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A Response to Ron Unz

Ronald Keeva Unz

[Seems that Ron bit off more than he can chew]


Copious links at the original: https://mileswmathis.com/unz.pdf

by Miles Mathis

First published October 14, 2024

This paper immediately went to #4 on a search for Ronald Unz at Yandex, ahead of his own paper.
Ron Unz just ran a long attack piece on me, which was a big mistake. 11,600 words of nothing. He
doesn’t manage to lay a glove on me, but ends up making himself look very scared and confused. [He
chose to publish that old picture of me, which is why I did, too.] He admits that he avoided going to
my website for “a year or so” about seven years ago, though he doesn’t say why. Goblins surrounding
my name on the internet, I guess. I look very scary, don’t I? When he finally got up the nerve, he only
lasted “ten or twenty minutes”. Despite allegedly being “very open-minded”. After ten minutes he
came to the informed conclusion that it was “a massive volume of conspiracy smoke”, and “went away
and never visited again”.

After that powerful introductory argument, Unz next tries to link me to Flat Earth, although I have
stated many times Flat Earth is a project. Unz admits that he has a bachelors in physics and admits he
has since gone to my science site, so he should know my theory of charge is composed of photons
recycling through spheres, but he claims he can’t follow any of that either. All too scary, I guess.
Then he moves immediately to the punchline:

So six or seven years ago I established a firm rule that any comment mentioning, citing, or
linking Miles Mathis or his work was automatically trashed, about the only such blanket
prohibition I have ever imposed on our very lightly moderated website.

You have to laugh. Based on ten minutes at my scary site. But he says he didn’t do that because I am
so dangerous to the status quo, or to his own project of spin, but because I am a nut “distributing
unlimited quantities of 100-proof conspiracy-whiskey.” He doesn’t want anyone drunk on the truth, I
take it. He has been instructed to serve only watered-down punch you know.

When his own readers called him on this, he decided that, “to be fair”, he should return to my site for
more than ten minutes. But once again, he apparently couldn’t read any actual articles or comment on
the content, since he has nothing of substance to say about any of them. Instead, he comments on the
sheer volume of my work. Yes, a reader will notice that Unz constantly has to sidetrack into
something besides what I actually say. At first it was all ad hominem and fear mongering, but now he
switches to the Allan Weisbecker gambit of dismissing me because I write too much. Because I am
smarter and more productive than Weisbecker and Unz, I can’t possibly exist. Gorgeous logic, isn’t it?
Seeming to realize that wasn’t going anywhere, Unz then switches gears again, deciding to focus on the
fact that some of my older papers are HTML and newer ones are PDFs. Because that is central to any
discussion of me, right? Really leading with all the strongest points, isn’t he? Here is what he says
about that, so you know:

All his lengthy historical articles make numerous assertions allegedly based upon his
extensive Internet research, and if they were provided as HTML pages, his readers would
naturally expect to see links documenting those claims, but since all those articles are
instead in PDF format, they contain almost no links and everyone must take his often wild
claims entirely upon faith.

Is he claiming you can’t put links in PDFs? That would be a novel argument, since you can. See the
links in this PDF. And he is claiming my PDF articles “contain almost no links”, so I encourage you to
drop by and read any of my articles. You will find them packed with links to mainstream references
like Wiki, Geni, thepeerage, Intelius, Instantcheckmate, Geneanet, Googlebooks, and all the top
newspapers and magazines. Unz even admits that later, contradicting himself. He complains about my
genealogy research, which is too dense for his widdle head. Not too brief, but too extensive, with
literally thousands of references to individual pages on genealogy sites. So he is just lying, and it isn’t
hard to prove that to yourself, providing you can spend more than ten minutes on my site without
melting down mentally.

The other thing he forgets to mention is that I often start by critiquing a Wikipedia page on the subject,
and I then import and quote a bunch of their content, including photos. That saves me a lot of time,
since all I have to do is provide the initial link to Wiki. I don’t have to link or footnote on all interior
points, since Wiki has already done it for me. That way I can blow apart mainstream history right at its
source. Unz or anyone else is then put in the position of having to argue that Wikipedia is not reporting
mainstream history, and that is impossible to do since they footnote dozens of mainstream books on
every page. After that, all they could do is try to prove my analysis isn’t devastating, and they can’t do
that because it clearly is.

