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Italy’s Conte: ‘There will be No New Lockdown’

ER Editor: Thanks to Twitter member Councillor Francesco Lari from the UK for alerting us to this article, with appropriate comment.

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Please note below that in the case of France, it is only suffering from more ‘cases’ in the way that every country is, i.e. it is obsessively testing healthy people with the PCR test, notorious for producing many false positives. There’s no wave of sickness here. See WATCH: French Professor of Medicine DESTROYS Masks, ‘2nd Wave’, Lockdown Narrative.


Coronavirus, Conte: “There will be no new lockdown. The country must run safely”

The Prime Minister: We need caution but we must not restrict economic activities”. The school node and the Recovery Plan dossier


If France is sadly on the way to a retreat that has to reckon with more than 7,000 contagions, Italy accuses an increase in the number of positives, which is kept under constant observation by Chigi Palace (ER: the residence of Giuseppe Conte) but which at the moment does not prefigure scenarios similar to those of Paris. President Emmanuel Macron spoke of a possible second national lockdown, while Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte reiterates that he sees no prospect of a new complete closure of activities.

The monitoring of the curve

The premier’s judgement is based on the fact that the increase in the number of infected people is not matched, for the moment, by an increase in hospital admissions. The health care system is in a very different situation compared to a few months ago, when intensive care therapy was collapsing. But Chigi Palace also claims the method worked:

“We have worked so far in a methodical way, in the sign of precaution – explain from the offices – We are the only ones to have developed a sophisticated monitoring mechanism of the contagion curve, based on 21 parameters that return a detailed risk analysis, which descends into territorial evaluations even very limited”.

Limited closures, if necessary

A system that should make it possible to intervene, if necessary, with limiting measures that are also geographically well defined. So, at least for now, there are no plans to return to lockdown. As Premier Conte explains:

“With our system, we are confident that we can tackle the autumn with caution but without restricting economic activity. We must comply with the minimum precautionary rules in force that will allow us to support the recovery that has already occurred in recent months, as certified by Istat. The country must run in safety”.

The Ciae meeting

Run safely. Almost a contradiction in terms. And in any case not very easy, given the disastrous situation of the race course, but necessary, considering that the economy cannot remain at a standstill for much longer. For this reason it is also accelerating the Recovery Plan. Wednesday morning, September 9, will be held in Chigi the second meeting of Ciae, the Interministerial Committee of European Affairs, the body chaired by the Minister for European Affairs Enzo Amendola. After the European Council a first meeting was held. Throughout the month of August there were technical tables of the ministries involved and now we will try to draw conclusions from the work done. Also because the times are very tight and the date of 15 October is approaching, when the plan will have to be presented to Europe.


Italy’s Conte: ‘There will be No New Lockdown’

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