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Sexy doctors kill people best

Dr. Ashley Bloomfield was the face of COVID in New Zealand, just the way Dr. Tony Fauci was in the US, or Dr. Christian Drosten was in Germany. Each was turned into a celebrity as well as a very special doctor who, like Moses, was to lead us to the promised land of NO COVID.

Each also was hailed as a sex symbol by some people and by the media. Unlikely as it might seem in each case…almost as though this was part of the carefully planned pandemic propagandizing, where the same themes were tried in many countries to induce us to comply.


The Guardian imho is a CIA rag, and it seems the propaganda worked to inspire more vaccinations. New Zealand’s definitely-not-dishy doctor experienced the very same thing. According to wikipedia, “Facebook pages and merchandise have been created celebrating Bloomfield, and at least one person has had his image tattooed on their body.” Hmmm. He also ordered water fluoridation instituted for hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders in 2022. [The US is rapidly getting rid of fluoridation in response to a court order, where it was ruled it causes significant harm to children.]


Well, Dr. Bloomfield was so good at getting innocent New Zealanders to take the tainted COVID jab that he was given the job of co-chairing the WHO’s Working Group on the International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments in Geneva, given a Knighthood, and now he is managing ESR in New Zealand and may be a professor of public health at the University of Auckland as well, collecting two salaries.

Luckily for us, he was unable to get the most egregious provisions of the International Health Regulations amendments over the finish line—but not for lack of trying.

He is back today in the public eye, entirely twisting the history of the COVID pandemic as well as his history managing New Zealand’s response, having coauthored a sorry request in the New Zealand Medical Journal for:

  • more money for pandemic planning and exercises (after all, it’s not a matter of if, but when!)
  • giving pandemic planning a much more important role in government—not just related to health, but also related to “national security.”

Here is what he has to say, along with Prof David R Murdoch. Murdoch “is also the co-director of the One Health Aotearoa research alliance, a diverse network of infectious disease experts working to address health hazards at the human, animal and environmental interface. Professor Murdoch has advised the Government during the COVID-19 pandemic and was one of three international experts invited to advise the Oxford University team developing a vaccine for COVID-19.] Murdoch has also done work for Bill and Melinda Gates.

Below is their article and below that is my evisceration of this sorry document. The green highlights were for my notes.

Infectious disease outbreaks are only causing “international concern” because of fearmongers like Ashley. What he fails to admit is that avian influenza has caused ‘pink eye’ in about 15 Americans in two and a half years, none of whom needed to go to hospital nor died. It is a nothing-burger.

In the past 6 weeks, WHO admits there was not a single confirmed case that died with a monkeypox infection, worldwide. This too is a mild disease, most like shingles.

Why does he say pandemics are inevitable? Because he and his mates at the WHO have been declaring one every 2-3 years during the 21st century. However, there were only 3 total pandemics during the 20th century, and most people completely ignored the influenza pandemics of 1957 and 1968. In other words, WHO officials are currently responsible for declaring pandemics ten times as often as last century. Why?

Because, had Ashley managed to inveigle the other diplomats into agreeing with the original IHR draft amendments, every time the WHO Director-General (D-G) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared a pandemic, the D-G would gain nearly dictatorial powers over the world’s health. For example, the D-G could decide what meds could or could not be used during a pandemic. When to lock down the world. And the current D-G is not even a physician.

The authors claim we risk “falling into…the cycle of panic and neglect.” Funny, Tedros and others have used that exact phrase, yet it is false. The USA had been spending roughly 7 billion dollars yearly on potential pandemics after 9/11/2001. There was no neglect of pandemics. There were many attempts to drum up panic to keep the money flowing, however.

Ashley says nations “should apply clear lessons from COVID-19” for future pandemic planning. I agree. What are New Zealand’s lessons? That he fails to say, so I will tell you.

Despite massive restrictions on travel and very strict lockdowns, in the end New Zealand had a higher rate of cases and the same death rate from COVID as other developed countries’ average (1.2 deaths/1000 population) and had the 2nd highest rate, after French Polynesia, of all Oceania. More than half of New Zealanders got COVID eventually, so the unpleasant lockdowns only damaged the economy and delayed the COVID reckoningdespite very high rates of vaccination. So much for the vaccines.


