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Dump Is The Reset Wrecking Ball


This opinion runs very contrary to the “Dump is a force for good” narrative

Most of this opinion of Richard’s is a possibility that seems very possible to me

[I’m not convinced about his WW3 hot war narrative, can’t see how that is really possible now]

Dump is a knowing Warpspeed agent after all

He knew the game then and he surely knows the game now

Time will tell, we should know soon enough

2025 seems set to be pivotal and revealing


Feb 11, 2025

Poor MAGA dumbtards. They falsely believe that Donald Trump has been anointed by God to Make America Great Again, when all the evidence points to a completely contrary conclusion.

This short video is instructive:

Think of the towering, rusty, out of production blast furnace in the video, as the decayed, corrupt, past the expiration date, unproductive, unprofitable U$$A, Inc. – – so-called “America.” Now think of Donald Trump as the wrecking ball/crane operator, hard at work taking apart and bringing down “America.”

Yeah, I know he’s been spewing propaganda about Making America Great Again. But it’s all political rhetoric, you see. It’s a political show to bamboozle fools and simpletons (of whom there are many millions).

Let me put it in perspective.

First of all, what DOGE is doing resembles nothing so much as what happens when Fortune 500 companies buy up an underperforming, failing competitor, and then begin a rigorous audit, identifying the weak subsidiaries, the vulnerable subsidiaries, the unprofitable subsidiaries; and then set to work mercilessly slashing the work force of the company that has been bought up, laying off workers and staff by the thousands, and abruptly shutting down or eliminating nonproductive, unprofitable units.

I have written before that the massively bankrupt U$$A, Inc. has already failed, and is in receivership by/to its creditors – – or whoever ultimately owns the planet. I’ve heard various theories, but won’t explore that tangent here.

Put another way, one could conceive of Donald Trump as the ultimate repo man. He shows up on the scene with a tow truck, and sets to work confiscating underwater merchandise. Elon Musk and his junkyard DOGE are his sidekicks.

So that’s one aspect of what we’re seeing. Trump/Musk/DOGE are not on the scene to Make America Great Again. Oh, no, quite the opposite. They’re hard at work disassembling/stripping down/taking apart/wrecking the corporate USA, which I call the U$$A, Inc. It’s a spectacularly failed, massively corrupt and bankrupt, multi-trillion dollar, two and half centuries old, globe spanning corporation/criminal syndicate.

So that’s the first part, the corporate liquidation phase of the take down of the U$$A, Inc. It has only been under way for three weeks. It is only getting started.

Impending Global Warfare, aka, World War III

The second, even more spectacular phase of MAGA, will involve kinetic military conflict; you know, with bombers and bombs, jet fighters, missiles, aircraft carrier battle groups, submarines, tanks, artillery, drones, hundreds of thousands or millions of soldiers, marines, sailors, etc.

That is to say, a hot war, which by the way could see bombing runs, missile strikes, and outright boots on the ground military invasion of the Lower 48 States/CONUS by the Chinese and Russians.

Things are just that serious.

We have entered a major historical inflection point, on the other side of which the U$$A, Inc. will not be “great” in any way whatsoever, if it even will exist any longer, whether as a coherent political entity, or physically!

Consider that in just three weeks, Donald Trump has been talking openly to the news media about:

  • seizing the Panama Canal and putting it under U$$A, Inc. control
  • seizing the Gaza Strip, leveling it, developing it and putting it under U$$A, Inc. control
  • annexing Canada and incorporating it into the U$$A, Inc.
  • seizing Greenland and incorporating it as a U$$A, Inc. territory
  • going to war against the Mexican narco-cartels

He is completely serious about all of this. If he puts all of these bullet points into action, then war, a lot of war, is a guarantee; because he’s going to have to deploy major military force to accomplish these objectives. World War II was fought over less.

And mind you, these are just the things that he’s publicly mentioning. What other plans and schemes might there be that he’s playing closer to the vest?

Then There Is The Unspoken Part

Beyond which, as Trump/Musk/DOGE dismantle the corporate U$$A, Inc., and set the so-called “country” on a path to World War III, what happens domestically? How does the sharply politically and geographically divided “country” react, as all the population think that they have known collapses around their ears?

Do the Lower 48 States dissolve into societal chaos? Will there be a civil war or civil uprising?

We’ll find out.

What I do know is that the MAGA agenda is headed in a very different direction, and will have a vastly different outcome, than the majority of those who voted for Trump can conceive of.

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One Response to “Dump Is The Reset Wrecking Ball”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Always dumping dirt on his victims. Pleasing his dumptards.

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