The sparks fly as Europe realises it’s being dumped.
Sat 7:08 pm +00:00, 15 Feb 2025Ronald is Dumping the EU as regards Ukraine. The sparks fly as European unelected officials who believed themselves all powerful find themselves totally irrelevant to US and Putin’s negotiations.
Dump is the true friend of Farage after all!!!! (TAP)
I imagine he sold all his defense shares prior to being elected. They are crashing as the US shows no willingness to continue the proxy war in Ukraine which it is losing, and the costs are too high.
While the US is unwilling to fight for (Ukraine) militarily or financially, the US (Wall St) still hopes to get the lion’s share of the carve-up of Ukraine by offering Putin enough sweeteners, and to freeze the conflict so the US can possibly come back later with he right weaponry.
Russia can only lose position by allowing a freeze of the conflict.
Berletic’s view is that the US is still seeking dominance of the world. It just wants to manouevre Russia into a weaker position.
Dump is dumping the EU but expects Europe to fight harder against Russia than previously. That seems most unlikely to happen.
In WW1 and WW2 the US turned up towards the end and tidied up. The US never wants to do the main fighting.
That’s all for the vassals and the proxies. Putin only has to keep going and his enemies are all falling apart (TAP).
Biden created the mess. Dump wants to dump it all but how?
Pepe Escobar also sees the weakness of the US’ position.