Catherine Austin Fitts | It’s a coup d’etat, not a virus.

This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary.

We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine’s analysis can be found at:

The full film, when released, will be available at

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The end of all currencies in all countries on the planet is the game in play.  To herd the sheep into the slaughterhouse, they are running a fake epidemic to generate fear, so people turn to government.  Invisible virus enables enormous control mechanisms, surveillance of education, work and prevention of social gathering.  They want people to buy into a new system, a digital money control system, where they can turn people off the digital monetary system if they don’t cooperate.

All the small businesses on main street are being categorised as non-essential allowing the corporations to grab their market share.  Then they can’t find money to feed their kids and are driven out and can no longer operate independently of the system.  It’s a political/economic programme/war dressed up as a pandemic.  Billionaires are richer by 70%, while the independent sectors are driven to the wall.  Companies with digital systems are dramatically increasing in strength while ordinary people are pushed to the edge.

It’s a coup d’etat not a virus.

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