West Yorkshire Police Commissionership.
Labour now has the discretion of when to call their By-election, so we do not know exactly when that By-election will take place, but we can be certain that there will be a By-Election in Batley & Spen.
Last time there was a By-election in Batley & Spen we came second and we put out this press release afterwards:-

“The English Democrats are pleased to announce that our candidate, Therese Hirst, came second in Batley and Spen which is a constituency where the English Democrats have never previously stood. Despite this we easily beat the BNP which had previously stood on many occasions and even once had two councillors in the constituency.

By contrast Labour had hundreds of activists canvassing and campaigning for weeks. They pulled in many of their high profile figures, including Jeremy Corbyn. They even had their Scottish Leader, Kezia Dugdale, come down from Glasgow with a coach load of activists! Labour also spent up to the maximum permitted by-election spend of £100,000, paying up to £5.71 per vote! Even so they had a dramatically reduced vote, despite also their established brand and their longstanding political dominance in Kirklees.

Robin Tilbrook, the Chairman of the English Democrats said:- “I heartily congratulate Therese Hirst on the campaign and on her coming second in the Batley and Spen by-election. It often seemed that the media were resolutely hostile to the English Democrats and to the English Cause, but Therese rose magnificently to the occasion. I was also very pleased that Therese’s response to the election results was to mimic Arnold Schwarzenegger’s famous film comment of “I’ll be back!”

I am looking forward to seeing whether we can beat Labour next time in the General Election when the boundary changes reduce their incumbency advantage and also when their spending is limited to the General Election’s £10,000 maximum!”

Batley & Spen is a constituency divided into, as the name sounds, two halves.
Batley is heavily Pakistani/Muslim and was the scene of the demonstrations against the Batley school and of threats to life of the Religious Education teacher who had dared to show a cartoon of Mohammed in a lesson about blasphemy.  This is the area in which multi-culturalists Labour does well.
Spen, on the other hand and the surrounding countryside, are strongly English and were over 80% identifying as “English only” in the 2021 National Census.  We therefore hope we could do very well with these voters.
We do however desperately need help with funds for the £500 deposit, £2,000 to use the Royal Mail service to deliver free leaflets to addresses in the constituency.  We also want to do posters around the constituency.  Will you help us? 
Our last candidate was Therese Hirst and she is willing to stand again, despite the dirty tactics of the Mainstream Media in ignoring or attacking us to try to undermine our vote and also Labour’s refusal to debate at any hustings with us. Therese knows that being attacked by opponents shows that they think that you are a threat!
In politics we want our supporters to love us but our opponents to hate us!
Do you care?

Donate today

Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman

English Democrats Party · PO Box 1066, 
Norwich NR14 6ZJ, United Kingdom
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7 Responses to “By-election battle at Batley.”

  1. Tapestry says:

    There is no hope for any future worthy of the name from any main party, or any other party bar this one – the English Democrats. They are fully on board with the kind of material that lands in Tap News posts, publishing their own daily update – titled ‘England’ each day with very similar material. The party leader is a human being, a respected solicitor who believes in doing whatever he/we can to turn around the collapse of cultural standards we are all faced with as part and parcel of the COVID totalitarian state. I recommend Tap News readers to support Robin Tilbrook and his party’s efforts. Politics urgently needs to break through to a better place. Here’s our chance.. Good luck Therese! I’m sending £100 now.

    • Aldous says:

      G’day Tap. Am I missing something here or do you not understand the murderous ZIONIST monster we are dealing with that doesn’t give a flying f*** for such elections?

  2. Tapestry says:

    You either do nothing Aldous. Or you do what you can. There are things we can do if we move our backsides in time. I have changed our children’s schools policies on mask-wearing and on head temperature guns, for example, with Robin Tilbrook’s advice and support. It is a glacial process but people can start to think – albeit slowly. If we show no resistance we will be carted away. No one said the job is easy or even possible, but try we must. Last year he explained to me how small shops could remain open throughout the first lockdown. This information was crucial to many businesses, and saved them from closure. Without him making the advice free, the businesses could not afford the legal advice. This is not another Farage who is always out for his own financial progress. Tilbrook may be a dreamer to some extent – of saving England’s past and all that stuff – but what else do you want? concentration camps and guillotines. Fight back as we can is my advice and what I am doing. The enemy is few in number and needs the herd to oblige or they have to stop. To move the herd takes time but it can be done.

  3. Aldous says:


    In 2016, the English Democrats didn’t even manage to get a thousand votes (or save their deposit) compared to Labour’s 17,506!
    It’s a bit rich saying the English Democrats came second and beat the BNP into third place when they didn’t do much at all – a lot like coming second in a duel.

    • Tapestry says:

      I stood for UKIP in 2001 in Shrewsbury and got 1600 votes. But right through the election William Hague turned into the biggest eurosceptic of all time. as 20% of Tories were thinking of switching to UKIP as they were attracted by the message. Hague was replaced with IDS who stopped the Euro (in the Conservatives which also stopped Blair) and in effect started the Brexit process. You don’t need to win to change the direction of the country. Attack the bastards on their own territory and they run. Try it some time. In fact try it now by supporting Robin Tilbrook. Thanks for the info on Batley. BTW Robin Tilbrook says let’s do what we can do, and not be bothered about what we can’t do. Politics always the art of the possible, and we should at least be active to find out what the possibilities will be. Otherwise there won’t be any.

      • Aldous says:

        You are right Tap and I sincerely apologise for being so negative. I will watch the By-election (now on Thursday 1st July) with much interest but I very much doubt that any candidate (other than Labour of course) will retain their deposit.
        What a truly cynical trick and stunt to pull to put Jo Cox’s sister in as the Labour candidate.

        The FPTP voting system is totally anti-democratic. From memory, I think UKIP in a fairly recent General Election got nearly a million national votes but not a single seat in Westminster, while Scotland and Northern Ireland got far less votes but quite a few seats. It’s a disgrace and nothing to do with so-called ‘democracy’.