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A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines

Here’s a quick summary of the key pieces of evidence that taken together show that the COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.

I can now finally prove, using gold-standard record-level data, that both mRNA shots increased all-cause mortality and that other brands were worse.

Here’s a short list of some of my other favorite pieces of evidence that are consistent with the vaccines are unsafe and cannot be explained otherwise:

  1. The shortest “proof” of the lack of any benefits and impact on mortality is in this article: The COVID vaccine: all risk, no benefit
  2. They cannot explain any of the 100% verifiable anecdotes like what Jay Bonnar passively observed. Probability of this happening by chance: 5.6e-22. There is only one explanation, isn’t there?
  3. The stats of Ed Dowd’s book (499 out of 500 were vaccinated when it should have been only around 75%. Probability of this happening if the vaccines were safe: 6.1e-10
  4. VAERS mortality and injury reports are more than all vaccines combined
  5. Papers published in the medical literature especially the paper on cause of death after vaccines by Peter McCullough
  6. All the vaccine injured, disabled, and dead including my friends.
  7. The unprecedented number of athletes dropping or dead
  8. What happened at Apple Valley village where deaths climbed 8X immediately after the vaccine rollout
  9. What happened at Tidewater Family Practice went from 8 to 10 deaths per year to 48 deaths per year with all the excess deaths ascribed to the COVID vaccine
  10. The lack of success stories from any nursing home
  11. The US Nursing home data
  12. the JAMA study showing COVID vaccines do not reduce hospitalization risk at all.
  13. Del Bigtree: “No safety trial was ever properly done on any of the vaccines. There is no post-licensure safety trials being done. They’re only asking for the funding now. Now you know that whether vaccines are safe or not is an absolute guess.
  14. The 19” clots pulled from vaccinated people. The embalmer says, “I never seen clotting like this prior to 2021! The first 20 years in my field, I don’t ever recall seeing clots like this. I’m not the only embalmer seeing this.”

Here’s a list of over 50 pieces of evidence. You decide which column to put each of these in:

