Trump, Fema and the removal of the US Constitution
Tue 2:57 pm +00:00, 19 Nov 2024Joshua
Tranny Trump during his previous ‘acting role’ of president rushed thru operation warpspeed and handed over control of the US to Fema and dismantled the US Constitution
The Federal Reserve Act was passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. – Wikipedia.
One of the greatest traitors of all time : the Jesuit/33 degree Freemason witch Woodrow Wilson, helped rush thru the Federal Reserve Act with the propaganda handled by the Catholic IRed Horse of Revelation – which taketh peace from the Earth) Jesuit Tavistock Institute. Edward Bernays the evil genius propagandist was a major player at Tavistock.
Tranny Trump during his previous ‘acting role’ of president rushed thru operation warpspeed and handed over control of the US to Fema and dismantled the US Constitution at the same time (not that it is a real Constitution – nothing is real in Hotel California). As people get sick from the Covid Mark of the Beast – the holocaust that began in March 2020 will now move into the Assisted Dying (gas chambers [ventilators]/death camps). As revealed in Australia during the lockdowns – the Quarantine camps run by Fema type masonic SS gangs will not have any Human Rights Laws operating in them.
FEMA CAMPS (Most can house about 20,000 people) :×432.jpg +×432.jpg
KJV – Revelation 2:10 – Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
“I remember looking through a large stack of old newspapers at the British Museum where I spent five years doing in-depth research. The papers covered the years 1912 to 1920. I recall thinking at the time: “Isn’t it amazing that the rush to the New World Order Socialist totalitarian government should be led by the United States, supposedly a bastion of freedom?” – Extract from ‘The Tavistock Institute Of Human Relations’ by Dr. John Coleman