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UK Government Is “Considering” Vaccine Passports To Enter Pubs, Shops, Events

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

After months of denying there are any plans to introduce so called vaccine passports, the British government has now admitted that not only is it considering introducing them for travel, but also merely to gain access to events spaces, and even shops and pubs.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told LBC radio that the government is considering a domestic scheme to allow greater freedoms to those who can prove they have been vaccinated.

“It’s under consideration, but of course you’ve got to make it workable,” Raab stated:

“I’m not sure there’s a foolproof answer in the way that sometimes it’s presented, but of course we’ll look at all the options,” Raab added.

Raab’s comments come after vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi declared last month that any form of vaccine passport would be ‘discriminatory’.

A senior government source also told the Telegraph that the Government has been “very cautious about this idea that if you don’t have a passport therefore somehow your liberties are curtailed”.

“As Conservatives we should be instinctively concerned about that,” the source further noted.

Despite the repeated denials, the government has continued to develop the vaccine passport system.

There are also reports that the government plans to issue exemptions for ethnic minorities, in order to avoid charges of xenophobia and racism.

Former Prime Minister, and arch globalist, Tony Blair has renewed his push for Britain to implement a standardised global vaccine passport while the country has the G7 Presidency.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Blair urged “We should plan for an agreed ‘passport’ now. The arguments against it really don’t add up.”

“The world is moving in this direction,” Blair added, saying that he “can’t see another way of this.”

“With my team at the Institute for Global Change, I have looked at this from every angle and come to this conclusion: there is no prospect of a return to anything like normal without enabling people to show their Covid status, whether that means they have been vaccinated or recently tested,” Blair proclaimed.

Blair also revealed that he is working with the World Economic Forum on its CommonPass initiative, a COVID passport scheme being pushed by a coalition of Big Tech companies, and that has received funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The CommonPass is already being implemented by all three major airline alliances.

Blair previously declared that vaccine passports are inevitable and that “It’s going to be a new world altogether.”

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One Response to “UK Government Is “Considering” Vaccine Passports To Enter Pubs, Shops, Events”

  1. ian says:

    Blair doesn’t see any other way forward other than vaccine passports. I for one, couldn’t give a flying f**k, what Bliar thinks. He knows how much he is loved, and spends a fortune of tax payers money on security services for himself. I can also guarantee, that though handguns are banned for all Brits, except for police and military, his private security won’t be armed with catapults. Like the current travel restrictions, the laws only apply to us plebs.

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