I did notice that while trashing me for writing too much, he admitted that my articles were “well
written”, “based on extensive internet research” and “carefully proofed”. If so, then why couldn’t Unz
manage to get through at least one of them, developing some sort of counter-argument beyond the bald
claim it was “crazy”?

He then says with wonder I must have written enough to fill 60 or 70 books. No Ron, try doubling
that. It’s more like 140 now, including the science site.
Amusingly (for me) he then says this:

I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other
conspiracy-website on the Internet.

Yeah, Ron, I suspect you are right, and I suspect that is why you are so bent out of shape by my very
existence. It’s why all you guys are so jealous. Also because I can pump out a reply like this in just a
couple of hours, fully polished and proofed, giving you a further drubbing.

Do you know why I can do that, Ron? Obviously you don’t, so I will just tell you. It isn’t because I am
some Mossad committee, set up to make you look like a bumbler. It is because I proof while I write.
Meaning, I make very few mistakes, so I need very few corrections and almost no rewrites. I am an
excellent speller on top of everything else.

Yes, Unz actually tries to sell the idea I am a Mossad committee, due to the fact that Google didn’t
return many results on “Miles Mathis Mossad”. But Google doesn’t return many results on “Miles
Mathis anything” anymore, since they were instructed to censor me several years ago. . . hmmm. . .
about the same time Unz started censoring me on his own site. Google and Unz are both frightened of
me, and I suppose they are frightened for the same reason. I used to use Google to find stuff in my
own papers, since even I can’t always remember where I said what, and I don’t have an index or
anything like that. Other than controlF on my updates pages. But I can’t use Google for that anymore
because they shot my results full of so many holes those searches don’t work. They refuse to tell you in
what papers I mention Bill Gates or Leonard Susskind or Andy Warhol or damar varnish or white lead.
Nothing in Unz’s argument is more absurd than this final idea he tries to promote that I am a Mossad
committee, since that would mean Mossad is blowing the cover of the Oct. 7 Peace Party massacre.
Why would they blow the cover of their own projects? Would Mossad tell you all the Middle East
wars were faked to keep military budgets fat? Would Mossad also blow the Anne Frank story, or show
that the Nazis were gay Jewish agents? Would Mossad point out Hitler was not a German citizen and
therefore couldn’t be elected or appointed to anything? Would Mossad be constantly pointing you
toward Jewish control of everything, and linking them to the Phoenician Navy? Would Mossad be
blowing all its own numerology and other internal signaling? Would Mossad be blowing the cover of
thousands of CIA projects, like I have? Would Mossad blow the cover of the January 6 fake? Would
Mossad blow the cover of 911 and Sandy Hook and Aurora and Boston and Las Vegas and all serial
killers? Would Mossad blow the cover of large parts of WWII? Would Mossad blow the cover of the
Manhattan Project? Would Mossad blow the cover of the Lincoln assassination? Would Mossad blow
the cover of the Men-are-Pigs project? Would Mossad be interested in destroying Modernism and reestablishing realist painting and sculpture? Would Mossad be interested in diagraming the nucleus or
predicting Solar cycles or solving Bode’s Law or achieving unification, while making mainstream
science look like a three-ring-circus? Would Mossad have any interest in the history of poetry? Talk
about a dog that won’t hunt.

But Unz isn’t finished. As more proof I am Mossad, he does an in-page search on my updates page,
finding 15 results for CIA and none for Mossad. So I must be Mossad, right? But there are also no
results for KGB, so why not KGB? No results for CSIS or AIC or SHISH, either, so I must be
Albanian Intelligence, right? By the same logical argument. There is no result for Neptunian, so I
must be an alien from the eighth planet, I guess. You can see how desperate his “arguments” are. Has
he considered the possibility I mention the CIA more because I am an American living in the US, and
because the CIA is the largest and most powerful agency across the globe?

