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A Roundup of This Weekend’s Anti-Tyranny Protests in Europe [VIDEOS]

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

Here’s a roundup of some of this weekend’s marches against covid tyranny. Berlin was a particularly key venue on Sunday because of a 3-day World Health Summit originally planned to take place at its Kosmos Convention Centre.

Regarding Italy, although certain curfews have been imposed and regional leaders have authority to set their own regulations, we’re not sure if the Italian government is going to go for full national lockdown or regional lockdowns (as opposed to nightly curfews). This tweet was put out by Councillor Francesco Lari late on Sunday night (Oct 25), who is of Italian origin but resides in the UK. The responses to his tweet are interesting:



Germany’s CDC equivalent, the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, got one of its windows firebombed with inflammable liquid thrown in bottles in the early hours of Sunday morning. The manipulation of the virus plandemic through certain figures at the RKI were no less grievous than those perpetrated by the CDC. Drs. Karina Reiss and Sucharit Bhakdi outline the surprising mis-steps the Robert Koch Institute made during the ‘pandemic’ in chapter 1 of their highly illuminating short book, Corona False Alarm? The role of these people is part of ACU2020 lawyer Reiner Fuellmich‘s class action lawsuit. The short RT report on this matter makes no mention of their role in hyping up the virus threat. Anecdotal reporting, however, reveals the German authorities, in which RKI figures, are worried about the class action lawsuit and other revelations.

See Germany’s top Covid-19 research body firebombed overnight in possible politically motivated arson attack – police



This Deutsche Welle (MSM alert) piece reports how Sunday’s protest in Berlin was timed for the kick off of a World Health Summit 3-day conference to be hosted at the Kosmos convention center in Berlin, which then went online:

Protest timed for health summit

Protesters were set to march down Karl-Marx-Allee to the Kosmos convention center about 2.7 kilometers (1.6 miles) away.

The venue was originally scheduled to host the World Health Summit on Sunday, but the conference was moved online due to rising infection rates in the German capital.

German Health Minister Jens Spahn and other members of the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s health authority, were scheduled to speak at the conference.

The freedom protest group Querdenken (‘lateral thinking’) staged a protest march through Berlin around the noon hour. This is an awkward translation of a short report from the Berliner Kurier:

Several anti-corona demonstrations will take place in Berlin on Sunday. Around 12 o’clock 1,000 people have gathered on the Alexanderplatz. The motto of the demonstration is “Restoring basic and human rights and ending the pandemic”.

… The demonstrators marched from Alexanderplatz via Karl-Marx Avenue to Frankfurter Avenue. The police initially stopped them because not everyone wore masks and kept their distances. The protesters shouted: “Freedom, masks off, shame on you! Several arrests were made. Among those arrested was the lawyer Markus Haintz, who represents the movement Querdenken. The lawyer Markus Haintz was taken away by the police. (pictured right)

Some of the protesters broke out of the train. The police made an overstrained impression. Several side streets around Strausberger Platz had been blocked off by the police on Sunday afternoon.

In the early afternoon, the demonstrators marched in front of the “Kosmos” club on Karl-Marx-Allee. The organization Querdenken had registered a follow-up rally there with 2,400 people. Because distances were not kept and no masks were worn, the police asked the organizers to stop the rally. When this did not happen fast enough, the police stormed the stage.

Since 2 p.m., several demos have also been running at Pariser Platz directly in front of the Brandenburg Gate. For 5pm, Querdenken announced a rally with up to 10,000 people at the large star.

Markus Haintz can be seen in a video here, shot on August 29, 2020 in Berlin introducing Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the audience when Kennedy addressed a large crowd of freedom protestors.

Haintz was apparently hurt during scuffles with police. ACU2020 founder Dr. Heiko Schoning was forbidden from seeing him after he had been injured. This tweet from Piers Robinson gives you an idea of the violent nature of the arrest:

This 6-hour video of Sunday afternoon’s gathering and march is courtesy of Epoch Times Deutsch. On stage at the beginning, Markus Haintz addresses the crowd; behind him on stage is Dr. Heiko Schoning. Below is the English translation of what is posted below this video on youtube, referencing the World Health Summit and its list of globalist/WHO participants:

Due to the current corona situation, the WHS summit (World Health Summit 25-27 October) will take place exclusively in digital form this year. The opening event next Sunday, at 6:00 pm, will be available as a livestream, as will the 50 other meetings within this framework.

Participants will include Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, UN Secretary-General Anónio Guterres and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Prof. Dr. Detlev Ganten, founder and president of the World Health Summit, commented on the decision to hold a purely digital rather than a hybrid event: “For the World Health Summit, global health and the personal health of the participants are the top priority.

