Edinburgh Campus Branded “World’s Most Expensive Prison”

An Edinburgh student holds up a “fresh” sandwich she has been provided with by the University

Students at Edinburgh University are getting fed up with being forced to eat out-of-date junk food, in spite of paying £8,500 a year for food and accommodation in halls of residence. The Mail has more.

A first-year economics student, Tess Bailie, 18, has started a social media campaign to protest the poor conditions her fellow undergraduates are being forced to isolate in.

Her Instagram account, The UK’s Most Expensive Prison, has revealed that some students with nut allergies are being given foods with nuts in.

Another anonymous picture sent to the account shows dead mice allegedly in the pantry of one of the university’s halls of residence.

One student claimed they hadn’t been given food for two days while another said they had been given out of date food.

Worth reading in full.



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