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The Titans of Finance Loathe Us

Oct 14, 2024

I saw an item in the news today about Jamie Dimon (CEO of JP Morgan Chase). He’s put out a press release that is very revealing as to how the Satanic monsters, who control the flow of billions, even trillions, of blood bespattered narco-dollars, human trafficking and weapons trafficking dollars, and all manner of other ill-gotten wealth, think (sic).


I won’t quote all 8 pages of the release, but a few things do stand out. For example:

The Firm reported strong underlying business and financial results in the third quarter, generating net income of $12.9 billion and an ROTCE of 19%.
We have an extraordinarily strong balance sheet, evidenced by total loss-absorbing capacity of $544 billion plus cash and marketable securities of $1.5 trillion.
We have been closely monitoring the geopolitical situation for some time, and recent events show that conditions are treacherous and getting worse. There is significant human suffering, and the outcome of these situations could have far-reaching effects on both short-term economic outcomes and more importantly on the course of history.


To start with, the wording of this “press release” is way too precious for words. Jamie Dimon begins by referring to JPMorgan Chase as The Firm, which immediately brings to mind the eponymous 1993 Hollywood feature film starring Tom Cruise and Gene Hackman, having to do with a completely mobbed up Memphis, Tennessee law firm that was neck deep in major, criminal money laundering, serial murder, tawdry blackmail and the like.

This is a completely accurate Freudian slip by Jamie Dimon, seeing as JP Morgan Chase has a hard earned reputation for laundering many billions of dollars of dirty money for organized crime interests around the world. Jamie Dimon is up to his eyeballs in it all.

How many people get a Return On Tangible Common Equity (ROTCE) of 19%? This is for high rollers, the gold cufflink crowd.

Most people these days are fortunate to have their bank not steal their money outright, or pay them a negative interest rate on their funds. So in an era of economic fragility and collapse, with 6 billion people on this planet living in dire povery (that’s right), where does Jamie Dimon scrape up an ROTCE of 19%? Black market gold bullion, narco-trafficking – – other things too Satanic to mention?

Secondly, note that J. Dimon and his pals have $1.5 trillion of marketable securities. That’s a whopping huge stash for one, private-sector financial institution. $1.5 trillion of securities in exactly what, pray tell, as the global system collapses??

Thirdly, he refers to treacherous world conditions that are getting worse – – hey, no joke, Sherlock! And by the way, an extremely treacherous world order that is getting steadily worse thanks in no small part directly due to the unpardonably predatory policies of him and his fiendish, globe-trotting bankster colleagues. He mentions the significant human suffering that he surely must see through his stretch limousine windows as he zooms along on the elevated expressway through the slum tenements of Cairo, or perhaps the shanty towns of sub-Saharan Africa, as his shiny GulfStream business jet comes screaming in on final approach to the runways at the international airports in Lagos or Nairobi, for instance.

And then he concludes that all of this geopolitical treachery and significant human suffering could have far reaching consequences. Why, just imagine: history itself could be forever altered by this epic tsunami of human suffering and global treachery.

Thus saith the slick J. Dimon CEO-ogre, who last year was allegedly compensated $35 million for his services, which sum is probably at least 1,000-fold the average per capita income brought in by the great bulk of Humanity last year. There are countless millions of people all around the world who struggle mightily to barely scratch together $1,000 or $2,000 or $3,000 per year, just enough to buy some rice, lentils, a head of cabbage, a chicken now and then, or some eggs and maybe a couple of fish. Just enough to make it another day.

And this slimy bankster piece of slippery chicken manure, in an Armani suit with gold cufflinks, is strutting and preening in a skyscraper penthouse suite in New York City, as if he were God’s prize peacock.

There Are More Where He Comes From

I mean they are like piles of dog dung on the sidewalk. Watch your step or you might stride into something nasty as you stroll along, something like the “thing” in the short video that follows, for instance. No, not Alan Grayson, but the evasive nabob in the hot seat who was the Director of the Federal Reserve Bank when the exchange took place:


Notice the nervous, cavalier way in which B. Bernanke sidesteps Alan Grayson’s questions about the disposition of half a trillion dollars. He says that he does not know with any degree of granularity who/what got the $500 billion. It was sent to the central bank in Europe and that’s all he knows. Compare that attitude and stance with what the average person endures when being grilled by even a minor functionary of whatever unit of government, over trivial sums of money and transactions.

Or try this short clip from Alan Greenspan, also a past head of the Federal Reserve Bank:


There it is. Greenspan tells you all you need to know in 48 seconds. The Federal Reserve Bank is an independent agency and no unit of government tells it what to do. It does as it sees fit. So there.

This policy stance is very clearly illustrated by yet another Alan Grayson interchange with the Inspector General of the Federal Reserve Bank over the disposition of sums of $1 trillion and $9 trillion dollars, respectively. She plays with her pencil, bats her eyes at him, and dismissively tells him that while she is the Inspector General and is conducting a “review” of the Federal Reserve’s operations, that she does not know where those 10 trillion dollars are. She hasn’t gotten to that just yet. (ahem)

Mind you, the approximate GDP of the so-called “United States” is today in the range of $28 trillion dollars. And she was telling Alan Grayson in Congressional hearings 15 years ago that she did not know anything about the disposition of $10 trillion, an astronomical sum of money, which was approximately 50% of the national GDP in 2009. Rewatch what Alan Greenspan says in the link above: the Federal Reserve doesn’t have to answer to anyone or anything, including not to any other agency. And it does not. Watch this woman hem, haw, blatantly lie, fiddle with her pen, bat her eyes at the Congressman, and say next to nothing of substance for 5 whole minutes.

Here is the high-level Federal Reserve psychopath in action:


That’s how it works. That is the “American Way.” That is the “system” in action. Grand Theft America. Hoo-wah!

You know, if only women were in positions of power, the world would be a different place. Oh, wait …. \sarcasm\

It’s Satanic. It’s mendacious. It’s larcenous. It’s ghastly. It operates in a parallel universe to the grim reality in which literally billions of human beings on this planet are forced to barely exist.

I wonder how many of those unknown trillion$ of dollar$ Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan Chase CEO, got his grubby fingers on?

Source: https://richardsauder.substack.com/p/the-titans-of-finance-loathe-us

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