The lesson of COVID was that every developed country threw away its existing pandemic plans and followed lockstep orders from above. Why did every country impose strict lockdowns, restrict access to antiviral drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and demand vaccinations with vaccines that were known, at least by February 28, 2021 when the Israeli Ministry of Health emailed the US CDC to ask if they were also seeing high rates of myocarditis in young males, to cause high rates of myocarditis? (I posted with a screenshot of the email last year.) And it was known by May 1, 2021 in the US that the vaccines were barely effective: CDC ordered on May 1 that hospital cases and deaths should be reported differently than before, to mask this. And a few months later it turned out vaccinations actually increased the risk of COVID and death, starting a few months after a vaccination. Here is CDC’s own graph revealing this:

And below is a chart from the Cleveland Clinic revealing that for their over 50,000 employees, those with the most shots got the most COVID:

While it is claimed that most of our nations were following the WHO’s orders, there was no good reason for them to do so. The WHO issued recommendations only. It did not have the power to force lockdowns, restrict drugs, etc. Those were powers it was attempting to grab with the IHR amendments that Ashley was busily trying to pass from 2022 to June 1, 2024, and with a new pandemic treaty (which is still being negotiated). The International Health Regulations were non-binding in almost every respect, but the amendments Ashley worked so hard on had attempted to make them binding beginning next year.

So, despite all its plans, vaccines and lockdowns, New Zealand fared worse from COVID than developing countries, and there are no identifiable public health benefits that accrued from its two years of top-down public health misery. All those “public health” measures did not help New Zealand at all.

WHY were the old plans for managing pandemics thrown away when COVID appeared? Why was management of the pandemic in the US transferred early on from the health department to the National Security Council? WHY is Ashley hiding his last two years of efforts to impose a harsher, top-down approach for future pandemics that would be imposed by the WHO, not the New Zealand government? WHY is he misleading us about almost everything in this article?

For example, Ashley says, “planning must incorporate the ability to adapt to the specific characteristics of the pathogen at hand. This was one of the earliest key lessons from COVID-19.”

Let me get this right. Ashley Bloomfield just spent 2 years trying to get the nations of the world to agree to take all their marching orders during WHO-declared pandemics from the WHO D-G. And now he has the nerve to pretend that he wants New Zealand to do independent planning to be able to adapt to the next pathogen? When he just spent two years trying to take away the ability for New Zealand to make its own pandemic decisions and to adapt to anything?

Here is another whopper from Ashley. He claims, “the centrality of leadership and decision-making” is the issue. (Of course, he was the pandemic leader.). But he followed the same orders given to every nation—he did not respond to the pandemic independently, and in following those orders he showed the exact opposite of leadership. And it is doubtful he did much decision-making.

But here’s what he claims: “each country’s response varied significantly, and in New Zealand it became clear early on that leadership structures envisioned in planning frameworks needed to be rethought rapidly to respond to the evolving situation and the emergence of elimination as the overall strategy.”

It is very hard to know what that jumble of words means. But we can say that not only were all the developed countries’ responses the same (except Sweden), but elimination as a strategy was an impossibility, a fool’s errand.

Here’s what else he claims: “The pandemic disrupted supply chains and schools, closed businesses and exposed inequities.” No, the pandemic did not do this, YOU did it, Ashley. YOU ordered schools and businesses to close. No virus did that.

“The pandemic demonstrably required a whole of government and whole of society response,” Ashley says. But that language comes from the USA. Who is Ashley taking his marching orders from now?

While Ashley waxes eloquent about global preparedness, non-binding guidance from the WHO and national autonomy, he never lets on that he was responsible for trying to subvert national health autonomy and make WHO guidance binding, as the co-chair of the working group on the IHR amendments.

I’ve gone on too long. Why are we allowing public health officials who make an art of lying and obfuscation to hold any authority over the public’s health? Or to train new public health professionals?

If you want to know why the entire WHO pandemic preparedness edifice is a house of cards, read the REPPARE report from the University of Leeds that reveals how a mountain of misrepresentations and lies underlie the pandemic preparedness agenda. Pandemic preparedness is simply one more scam to obtain public money for the pandemic industry and centralize global control of health. If that is what you want, Ashley is definitely your man!


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