The Book Of Enoch was removed from the bible. Why?
Mon 10:15 pm +00:00, 10 Feb 2025 1Roger explains his point of view. Enoch describes exactly what Roger is seeing in his mudfossil analysis, and should be reassessed as factual, not mythical. What does myth mean? It’s a story which is basically true but which cannot be believed (having no media support), and is treated as if entertanment, sometimes being altered to the point of total impossibility. History on the other hand is a story which is basically untrue but which has been honed and worked on to the point that most people are lead to believe it. The winners of power who control the media and other channels desire their version of events to become the established version. Myth is the stuff they want ushered to the wings and forgotten. People like Enoch.
Very well put that Tap. In summary,
Myth is often truth, Roger and others show that clearly
History is often lies, we’ve seen that here over and over
Control of media is key, that’s what cements the lies in place
Roger is a good guy and this vid is enjoyable and informative. Well worth a look if interested in this subject. He says things that really chimed for me, light and truth. Makes you realise just how much knowledge has been lost or deliberately buried and kept from us