While Unz is trying to sell me as a secret Mossad agent, he hopes you won’t visit his own Wiki page,
where they admit he is a multi-millionaire Jew who came out of banking. That isn’t some crazy
conspiracy theory, it is a fact. He was raised in North Hollywood and went to Harvard, Cambridge
(UK), and Stanford. He ran for California governor and US Senator. He made millions with Wall
Street Analytics, which he later sold to Moodys. He then moved to the American Conservative, which
I have hit in my papers. That was founded by billionaire Taki Theodoracopulos, remember, whose
father was a Greek shipping magnate. . . aka Phoenician Navy. Oho, we see why Unz doesn’t like me,
other than my hair.

[Unz can now claim I failed to link that to Wiki. But I guess you can figure out how to get to Wiki
without me telling you.]

Taki also launched the Proud Boys, who I have outed many times as a CIA (or other agency) front. If
you will remember, I laugh at their chicken shirts in my paper on January 6. So again we see why Unz
doesn’t like me. It isn’t because I am Jewish or Intel, it is because I’M NOT. It is because I have made
so many of his fellow agents look foolish, and I am now doing it to him.

So it boils down to this: on the question of rich Jewish bankers, do you want to get your information
from a rich Jewish banker? Or not?

Ironic, isn’t it, seeing a rich Jewish banker try to out me as Israeli intelligence based on a controlF on my updates page? Or maybe ironic is not the right word. Pathetic? Desperate? Ill-advised? Counterproductive? A sad attempt by a rich Jewish banker (who can’t write or debate) to libel a poor Gentile writer and painter living in squalor, by claiming without evidence he is actually. . . a rich connected  Jew. You have to laugh.

I am not hard to pin down. They know where I live of course and they know I am not secretly living in
some chateau, leading some group of heavily funded Ninjas. Just ask Josh Guetzkow, who has been
here, either to meet the master or spy on me, we still aren’t sure. Others have been here and have seen
this little manufactured home I am sharing with another person. They have seen the tiny messy rooms
filled with bicycles and cats and empty boxes (which I am saving for my hopefully incipient next
move). They have seen the piles of clothes draped on chairs, since I have no closet space. They have
seen the piles of books, since I am still snapping them up on Ebay for nothing despite the fact I
currently have no bookshelves. They have seen my old Subaru, which I only drive to the market. Josh
even commented in disbelief at my little Mac Mini with 17” screen. If you don’t believe me, ask him.
You will say all that is just a front, and they chopper me in here for photo shoots. If so, that should be
pretty easy to prove, since you all know what I look like and everyone has a camera in his phone. Why
hasn’t anyone hired a private investigator to snap some photos of me walking out of my mansion or
hobnobbing with rich Jewish bankers or doing something, anything, other than living in this little
house? I will tell you why: because it isn’t possible. I am what I am, so they are left to attacking me
for publishing PDFs or writing too much or “using Britishisms” or brushing my teeth in the wrong

But remember, they started it. In the beginning I just wanted to be a realist artist, but that was against
their rules. They had already destroyed art for their own purposes and they weren’t about to allow
some curly-haired blond guy make a living in their field by painting real pictures. So I tried humor
writing, poetry, novels, and art criticism. Again, no dice. I was from the wrong families. I had editors
at places like the New Yorker tell me they liked my stuff, but they couldn’t publish it. Why? They
couldn’t say. Now we know. So I tried science. Silly of me, since they have owned that since the
beginning. What was I thinking? Finally, I stopped asking permission. I quit sending out resumes,
quit submitting to magazines, journals, and galleries. But I didn’t quit doing whatever I wanted to do. I
just did it and threw it up on the web when I was done. And while researching other topics in art,
history, and science, I stumbled upon their Matrix of lies. For fun, I threw that up as well. They are
used to fights going in only one direction, so they have been very surprised, nay shocked, that anyone
would turn around and charge them. Never happened before, as far as I can tell.

They have tried all the standard gambits to answer me, but nothing has worked. They tried shaming,
slander and libel, calling me a pedophile, calling me an egotist, calling me everything they could think of, but none of it stuck. As here, I was always able to reverse it on them, making them look like
incompetent creeps. Wasn’t hard, to be honest. As usual, all I have to do is tell the truth. That is also
the secret of my stunning output: telling the truth is easy and the gods are on your side, so the words
flow with no resistance. You don’t have to worry about getting caught up in contradictions, so you are free to write at full speed. Whereas telling lies is a chore, or so I imagine. As we see with Unz, one is trying to swim in a mudpit, and all sense has to be avoided on principle. You have nothing but a bag of stale old tricks of sophistry, which someone like me can parry in his sleep. It is amazing these guys can string two words together, and for the most part they can’t.

