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Like Venomous Reptiles, They Warn Us

Some of the most amazingly colored reptiles and snakes have the most intriguing shapes and complex patterns on their skin that truly sets them apart from other reptiles. But such eye-popping colors and bright patterns serve a purpose – namely, to keep predators away from them. They are warnings to not attack or eat them. Failure to do so will result in a quick and painful death, and many animals know this instinctively and thus avoid them.

There is a parallel to this in the human-social realm. It can be seen in the modern western woman, primarily among young and middle-aged American women. This is the kind of woman (of which there are plenty!) who is excessively tatted and pierced, who covers her arms, shoulders, chest area, neck, and hands with a seemingly endless number of tattoos. Many of them will even tattoo their face and foreheads. Few of them are embarrassed by it all.

But that’s only the beginning of their self-disfigurement. They will color their hair in the brightest and most god-awful neon colors. Piercings through the nose, lips, and out of almost every orifice are displayed for all to admire or become repelled by.

These kinds of women are not only proverbial “attention whores,” but there is something deeply obscene and disturbing about them. Whether it stems from self-hate or ‘daddy issues’ as some have claimed, it’s a clear sign that something is psychologically wrong and problematic about them. Like brightly colored venomous reptiles, something is not right about these women and the visual mess they present should likewise serve as a warning to us – especially to young males who might be romantically or sexually attracted to them.

I doubt any of these women possess even an ounce of self-awareness. Granted, they may understand the physical transition that occurred from being normal in appearance to morphing into a complete visual freakshow. But I doubt they understand the long-term effects of it all, including the disturbing reality of what it says about them. None of this is the mark of sane and rational people.

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For a woman to present herself in public in this manner reveals not only a troubled soul, but someone who has been profoundly influenced by today’s cult of the ugly which mocks and tears down the customary standards of beauty that most people accept. Most heterosexual men want females to look soft, pretty, and feminine. They want them to be the opposite of what they themselves are. They don’t normally want their women to look ‘hard’ or akin to something right out of a prison gang movie.

Although the presence of tattoos, even in excessive number, may not be conclusive proof that one is suffering from mental illness, they do serve as potential markers of poor health, risky behavior, short sightedness and impulsiveness. In 2019, PsycheCentral published briefly the summary findings of the International Journal of Dermatology which concluded that “People with tattoos more likely to also have mental health issues” (1/27/2019). I think it’s safe to say that the more tattoos one has, the more disturbed and attention-seeking they probably are.

The cult of the ugly is also evident in much of the modern art we see, including the socio-political views that many of these same women hold which is often incoherent and emotionally based. In almost every case, these are women who are politically and socially liberal or radical Leftists. It’s a reflection, it seems to me, of both extreme nihilism and narcissism combined. They degrade or distort their physical appearance by means of darkly themed piercings and meaningless tattoos (nihilism) all while making public spectacles of themselves by how they attire and present themselves to the world. Much of it is just for shock value (narcissism).

Yet, it’s customary and natural for a woman to want to look her best in public, or at least to present herself in a way that exudes femininity and beauty. This is how all normal women throughout human history have believed and conducted themselves (or, at least tried to) regardless of what period they lived during. In contrast, women duped by today’s cult of the ugly strive to make themselves totally unattractive to men, many of them shaving the hair off their heads and de-feminizing their entire appearance.

A good many of them have taken on an androgynous look, akin to the “It’s Pat!” character on Saturday Night Live. Changes occur not only to their physical appearance and attire, but they also become unnaturally masculine, loud and aggressive. Recall the radicalized women among the ‘Me Too’ movement with their “pussy hats” parading around and screeching about ‘toxic masculinity’ and you’ll get a sense of what I’m referring to.

Sadly, White women comprise most of these types due to decades of liberal social conditioning throughout the West. As one who advocates for the preservation of a strong White racial identity, this is immensely alarming. I attribute it to the widespread acceptance among Whites of liberal values for the past 100 years beginning in Europe and spreading throughout most western countries, despite the many social problems such ideas have proven to create.

Social engineering propagandists in this have directly targeted women because they recognize the nature of women who tend to think from the heart rather than from the head. They realized that far too many western women are gullible and impressionable; that they are easy to manipulate. Watch, for instance, how easy it is in public to get females to yell, gyrate their bodies, and shout approvingly over the inanest things. These same women are natural do-gooders and ‘helpers’ which is not a bad thing per se, but it must be kept in check (and almost never is!).

Any society, then, that fails to keep their women in check will inevitably experience the same kinds of problems that we’re currently experiencing in America with its division among men and women and strident egalitarianism. When women are given endless platforms to spew the most mindless drivel one can imagine, including never ceasing ‘affirmations’ by the media and intelligentsia of how wonderful they are just because of their gender, it’s only a matter of time before peak stupidity is reached and we all suffer as a result.

