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World War Three Will Achieve Rothschild Goals

HenryMakow.com – Oct 27, 2024

The Rothschilds start wars to increase their wealth and power, and destroy the goyim.

Conflating this criminal agenda with Jews in general is letting the Rothschilds off the hook. 

Everything that is happening descends from them. Everyone is controlled by money, and they create money in the form of a debt to them.

By Henry Makow PhD

In “The Rothschild Dynasty” (2006) PDF John Coleman clears the underbrush from modern history.

Since roughly 1820, Europe and the world have been controlled by the satanist Jewish-supremacist Rothschild family. All our major leaders have been cut-outs including Bismarck, Metternich, D’Israeli, Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, FDR, [all US Presidents] etc.  They all had money problems and were bought and blackmailed.  I doubt if Putin and Trump are exceptions. 

In The Jews and Modern Capitalism, (1911) Prof Werner Sombart wrote:  “The period of 1820 onwards became the age of the Rothschilds so that by the middle of the century it was common dictum, there is only one power in Europe, and that is the Rothschilds.” (Coleman, p.40)

They financed and profited from all major wars including the American revolution, the French Revolution, the US Civil War, the Russian Revolution, and the two World Wars.

Insider Chaim Rakowsky explained that war is “revolutionary” because it kills the goyim and destroys their nations founded on Christian values. The essence of “revolution” is the inversion of good and evil, i.e. evil is good, the replacement of God with Satan as the standard of reality.

In the past, due to many factors, Rakowsky stated, “there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached.”

Coleman explains: “The First World War was fought to establish Bolshevism in Russia; to establish a “home for the Jews in Palestine,” tp destroy the Catholic church and tpo dismember Europe.”

“The Second World War fought to destroy Japan and Germany, to establish the USSR as a Communist world power, and to extend the reach of Bolshevism over three-qurters of the world. In the aftermath, the US was gulled into joining was gulled into joining the next attempt at One-World government, The United Nations.

The Second World War changed the make-up of the United States which was foced by its large contingent of (((International Socialists))) in positions of power to wean itself from its Constitution and its Re[ublican form of government, and take on the role of the world’s new Roman Empire. In short, the US was turned from its Christian Republican form of goivernment into an imperial power to conquerthe world to conquer the wor;ld on behalf of internation socialism (i.e. Communism.)

Behind these powerful changes stood the money, the power and the guiding hand of the Rothschilds.”


In this light what will WW3 accomplish?


Continues …

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