So more recently they graduated to censorship and threats of lawsuit. Since I have nothing, those
threats went nowhere. Someone did an asset check. I don’t even have ads on my sites. The censorship
has made a small dent in my numbers, but somehow my readers are driving around it. Even while
being censored on 95% of searches (Google, Bing, and Yahoo), my numbers and influence continue to
climb. It is called word of mouth, which Google hasn’t found a way to silence yet. Which I guess is
why Unz got the call. Everyone else has been begging off from this assignment, and you now see why,
but Unz hadn’t read enough of me to know he was in over his head from the first word. He should have
known better, but didn’t. So like many before him he tripped on the curb into the colosseum, and the
lion got him. Too bad, so sad.

I think I’ll keep chewing, just for kicks. Unz claims I was born in 1964, using RatWiki as his source,
proving he is a lousy researcher on top of everything else. Any people search would show I was born
in 1963, and I admit that, so why is he using RatWiki, one of my top enemies and admitted libelers, as
a source for my birth? I guess because they are allies here, working from the same sad script of ad
hom misdirection. Any good debater should be confident enough to take me on alone, especially since
I “don’t really exist”, and that debater would avoid any link to the bozos at RatWiki, lest they drag him
down to their level, but notice Unz doesn’t do that. He is scraping for any and all things to throw at me,
without having to mention any of my actual research. Outside his pay grade, I guess.
Late in the article, Unz says this:

Easily summarizing such a gigantic collection of conspiratorial content is obviously
impossible, so I’ll just present a very brief overview based upon the couple of days I spent
casually exploring this archive.

“Casually”, notice. All the rigor remains on my side.

He should say, “Responding to such a gigantic collection is obviously impossible, so I won’t even try. I
will just give you a short list, sneer, and and leave you to assume it is all wrong”. Think I am

I certainly haven’t bothered trying to read most of these articles, but the titles and the
descriptive summaries seem pretty indicative.

Ah, so this response of Unz is so empty, he doesn’t require even one substantive response to 140
volumes of work. They are proved wrong by their own titles. That’s convenient for him, wouldn’t you

Our very lightly moderated website naturally attracts large numbers of unusual individuals
and I’ve sometimes wondered where they got their crazy beliefs, vaguely assuming that
Alex Jones might have been the source of those. But I now think that Mathis’ huge trove of
nonsensical material is much more likely to have been responsible.

He lets it all hang out, doesn’t he? He is admitting he is being overwhelmed by my readers, who are
even more numerous than those who follow Alex Jones! Tends to disprove the reverse argument, that I
have no reach. For a long time the script has been that I have very small numbers and no real support,
but Unz just let that cat out of the bag, didn’t he? But I already knew that. I know what my numbers

Finally, near the end, Unz addresses an actual paper: the one on Schwarzenegger. But as usual he
dodges all my top evidence, ignoring it as if it wasn’t there, to concentrate on minor points. He chooses
instead to focus on the rank of Arnold’s father, which is not central to the thesis. But if it were, Unz
could answer my claims very easily by proving those decs are NOT what I say they are. He doesn’t
even try, instead misdirecting into some mush about Anschluss. He also lies again, saying I suggest the
father may have been a junior officer. No, that isn’t what I say. I suggest he may have been a major
general, which is not a junior officer. He says I claim Schwarzenegger is Jewish, but again he focuses
on minor points like Gold of Gold’s gym, while ignoring all the major ones concerning Arnold’s own
ancestors—which he waves away as “eye-glazing matters of genealogy”. Funny how every time he
gets near any real data, especially linked or footnoted data, Unz’s eyes and brain freeze and he claims I
have lost him in some maze of hypnosis—and so he is not required to respond, much less tell you what
I said. My paper is 14 pages PDF, which is about 42 book pages, of densely packed evidence, but Unz
can only manage three short paragraphs in reply, which dodge immediately into misdirection, have zero
content and boil down to “no he’s not”.

