The US Department of Defense – Warp Speed was a DoD/Central Bank coup
Thu 4:55 pm +00:00, 27 Feb 2025 1Catherine Austin Fitts
“Fundamentally, though, we need to understand that we are staring down the barrel of a coup d’état, mass atrocity, and a serious escalation of global military operations. Someone is trying to kill us, and DOD works for them, not for us”
“One of the reasons I am grateful for Sasha Latypova’s work and that of her colleague Katherine Watt of
The latest Rasmussen poll from May 2024 indicates that nearly one out of five Americans surveyed know someone who was killed by the Covid shots.1 Various statistics and estimates of the rising number of Americans disabled by the shots or still working but made chronically ill indicate that the problem is far wider than just the death toll. Fertility and life expectancy statistics, too, indicate that what I describe as “the Great Poisoning” is accelerating.
People from all walks of life are pushing back against the steady technocratic centralization of control. One of the most powerful ways to push back is through the financial system, including the intertwined systems that govern taxation, banking, and investments. If the federal government is operating outside the law—and certainly poisoning and bankrupting American citizens counts as such—then we need to stop financing its criminal behavior and find ways to finance the movement of our institutions back into lawful governance and management. To do that, it is essential to understand how the money works at the institutions involved.
To that end, I thought I would provide some musings on the Department of Defense and its finances in the hopes that this may help identify effective ways to push to enforce the law as expressed by the Constitution—that is, as opposed to new “rules” invented under the pretense of an emergency (such as we experienced pursuant to DOD’s Operation Warp Speed) or surprise legislation pushed through using the pretext of a national security threat (such as the Patriot Act, which I sometimes refer to as the “Consolidation and Concentration of Cash Flow Act”). This requires mentioning a variety of events in which I have encountered the extensive activities of the Defense Department. These events may appear disparate—hence the title “Musings”—but bear with me while I connect the dots”
Full text at above link
Section headings, with some selected quotes:
The Central Banking-Warfare Model
For approximately 500 years, the Western world has operated on an economic model sometimes referred to as the “central banking-warfare model.” In brief, the central banks create money, and the military and intelligence services make sure that the money is accepted in trade for labor and natural resources; military-intelligence players also help provide the necessary enforcement that supports liquidity of the money and related instruments such as bonds and stocks. (For a full description, see my discussion of the dollar system in my 2019 report, The State of Our Currencies: The End of Currencies.2)
Every 100 or so years, the reserve currency system seems to go through a reset. We are currently in the midst of such a reset.
The central bankers began a new reset in 2019 called the Going Direct Reset. The Solari Report published John Titus’s brilliant review for subscribers,3 as well as a public summary.4
The best way to understand DOD’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is in the context of the Going Direct Reset—OWS is one aspect of the implementation of this reset. By the very nature of the central banking-warfare model, the central bankers and military must act and pivot together.
Planet Debt
Debt is one of the key components of the central banking-warfare model. An indebted country, business, or person is controllable. If a foreign country borrows in dollars, they need to earn dollars to service and pay back their debt. When the U.S. Treasury issues its currency with debt instead of issuing greenbacks directly from the Treasury without debt, it finds itself highly leveraged and dependent on the central bank and the bond market.
Recent reports from around the world indicate that national heads of state and officials are going along with various pandemic and health restrictions that are not in the best interests of their people because their countries are in a debt trap; if they do not go along, their loans will not be renewed. There is an old saying: “All wars are bankers’ wars.” Debt is part of that game—interest is part of the tithe to the empire.
Recent reports on the erosion of the U.S. dollar’s petrodollar status often fail to consider the extent to which the petrodollar has been replaced by a global “debt dollar.”
DOD: A Big Annual Budget
My DOD Employment Offer
DOD: Missing $20 Trillion
Fiscal 1998 was when vast amounts of money started to go missing from DOD and HUD, with those two agencies consistently refusing to produce audited financial statements as required by law.
Secret money was not a new phenomenon in the U.S., however. Subsequent to the passage of the National Security Act in 1947 and the CIA Act in 1949, the growth of secret money at DOD and Treasury was noteworthy. For those interested in this history, see Dr. Joseph Farrell’s presentations on the hidden system of finance
The Role of Defense Contractors
My Lunch Invitation from the U.S. Navy
Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56a
The DOD’s refusal, for 25-plus years, to produce audited financial statements and its increasing inability to account for $20 trillion of undocumentable adjustments resulted, in 2018, in a new administrative policy promulgated with the approval of a bipartisan Congress and the Trump White House: Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56 (FASAB 56).15
Underground Bases and Secrecy
Global Spraying and High-Tech Fires: Who Controls U.S. Air Space?
Narcotics Trafficking
Pension and Retirement Funds
The Great Poisoning vs. a Land Army
Next Steps for NATO
Take Action: What Can We Do?
Fundamentally, though, we need to understand that we are staring down the barrel of a coup d’état, mass atrocity, and a serious escalation of global military operations. Someone is trying to kill us, and DOD works for them, not for us. So, we should think twice before we encourage our children and grandchildren to enlist. We should also think twice about a U.S. military that consists of a significant number of immigrants. Or about going to war with a military that is not prepared to win.
“For approximately 500 years, the Western world has operated on an economic model sometimes referred to as the “central banking-warfare model” …
Approximately 500 years ago – The Vatican Jesuits were formed – who control the world’s central banks and money system thru their Catholic Knights of Malta order –