One of the First Things I Did after My Health Scare Was to Stop Eating Any Artificial Dyes
Sat 9:13 pm +00:00, 22 Feb 2025 4Dan Johns
One of the first things I did after my health scare was to stop eating any artificial dyes. That one change alone was truly the starting point to regaining my health.
I’m hoping that you’ve already banned dyes from your diet too (which is amazing!) But, if you haven’t––Let me give you 10 solid reasons to never eat artificial dyes again:
Food companies use artificial dyes to get you to eat MORE of their processed product, which increases their sales (and your waistline).
We already have a major obesity problem in this country, and this is just making it worse.
Products with dyes are already insanely processed and universally unhealthy. When you ban dyes from your diet, you automatically avoid much of the heavily processed junk in stores that is horrible for your health.
The Southampton Study in 2007 found a strong link between artificial dye consumption in children and increasing hyperactivity.
When 3 – to 8-year-olds were given test mixtures, they became “significantly more hyperactive”.
Six artificial dyes require a warning label in Europe that they “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children”. If other countries deem them a risk, shouldn’t we also?
In a recent scientific review, 16 out of 25 of studies associated dyes with neurobehavioral issues in children.
There are now over 7 million children diagnosed with ADHD in this country. This is a million more children than in 2016. mayday! Mayday!
We have a problem.
The “acceptable levels” of dyes in food are based on 35- to 70-year-old studies, before the effects on children were known. We now know that just 1 mg of dye can cause hyperactivity, while one serving of TRIX may contain over 30 mg!
A 2015 study found that artificial dyes can disrupt the immune system – making it easier for you and your kids to get sick.
Researchers massaged Yellow 5 onto mice, and it turned their skin transparent. Just imagine what these dyes are doing to our insides–WTF.
Artificial dyes are made from petroleum. This is obviously not food, and many of us have been bamboozled into believing that it’s okay to eat cheap artificial substances made from crude oil…isn’t it time we stop believing that?
Artificial dyes can be contaminated with cancer-causing substances. With cancer cases going up 1-2% per year in young people, getting carcinogens out of our food should be a top priority.
Check the ingredient label for these popular artificial dyes…
Yellow 5
Yellow 6
Red 40
Blue 1
Red 3 (banned but still in food until 2027)
Titanium Dioxide (banned in EU)
Caramel Colour (often made from Ammonia)
“Colour Added” (could be hidden Titanium Dioxide)
Send this email to your friends and family, and get them on board too.
If everyone banned artificial dyes from their diets, Big Food would be forced to take them out immediately.
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I’m wondering who would eat ‘food’ coated in dyes in the first place. Surely it’s evident that something this artificial is no good for our health.
If we’re talking about children, don’t parents look at what they’re buying before they give in to their offspring? Obviously if it’s brightly coloured, it will appeal to children; that’s why it’s brightly coloured!
I quite agree Belyi, but with all this “health and safety” they assume its safe to eat and there are natural dyes that are safe eat.
This is where your own research comes in. I take nobody’s word for anything, certainly not civil servants or people with a vested interest in the subject.
I know things have greatly changed since my grandmother’s day, but she, who, like many other people, had very little money, insisted that one should only buy the best of food because in that case (in those days) you didn’t have to pay the doctor.
There are natural dyes that are safe to eat, but I have a little book on additives that I would consult if in any doubt.
Nature cannot be found inside a factory.