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INVESTIGATION: American “news” is mostly written by Israeli lobbyists pushing Zionist agenda

Ethan Huff – Natural News Nov 20, 2024

Mint Press News conducted an in-depth investigation into who writes America’s “news,” and the findings are shocking, though expected.

It turns out that hundreds of former Israeli lobbyists from groups like AIPAC (American-Israeli Political Action Committee), StandWithUs, and CAMERA are pretty much running the largest media organizations in the United States, including at MSNBC, The New York Times, CNN and Fox News.

Specifically with news related to the Israel-Palestine situation, these embedded Israeli lobbyists are steering what millions of Americans believe about what Israel really is and what is really going on in the Middle East right now.

“Many key U.S. newsroom staff were also formerly Israeli spies or intelligence agents, standing in stark contrast to journalists with pro-Palestine sentiments, who have been purged en masse since October 7, 2023,” reports Mint Press News.

(Related: Did you catch our report about how The Jerusalem Post recently ran a celebratory piece about all the powerful Jews who control the world?)

Pro-Israel American media

While the Israel-Palestine conflict is about as old as time itself, it is a relatively new phenomenon for many Americans to learn that this conflict has now come to the United States via the “news.”

For years, Israeli lobbyists have controlled what gets published, most of it having a pro-Israel slant. Most people now seem to know that the corporate media is generally untrustworthy, but it is new information for them to learn that actual pro-Israel activists are the ones telling most of the stories about the Middle East.

According to Mint Press News, the job of these Israeli lobbyists is to “whitewash Israeli crimes and manufacture consent for continued U.S. participation in what a wide range of international organizations have described as a genocide.”

Take NBCUniversal, for instance, where journalist and associated producer Kayla Steinberg works. Back in 2018, Steinberg introduced herself to the world with an immediate admission that she is a Zionist through and through.

“The summer before my first year of college, I attended the AIPAC New England Leadership Dinner and absolutely loved it,” Steinberg said at the time.

“After going to Saban, I knew I had to get involved in [AIPAC] and go back to Israel … I dream of being a journalist someday, and I hope to write about Israel or Judaism. WIPAC and AIPAC have taught me so much about how important it is for the U.S. to be Israel’s greatest friend, and I know now why I am proudly pro-Israel.”

NBCUniversal hired “many” former Israeli lobbyists like Steinberg – and keep in mind that NBCUniversal is a conglomerate that owns all sorts of other well-known media outlets including CNBC, NBC News and MSNBC.

NBC reporter Emma Goss is another whose career in media began with a trip to Israel where she helped make a documentary for Write on For Israel.

“This Zionist group aims to educate young Jewish students to ‘make a difference on college campuses’ by learning about Jewish identity and anti-Semitism in American universities,” Mint Press News explains.

CNBC markets and investing reporter Samantha Subin’s media career likewise began with pro-Israel lobbying. In 2016, she accepted an internship at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), described as a pro-Israel think tank “created by the research director of AIPAC as a front group.”

“There was no question that WINEP was to be AIPAC’s cutout,” said a former AIPAC employee about WINEP. “It was funded by AIPAC donors, staffed by AIPAC employees, and located one door away, down the hall, from AIPAC headquarters.”

Brandon Glantz, NBCUniversal‘s senior director of global privacy operations, used to work for Hillel International, the largest Jewish campus organization in the world. On LinkedIn, Glantz describes his role at Hillel in terms of “Israel advocacy.”

The latest news about the lying corporate media can be found at

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3 Responses to “INVESTIGATION: American “news” is mostly written by Israeli lobbyists pushing Zionist agenda”

  1. danceaway says:

    Is anyone surprised? No, I thought not…..But a useful visual to contemplate and digest.

    • Gordon says:

      That’s why I have said here that America and Israel are going down together. Won’t be long now.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        Agreed Gordon, it will likely take a few years though

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