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A Good Reminder – Media Tricks to Mind Control Us – Jason Christoff; with links


Oct 24, 2024

This list and the LIVE links throughout, will help you understand each point. I’ll let the linked videos do much of the explaining in this short list. Here are your top 5 media mind control hacks explained.

1. Repetitive content is picked up unconsciously by your nervous system, which sets up an invisible attraction or familiarly with that content, when you see that repetitive content again in the future. When the media or government wants to mind control you, they use repetitive content for the bulk of their psychological operations. (2 weeks to flatten the curve, safe and effective, vaccines don’t cause Autism, stand apart to stand together etc etc) Repetition builds truth, trust and fact in the nervous system….even if the repetitive messages are lies or fabrications and even if those messages are designed to injure or kill you.  Click here to see an example of “repetitive content mind control” in action.

2. By fixing your gaze on a TV, movie screen or a single point of attention (like a politician giving a speech), you actually go into hypnosis or trance (alpha brainwave state) where you’re much more suggestable and easier to put under mind control. When you fix you gaze on anything, your thinking part of the brain shuts down (the prefrontal cortex), which means you’re easier to brainwashing and program. You can watch some mention of this happening by clicking here.

3. Media and government will also hack the minds of the public by providing celebrity role models during the “fear portion‘ of a psychological operation. This is done in order to trick the public to follow the lead of the celebrities, in order to re-establish their lost safety. The plan is very simple. Put the public in massive fear (you’re all going to die is their most effective fear tactic) and then send in the celebrities or perceived authority figures to explain the way back to safety. Works every time. Most people simply follow along with the “media stars” and “star doctors“, presuming that perceived authorities or celebrities know more than they do. This always leads to massive increases in compliance within the psy-op. For example, after the fear-based portion of the COVID psy-op, celebrities were paid to lead the public into the injection ambush, as were ex-US Presidents. This portion of any psy-op can be called “telling you what to do”. The next mind control hack in the list below is a close cousin of this point. Below we discuss the next progression of public manipulation….”showing you what to do“.

4. The next stage is showing the public “what to do“. It’s also very effective. Humans are hard wired to copy, mimic, emulate and mirror the actions of others……especially when they’re scared, when they’re unsure of themselves and when they get rewarded for doing so. If you reward the behavior that you’re wanting the public to adopt, compliance increases exponentially. As we can see in this video with a toddler, humans love to copy what’s on their screens. This is the exact psychological manipulation that Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden engaged in by getting their vaccines LIVE on camera. Of course, these actors (and psychological pied pipers) didn’t get the real injections, because none of the politicians doing this died or were injured.. As for members of the general public, who got caught up in the COVID mind control operation…….the estimates of people killed or injured by the COVID injection are now the hundreds of millions.

5. Compliance when under pressure, fear or terror is completely natural in the human nervous system. You’ll always get some percentage of compliance to mind control operations, when fear is pumped into the public and a “solution to the fear” is tabled. That percentage is estimated at 30%. Psychology proves that if you poison and toxify the public, before you roll out the psychological fear and the fabricated solution script, compliance skyrockets because of the toxic effect the poisons have on the brain’s decision-making capabilities. Psychological researcher David Hodges talks about the use of poisons in mind control right here. Oddly enough that act of poisoning people (drugging them), who are targets of mind control operations, is talked about in this older TV show as well. This is why the liquor stores, fast food restaurants, corner stores and narcotic outlets in Canada were wide open during a health emergency and the gyms were closed……..because poisoned people do what they’re told more than healthy people.

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