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Jimi Hendrix/Cornel West revisited

I saw the name Cornel West in a post here this morning and it triggered a memory

Quotes below from here:


Have a look and decide for yourself

All the world is a stage

In summation: we have alignment of features in face chops; further near-perfect alignment in profiles. We have a compatible timeline. We have a lightweight intellectual, a poseur masquerading as a philosopher. We have alignment of front teeth outside the two incisors and evidence that Hendrix in public was wearing a denture, indicating that his teeth too might have been severely gapped. We have a perfect match of upper lips and ears. It is enough for me, perhaps for you as well. The original assertion that the man known as “Jimi Hendrix” faked his death and reappeared as Dr. Cornel West stands.


One of the “zombies” we discovered some time ago was Jimi Hendrix/Cornell West. This particular assertion has created doubt, even within our group of writers here. At least part of that doubt comes from rookie caliber work – I was new at this and easily satisfied once it was established in my head that I had found a match. Consequently, others did not see what I saw, and naturally thought I had reached. I’ve got a lot more experience now, and can maybe do a better job here.

I have redone the Hendrix/West match not with the idea that I needed to prove I was right, but from scratch and letting the photos talk to me. They either convey a match or they do not.


Jimi Hendrix was, like Janet Joplin, an illusion painted right before our eyes. He was an iconic image, and said to have substance abuse problems writ large. So when we heard that he died of a barbiturate overdose and choking on his own vomit in London, was it a surprise?

It is called “predictive programming.” Once firmly established in the public mind that Joplin or Hendrix were addicts and alcoholics and prone to highly charged and erratic behaviors, we greeted their deaths with a sigh of regret, but not surprise. Of course, people who live their lives like that are going to die young!

Thus did Jimi Hendrix exit the stage in 1970. And once dead in the public mind, we did not look for him, so that after a period of time he is free to reappear in new form. Thus it is with all of these fake deaths among musicians and actors.

Further doubt arises because these fake deaths are certified by officials, coroners,  police, doctors. Can they really fake someone’s death and enlist the cooperation of all of these people? The short answer: Yep. After all, it is a fake death, so there is no real crime. Just deceit.

Jimi Hendrix was probably an Intelligence asset recruited out of the military. How did he get out of military service? As it turns out, he just wasn’t interested, so his superior granted him honorable discharge based on “unsuitability!” How many people drafted into military service get out easy just because they don’t like it? None. But with Intel, anything is possible.

Hendrix received his training and was reassigned. He was part of a a large group of musicians with Intelligence connections who entered the scene during the Laurel Canyon years. He inspired use of drugs, modes of dress, seeds of rebellion, and when finished, faked his death and went on to a new assignment: Cornel West, philosopher.

Is that absurd? No more than Joplin becoming “Amy Goodman, alternative news broadcaster.” The absurdity of the situation helps to sell it. Who’s gonna believe it anyway? Janis Joplin is Amy Goodman? Yeah, right! Next you’re going to tell me that Jimi Henrix became Dr. Cornel West! And what else? Mickey Mouse became Tom Brokaw? (We have searched high and low for Brokow’s previous life without luck. He is a phony, this we know, and while Mickey Mouse did not work, some other vapid on-screen projection will.)

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