COVID-19 shows how crucial international cooperation is, Ganten continued: “The World Health Summit as one of the leading conferences on global health is more important than ever. The digital format allows for worldwide participation, active involvement and even wider dissemination”.

At the same time, a call for protest is being made in Berlin. There will be actions by “Gemeinsam stark” and zeigmirdeinlaecheln.de. The “protest march – all of us together in peace – for change as well as against the obligation to wear masks” (as of October 22nd) will lead on Sunday at 12:00 pm from Alexanderplatz to the forecourt in front of the Kosmos (Karl-Marx-Allee 131A).



This RT report on protests in Poland combines anti-lockdown protests with pro-abortion protests. Protests in cities other than Warsaw took place, but it isn’t clear if others are related to restrictive covid measures or abortion. See Anti-lockdown and pro-choice protesters descend on Warsaw, traffic blockade & women’s strike planned next (PHOTOS)



This Daily Mail piece predictably labels pro-freedom demonstrators ‘far right’: Riots in Rome: Far-right protestors clash with police in Italian capital during second night of demonstrations against coronavirus restrictions. It gives no insight into the issue, just a blanket repeat of the ‘cases are rising’ mantra, with a series of dramatic photos:

As in France, the Italian government has so far opted to avoid a national lockdown, but has gone for local curfews instead:

According to a draft decree, public gyms and swimming pools may be closed and bars and restaurants told to shut from 6pm, while people will be encouraged not to travel outside their home districts.

Like many authorities across Europe, the Italian government is desperate not to close down the economy completely but is facing growing public anger at renewed restrictions that are being imposed to limit public gatherings.

Late on Friday, crowds in the southern city of Naples clashed with police in protest against a night-time curfew in the Campania region.

Earlier in the week, overnight curfews were ordered by local governors in Campania, Lazio around the capital Rome, and Lombardy, the epicentre of the first wave where the financial capital Milan recorded more than 1,000 new cases on Saturday.



Naples saw protests taking place on Friday night after an ongoing curfew was announced (Anti-lockdown protesters smash police cars in Naples after new Covid-19 restrictions announced (VIDEOS)):

The mass protests in Naples and the port town of Salerno took place despite the nighttime curfew which was imposed by the regional governor and began on Friday. Residents of the southern Campania region were ordered to stay home from 11pm to 5am until November 13.

The public was further outraged when Governor Vincenzo De Luca announced on Friday that an “immediate” lockdown for up to 40 days was essential to stop the spread of the coronavirus.“The current data on the infection rate suggests that any type of partial measures is ineffective,” he said, explaining that it was vital to close down “everything,” except for businesses providing essential services, and to block movement between the regions.

See also this from Zerohedge yesterday (Oct 25): Italians Rise Up Against “Health Dictatorship” As Country Moves Toward New Lockdown



This from pro-Establishment Garda World:


Police officers in London arrested at least 18 protesters on Saturday, October 24, during demonstrations taking place over coronavirus disease (COVID-19) lockdown restrictions. Three police officers also suffered minor injuries whilst attempting to break up protests. Demonstrators gathered at Hyde Park from 12:00 (local time), and related gatherings were also reported outside Buckingham Palace, and at Trafalgar Square. Disruptions were also reported on Westminster Bridge. The arrests were reportedly made for offences including breaching COVID-19 regulations, assaulting an emergency service worker, and for violent disorder.

Similar demonstrations have taken place in recent days, particularly after the capital moved tier two lockdown restrictions, the second-highest COVID-19 alert level, following an uptick in cases. Further demonstrations are likely in the near term. A heightened security presence and localized travel disruptions should be anticipated in the vicinity of any rally.

Here is a short video clip from Sky News showing demonstrators at Trafalgar Square.

This is a surprisingly reasonable piece from The Guardian, which refrains from the ‘far right’ pejorative:

Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters are marching through central London.

With anger brewing at the perceived unfairness of local lockdowns and increasing disagreement over the effectiveness of restrictions and the science of the pandemic, people travelled from across the country to attend the capital’s fourth mass protest against the government’s coronavirus measures.

Louise Creffield, the founder of Save Our Rights UK, one of the organisations behind the demonstration, said: “We believe that the coronavirus regulations that are in place are not proportionate and appropriate, and are causing more harm than good.

“We are very concerned with protecting people’s human rights: right to privacy, family life, bodily autonomy, medical freedoms, and so on. We are not just concerned with lockdowns per se, we are concerned with the infringements with our privacy by having this track and trace everywhere.

“The impact of the actions taken by the government are numerous, so we are not willing to support that, and we are keen to take a stance.”



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

A Roundup of This Weekend’s Anti-Tyranny Protests in Europe [VIDEOS]

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