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Russian roulette gives you more chance than Diquick-19 vaxx

Source: RogerHodkinson

Naomi Wolf about COVID-19 vaccines: “They just want to kill you all. I mean, there’s there’s no way around it.

Our experts have looked at what’s called bio distribution of the materials of the injection. And in Canada, you were told in the US, we were told around the Western Europe.

They were told that the materials from the vaccine stay in the deltoid in the injection site. That’s not true.

The Pfizer documents show that they bio distribute throughout the body. As Dr. Robert Chandler, one of our experts says, like a shotgun blast to the body accumulating in the liver, adrenals, spleen, lymphatic system, crossing the blood brain barrier and accumulating the ovaries.

The reason I mentioned that when it comes to pushing more and more and more injections, even at this late date, is that our experts have seen no mechanism by which these materials leave the body. And there’s a study that I found out of Hong Kong, done for the Chinese, showing that with the first injection, there’s systemic damage in rats. But with the second injection, their hearts engorge, there’s visible white patches on their hearts, and there’s multi-organ system failure.

So over time, and my husband, who’s an Intel guy, found legally the document that the CDC had prepared in 2020, 2021, that shows six shots, that they always prepared six shots. This was before all the language about, oh, you need another one, it’s waning in efficacy. So the bottom line is, the more shots you have, the more likely you are to be disabled or die or be sterilized. And they know that. And they know that and they keep doing it.”

Full Interview



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