Just to remind him and you, I found Arnold was a Mach, a Jadrny, and a Tascher, and that his middle
name is Alois. Unz takes that outing better than Arnold did, since Arnold had a little meltdown after
my paper came out. My guess is Arnold will not be happy Unz is dredging this back up, and he may
get a call.

In his brief mentions of my papers on Gates and Irving, Unz dismisses my claims they are Jewish by
saying the names don’t look Jewish to him. So we are supposed to take his word for it, against all my
research and links to mainstream sources? Ignore Geni.com, thepeerage.com, and Intelius, and just get
all your information from Ron Unz, who already knows everything without consulting genealogies or

Unz does the same chop job on my science site, admitting that if I am right about any of it, it is far
more important than my other work, but then begging off from anything but a soundbite slander, based
on his given script. He can’t mention anything of the major things I have done, such as diagram the
nucleus or achieve unification or predict a Solar cycle, since the script only allows him to libel me by
sneering at my pi paper, of course without reading it. As with my genealogy work, he claims he can’t
follow it. Maybe that’s why he dropped out of physics to go into banking.

On the way out, Unz estimates my sites require a staff of 15 and total expenditures would have now reached at least the $15 to $20 million range, and perhaps a great higher than that.

Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun. We have seen before that these people can’t decide
how to libel me. Am I too small to notice or too big to be true? One moment I am a big nothing, the
next moment I am a $20-million government project of geniuses, sent out to smoke-bomb the entire
world. They really need to make up their mind.

It was at this point I began to think Unz wrote this on his own bat, rather than responding to some sort
of memo. It is such a stunning failure in every way it couldn’t have been passed for publication by
anyone higher up. No one reading this could possibly think it scored any points. As I have shown, it is
so counter-productive it indicates Unz may be going through some personal crisis, perhaps due to
vaccine damage or something. My prediction is he is going to get a call, not only from Arnold but
from Intel itself. My guess is the article won’t last long. But I am happy if it does.

A few hours later: the comments section for his article quickly swelled, or at least the comments he let
through. He admits he is censoring at the top, so we shouldn’t be surprised most comments support
him. Unfortunately for him, it was just the excuse for a thousand trolls and agents to arrive, most of
them anon, and for them to bring him even lower. Thank the Muses those people aren’t agreeing with
me, since again we find zero substance. Just reams of ad homs and other obvious misdirection. Lots
more scripted nonsense about my pi paper, leading with the claim I don’t even know what pi is, but
nothing about my nuclear diagrams, my unification, or my successful solar cycle prediction. Nothing
about the fact I have long been beating Wikipedia and the largest universities on general searches.
Nothing on the fact that a NASA astrophysicist wrote the introduction to my first book, praising it to
the skies. I guess he doesn’t know what the Sun is. Nothing about the fact that the mainstream just
admitted I was right about Columbus being Jewish and not from Genoa. Nothing about the fact that the
Daily Mail admitted my “conspiracy theory” about Hawking was true. Nothing about the Smithsonian
admitting the cause of lift was not known, after my paper on lift came out. Nothing about Kerr
admitting the singularity does not exist, years after I proved it didn’t. Nothing about the current crashand-burn of String Theory, which I bombed down to bare earth years ago. Nothing about Fourier’s
Law recently dying, due to my killing it in my papers on Drude and Anderson.

Nothing about the huge piles of evidence I provide in all papers on both sites, just the lie that it doesn’t
exist or is wrong, based on zero counter-evidence or argument. The “argument” against me hasn’t
progressed one iota in two decades, it is still at this baby stage of yelling and throwing food, as Unz and
his minions are proving. As we have seen again, they utterly ignore 99.99% of my data, cherry-picking
a ten-list of shallow talking points provided from a central tape, then sound-biting that down to a few
sentences and peppering it with invective. And then selling that as a scholarly debunking.

Unfortunately, that is going to reverse on Unz, as he is about to find out. Many of his best readers are going to be so turned off by this whole charade they are going to drop him like an old Covid wipe. It won’t much matter, I guess, since his site was propped up by the usual suspects to start with, but it is going to sting his ego, at least. As for me, I have already seen a jump in donations on the first day


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