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CONCLUDING: Trump Triumph Looms

This is the third roilling update on Trump Triumph restoring the Constitution and the Republic.

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/TRUMP-Anchor-Leg

Prior  Rolling Updates:



Memorandum for the President #6: $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth Immediately Confiscatable from Wall Street

New Headlines, Videos, Graphics Below the Fold


4 January 2020

StateoftheNation: JANUARY 6th 10 MILLION MAGA MARCH & PROTEST in DC:Beware of Agents Provocateur

StateoftheNation: Watch Out for the Explosion of Election Theft Truth in the U.S. Congress on January 6th!

3 January 2021

Robert Steele: Is White House Creating a Firing Squad Lawn?

GatewayPundit: New Video Shows Dominion’s Eric Coomer Admitting Their Voting Machine Systems Are Wireless and Support All Networks

WND: ‘Morale is high’ as Trump addresses lawmakers seeking to challenge Biden electors

WND: Trump declares Georgia election ‘illegal and invalid,’ points to ‘unconstitutional’ decree


Juan O. Savin (P) President Is Ready to Use the #1 Wood (Martial Law & Insurrection Act)

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WND: Pence breaks silence on election challenge – ‘Unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations’

In a statement issued hours after a group of senators announced they would challenge the official certification of the results of the 2020 election, Vice President Mike Pence said he supported the move.

Romney Statement On Certification of Presidential Election Results

PBI: The President probably has Romney on an ankle bracelet and has already secured Romney’s video confession on Mormon child trafficking and Romney’s role as the Mormon banker, thief in chief with naked short selling investments, and money launder covering up profits from child and drug trafficking by the Mormons engages in criminal activity. We believe this to be part of the grand deception leading up to the Big Boom on 6 January.

Joanna Martin: This Is War — President MUST Invoke Insurrection Act — Includes Constitutional Roadmap for Conquering Election Fraud

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Alert Reader summarizes:


At minute 17, Pence stepped down from VP yesterday, according to Charlie Ward. I tested this and it test true for now. There was definitely a deal made.

That means the January 6th will be quite a show with Pence putting Trump in the driver’s seat before he supposedly dies on before January 20th from vaccine complications even though the syringe was empty and the needle supposedly went wide of his arm. Then Charlie goes off the deep end and suggests that JFK, Jr. is going to be VP instead of SOS Pompeo, who you know is dirty too. This is something you predicted a while back as possible.

Biden is supposed to step down, die from COVID 19, for health reasons. Biden has had a GPS on him for quite a while now and I wondered when something like this was going to be pulled. This may not matter if Trump is holding 9 aces.

We live in interesting times and anything is possible.

The next week is going to be a wild ride, for sure.

2 January 2021

TheHill: 11 Senate Republicans say they will oppose Electoral College results Wednesday

FoxNews: GOP senators, led by Cruz, to object to Electoral College certification, demand emergency [10 day] audit

RealRawNews: Epstein is the “KRAKEN”

“The real Epstein is alive right now, and he’s blabbing away to Trump. He’s spilling the beans on every one of them. He’s implicated the Clintons, the Obamas, and the whole Biden family. He has records and picture and video of Joe and Hunter Biden visiting Epstein Island seventeen times in the last five years. There’s video of Joe and Hunter double-teaming a…never mind, I can’t even say it. Trump is getting all the info he needs to show Congress who Joe Biden really is. Even if the election was legitimate, these revelations prove that a person like Joe Biden can never be president,” our source said.

Sidney Powell: Evidence of Foreign Interference in Three Documents

Parler:  Twelve Senators Demand Audit

Team Trump · @TeamTrump  ·



Senator Josh Hawley
Senator Ted Cruz
Senator Ron Johnson
Senator James Lankford
Senator Steve Daines
Senator John Kennedy
Senator Marsha Blackburn
Senator Mike Braun
Senator Cynthia Lummis
Senator Roger Marshall
Senator Bill Hagerty
Senator Tommy Tuberville

TapNewsWire: Whistleblower from Federal Circuit Court told agents a nation state has been BLACKMAILING Chief Justice John Roberts since prior to his nomination

ArmstrongEconomics: Pence & it is His Duty to Count or Reject Votes

PBI: Armstrong provides a detailed overview of the nuances including the unconstitutional aspects now in effect as we go toward 6 January 2020.

1 January 2021

GatewayPundit: WE CAUGHT THEM: Pallets of Fake Ballots in Georgia’s Fulton County Were Identified, Filmed and Sampled Before Moving Trucks Picked Them Up and Shredded Them

WNDELECTION FRAUD What if Biden concedes on Jan. 6? – Exclusive: Craige McMillan says 2021 ‘could be ‘glorious for ordinary people’

GatewayPundit: HUGE BREAKING NEWS! — VIDEO RELEASED of Vans Removing Ballots from GA Warehouse with Armed Guards to Sheriff Jackson’s Office — THEY GOT A MAP!

StillnessintheStorm: President Trump Renewed His Emergency Executive Order [On Confiscating Wealth from Human Trafficers] and No One Noticed

StillnessintheStorm: Trump Team Plotting to Present Never-Before-Seen “Specific Evidence” to Congress on January 6, 2021

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Received via text from Juan O. Savin:

NewsWars: Attorney Lin Wood States Jeffrey Epstein is Alive

PBI: As we have said all along.  Learn more here and here.

31 December 2020

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GatewayPundit: BREAKING BIG: Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Called in Trucks to Get Rid of the Evidence in Fulton County He is Supposed to be Scanning! (VIDEO)

NewAmerican: Trump Seeks Chance to Offer Evidence of Vote Fraud During Jan. 6 Vote Certification

30 December 2020

GatewayPundit: THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA… “This Isn’t the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!” – Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia’s Corrupted 2020 Election Results

29 December 2020

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CONCLUDING: Trump Triumph Looms

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David DuByne - Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns

We see vast changes are occurring in every aspect of life exactly at the same time across the entire planet. Ask yourself why, and why at this time when vast electromagnetic Earth changes are timelined out through October 2024 as the four gas giants form a square in the outer solar system that was last seen in 79 A.D, that our world is radically changing.

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