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Organisation with something to hide persecutes honest surgeon



The following article is from John Carlton, founding member of the Free People Alliance, in support of Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil, whose courageous stand we featured recently on UK Reloaded, although one of the videos featured in the article has since been taken down by YouTube as part of the great cover-up by the criminal cartels behind the Coronavirus Psyop.

The persecution of a highly skilled  and valuable surgeon capable of saving many lies and his suspension not for inability to do his job but for (gasp!) speaking his mind contrasts sharply with the government’s televised hand-wringing and professed devotion to the NHS. If they care that much about the NHS and its staff, why stand by and allow a pharmaceutical front group to spit on our cultural values of fair play, justice and the freedom of ideas by enacting the injustice of a rigged hearing to destroy the career of an NHS surgeon for expressing his opinion?

It is an indicator of the degree to which someone is determined to cover up crimes – present and planned –  against the NHS and the British people and of the degree to which NHS staff are pressured into keeping silent. One wonders just how big and ugly is the can of worms upon which the lid is being kept so tightly screwed.

GMC targets Surgeon for exercising his Right to Free Speech

Our dear friend, Dr Adil, is being persecuted by the GMC for speaking out against COVID19 and the lockdown.

The GMC have unlawfully suspended Dr Adil’s license to practice for 12 months for speaking his professional viewpoint on the Covid-19 pandemic and the far-reaching effects of the lockdown on the economy, public health and wellbeing. His videos on social media have been appreciated by many thousands of people across the world in helping to reduce the stress and fear created by the mainstream media.

Dr Adil is a consultant surgeon with over 30 years experience in the NHS helping patients will life-threatening conditions.

The GMC called Dr Adil for a hearing giving him only 4 working days to prepare for the hearing over a Skype conference on 1st June 2020.

Dr Adil made two requests for an adjournment so that he could instruct legal counsel and prepare his defence; both requests were rejected by the GMC.

The GMC did not provide Dr Adil with the documentation bundle of 247 pages prior to the hearing – after the hearing started he was given just 90 minutes to read the 247 pages of documents and to prepare his defence.

Dr Adil has had his license to practice suspended for a period of 12 months, also implying that if he speaks out again he will not get his license back.

This action by the GMC is part of a campaign to close down any doctor or nurse from speaking their truth or saying anything against the mainstream media narrative relating to Covid-19.

We are mid launching a CrowdJustice appeal to win his license back and open the door for all doctors to speak their truth without fear or threat – this will open the floodgates for many doctors to tell us what they know is true but have so far been muzzled under threat of sanctions from the GMC.

Your support when this is appeal goes live would be very much appreciated and will make a significant contribution to our cause of restoring our freedoms. [UKR editor’s note: as soon as this goes live, we’ll publish the link]

Dr Adil has been very brave and heroic to do what he has done – Thank you Dr Adil!

Organisation with something to hide persecutes honest surgeon

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