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More Israeli War Fakes

by Miles Mathis
First published October 23, 2024

We will start with the alleged pager explosions, which many of my readers saw through immediately.
It’s just a joke, right? As Maxwell Smart would say, “Would you believe Sony Walkman explosions?
No, how about Rolodex explosions?” I guess next they will attack Hezbollah with exploding Lava
Lamps and black-light posters emitting deadly radiation.

Today, we got something a bit more high-tech, as we were presented with footage of a missile attack in
the Beirut suburb of Chiyah.


For some reason not given, we are supposed to believe IDF Air Force not
only targeted this small apartment block, they informed international media of the target so that they
could film it. So convenient and tidy. One problem: it is an obvious CGI fake, with the building
collapsing into its own footprint like building 7, as if it is a controlled demolition. This despite the fact
that it was hit with only one missile in the lower front. So that collapse is physically impossible and it
was chosen by AI only because it was the easiest to fake.

IDF is also declassifying the location of Hezbollah’s stash, where it is hiding millions in gold and cash.
Because that makes sense, right? But wait, if the Israeli army knows where it is, why don’t they just
take it themselves? Oh, that’s right, because Hezbollah doesn’t really exist. It is a fake Israeli
construct, like Hamas and everything else.

All of this simply confirms what I have been telling you from the beginning: the entire war is being
faked, including Palestinian and Lebanese casualties. In this latest fake event, they tell us
“I am appalled by the Israeli strike near Rafk Hariri University Hospital in Beirut’s densely
populated Jinah neighborhood that reportedly killed at least 18 people, including four children, and
wounded 60 others,” Turk said in a statement. “The fundamental principles of international humanitarian law concerning the protection of civilians must be respected.”

Lebanon’s Health Ministry confirmed Tuesday at least 18 people were killed in that attack,
including four children. Nearly 2,500 Lebanese total have been killed in Israeli attacks since the
start of the conflict, both civilians and combatants alike.

Eighteen as usual, aces and eights, Chai, dead man’s hand, the signal of a fake. Plus, note that the story
contradicts itself. We are told IDF issued an evacuation warning for that building and so everyone
knew it was about to be hit. We see them all outside watching. So how did they evacuate everyone
and still manage to kill 18? They decided to leave four children in there as canaries?

But if they can fake those 18, they can fake the entire 2,500. It is all made up on paper. And if they
can fake the 2,500 they can fake any larger numbers. They faked the October 7 event from the ground
up, since there were no kidnappings, no rapes, and no hostages. It was all theater. And I assume it has
all been theater since then.

Why? Isn’t it obvious? They have to stage these wars to justify the trillions in defense spending. This
war and the fake war in Ukraine have been a goldmine for the defense contractors, politicians, and fake
media. How could the military justify itself without these big fake wars to pretend to fight? Orwell
told you how it works almost eighty years ago. You are taking part in the two-minutes hate, so that the
Pentagon can take your taxes. It’s that simple.

Source: https://mileswmathis.com/isra2.pdf

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