To show just how morally off-kilter the contemporary American woman is, consider that despite the serious problems facing us as a nation, female voters see it as their top priority to maintain their right to slaughter unborn babies – even to the point of supporting partial-birth and after-birth abortions! The enormity of such crimes against developing human babies in the womb is unfathomable – yet the modern American woman rejoices that she has the ‘right’ to commit such atrocities (at least until recently when Roe-V-Wade was given to the states to decide).

Though perhaps well-intentioned, women are not generally as critically minded as men are. Naturally, there are exceptions to this, but I’m speaking of what is generally true and what most of us recognize in terms of differences between men and women. This is why most societies throughout history have been careful in giving women important positions of leadership and authority within those same societies, and in many cases, not giving it to them at all. Whatever one may think of Islamic societies, they have been patriarchal societies – and because of it, have not succumbed to the social and political lunacy that runs mainstream in both Europe and America.

Women, then, become easy targets for manipulation by revolutionary Marxist groups, religious cults, political groups on the fringe, including corporations that directly target females in their marketing campaigns because they understand the emotional nature of most females. I doubt that formal education and even advanced degrees among today’s women on any large scale prevents them from being bamboozled and manipulated by the lunacy of today’s social engineering efforts. The more formally educated they are, it seems to me, the more gullible they tend to also be.

What has caused this phenomenon? How did we arrive at this place? There’s probably no one answer that can be given to address these questions. Its origins are undoubtedly the result of historic and social factors that influenced the circumstances we now find ourselves in. The decade of the 1960s certainly played an important role in which a plethora of radical Marxist movements appeared on the scene. This included the civil rights movement which caused a firestorm of racial conflicts throughout the nation as well as the gay rights movement, feminism, free sex, easy divorce, and other nation-destroying socio-political ideologies that have plagued us ever since. Much of this the direct result of revolutionary Jews who sought to culturally subvert the United States for their own ethnic reasons (see Kevin MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements [Praeger, 1998]). All of this caused a massive destabilization of the nation affecting marriage, men and women’s roles, the issue of gender, and the family unit itself.

The materialism, self-vanity and hedonism that dominates American life, then, is the by-product of these destructive social movements. Wealth and prosperity have a way of doing this to us, and few people can remain ‘balanced’ (however conceived) when they possess an abundance of riches.

Having largely abandoned their religious roots and traditional values, Americans have since become anti-intellectual, addicted to the lowest forms of entertainment, and easily amused. America has taken on the hue of the “ghetto,” and its citizens often emulate the lowest forms of Black culture. They have become rude and crass all the while imagining themselves to be the smartest and most sophisticated people on the planet. The uncouth and brutish ‘ugly American’ that many Europeans claim can hardly be denied, especially when one looks at how slovenly and obese far too many Americans appear.

These qualities are particularly evident among massive numbers of American women. The notion of being soft-spoken, polite, and attiring themselves modestly has become laughable to the modern militant woman of today. Today’s American woman is a vile and foul-mouthed creature indeed. They seem to be more interested in being take charge career women, remaining childless, and single. Is it any wonder why so many of them are unhappy and disillusioned? They are fighting against the natural order, including their very female nature. One foot in the corporate world and one foot in the home has rarely proven to be an effective strategy for women – and it shows when one looks at how unhappy and unfilled so many of them seem to be in our society. It will come as no surprise to many of us when in the coming years massive numbers of socially liberal ‘educated’ women find themselves still single in their late 40s and older with no children and an abundance of cats. They reap what they have sown.

The visual appearance of so many American women is enormously unflattering. Staggering numbers of American women are grossly overweight, refuse to place any brakes on how much makeup they apply to their faces, and wear the tightest and most revealing clothes. Any notion of ‘less is more’ has completely escaped them. If one is into gawking at jiggling cellulite, then they’ve got a visual smorgasbord whenever they appear in public. What a contrast this all is when one looks at photographs of American women from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.

These same women, all the while, imagine themselves to be goddesses and have no qualms about rating themselves tens in the looks category. The absence of self-awareness among them is no rarity. They possess no sense of reality when it comes to measuring their own achievements, their own abilities, or importance. This is probably due to years of being told how wonderful they are just because they’re females, and how they can do anything that men can do. The 2024 Olympics in Paris France that allowed Trans men to compete with biologically real women proved what a farce such notions are based on.

All of this, as one might expect, hasn’t gone unnoticed by today’s young men. As a result, a growing number of them are turning to Asian and Russian women who are not conflicted about traditional roles between men and women, their own femininity, nor their desire to have children and be homemakers.

This is not to say that American men are perfect (far from it!), but only to say that when the women of any society decline so miserably as our women have, then it’s a sure indication that we are a dying nation. When the women of any society are just as debased as the men of that same society, there is little reason to think that important changes will occur to return them to a straight and narrow path.

I see nothing on the horizon that would indicate this.

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