  1. Toxic shot: This is a book co-authored by one of the top epidemiologists in the US, Yale Professor Harvey Risch. From the description of the book: “From 2021–2023, the United States alone suffered 600,000 unexplained excess deaths not associated with COVID-19…”
  2. Doctors are told to trust the FDA and CDC when prescribing vaccines. All the post-marketing safety data is kept hidden by health authorities so not even doctors can look at the data themselves to find out if any vaccine is safe. Doctors thus have no choice but to trust the authorities since the data is kept secret. They are essentially told: “do what we tell you to do, do not question authority or we will take away your license.” Note: By data, I am referring to the patient record level data. This could be easily disclosed by the health authorities without violating anyone’s confidentiality (as I proved with the New Zealand record level data) but it never is.
  3. The CDC itself doesn’t have the data to make a post-marketing independent vaccine safety assessment and they are not interested in obtaining the data either! The CDC relies on the FDA who relies on the manufacturer to test the product. The CDC could ask states for vaccination records tied to death records, but they don’t want to even ask because if they did a safety analysis, it could be discovered in a FOIA request. The CDC basically has no interest whatsoever in verifying what the actual safety data is. When I offered to show them the NZ data before I published it (so they would finally have record level data), they declined to look at it. The CDC takes basically a “head in the sand approach.” I went to CDC headquarters and spoke face to face with the director of media relations. I asked him why they don’t ask the states for the information and he said they don’t have the authority to do so. I asked, “Have you tried saying please?” He repeated his earlier statement.
  4. Lack of transparency by health authorities. Not a single health authority anywhere in the world has ever released anonymized record-level patient data for independent researchers to assess the safety of any vaccine. There isn’t any paper in a peer-reviewed journal showing that health outcomes are improved if public health data is kept secret. So why keep it secret? I proved that the record level data (which is “gold-standard” ground truth) can be anonymized and disclosed without harming anyone. While record-level patient data would be the most definitive, a detailed time-series cohort analyses can be easily produced by health authorities and published for everyone to see. These would show safety signals and do not jeopardize patient privacy. These are always kept hidden. The lone exception is the UK ONS, but they made their “buckets” so large that you cannot see the impact of the vaccine. When I asked them to redo their analysis with smaller buckets, they stopped responding to me. So I haven’t found a single health authority who wants to find out if the vaccines are safe. They all want to trust others and they all refuse to analyze their own data. This is not confidence inspiring.
  5. Lack of interest in data transparency by the medical community, media, lawmakers, and public officials. There are only a few examples of people in the medical community, mainstream media, or public officials who have called for data transparency of public health data. The rest of them prefer to keep the public in the dark. MP Andrew Bridgen in the UK has. MP Philip Davies has (see part in bold):
  6. When asked for more detailed analysis, the authorities refuse to provide it. Seven members of Parliament requested the UK ONS to re-do an analysis with with a more detailed parameter so we could finally determine whether or not the vaccines were safe. The head of the UK ONS denied the request falsely claiming that the request would reveal PII and would not provide any new insights.
  7. We aren’t allowed to see even the simplest of charts. Wouldn’t it be great to define two cohorts on July 1, 2021: COVID vaccinated vs. COVID unvaccinated. Then you simply record the deaths from that point forward and plot them. Why isn’t this being published? If the vaccine worked, there should be a big difference.
  8. Misinformation is deemed to be a problem, but the people making these statements are unwilling to take any steps to stop the so-called misinformation. These steps include: open public discussion to resolve differences of opinion and making public health data available/public in a way that preserves privacy. For example, HHS (as well as every state health department) should welcome all of us with open arms and invite us to query their databases (such as VSD and Medicare and Medicaid in the case of HHS) and publish the results of those queries for everyone to see. Why does this information need to be hidden? The numbers tell the story, not the individual records.
  9. No response from health authorities to reasonable requests. I’ve talked to Michael Felberbaum, the assistant head of media relations for the FDA and offered to host a meeting with the FDA between the “misinformation spreaders” and the FDA. He promised to check on this. It’s been a month now. No response.
  10. No response from any health authority when asked to explain their own data. When government patient level data is made public that shows very troubling safety signals (as we had in New Zealand or Santa Clara Dept of Public Health), there is a total unwillingness of any health authority (or mainstream epidemiologists) to discuss the matter and resolve it. They won’t do it publicly and they won’t do it privately. Not for anything. Why? Because they can’t spin the data as “safe.” You can offer to donate over $1M to their institution and they still won’t talk to you. We saw this when Peter Hotez was offered millions of dollars to publicly debate RFK Jr. and he turned it down.
  11. The US Medicare data clearly shows mortality increases after people take the jab. Is there any epidemiologist who can explain why deaths rose during a period in time when they should have been falling (per the Medicare death data)? See my article New Medicare data makes it clear that the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide for a full analysis.
    For the first 120 days after the shots given in March 2021, death rates overall were falling. But death rates went up for those who got the shot. We know from data from other vaccines that the baseline death rate of 81-year-olds in Medicare is 3.85%, so the baseline death rate of this group is <800 deaths a day. These deaths climb far above baseline after you took the COVID shot.
  12. The patient-level data released from NZ data confirms that mortality increases after the shots are given. For example, when you graph doses 2 to 4 which is heavily biased towards falling mortality, the mortality rises sharply. In every time period, after the shots are given mortality rises. Even if the shots are restricted to before COVID starts, mortality rises even though background mortality rates are falling. Nobody’s been able to explain that. In every shot, the mortality is higher at 24 weeks than at 4 weeks, regardless of the season that the shot is given in. The male:female risk of death was also dose dependent which should be impossible if the vaccines are safe (I restricted the age range to 40 to 77 so there is no age confounding in the comparison). There is no epidemiologist in the world that has looked at the NZ data and declared that this data proves the vaccine is safe. Nor is there any epidemiologist calling for the full dataset to be released. They simply do not want to know the truth. See my article on the New Zealand record-level data to get this data and see for yourself. For a shorter summary of the argument, see The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death.
    New Zealand’s baseline death rates and peak are up since the COVID vaccine rollout. These were supposed to reduce mortality, but they increased it to record levels. The “explanation” that this is due to population growth is a mirage; annual deaths per capita increased in New Zealand (they never talk about that).
    NZ data: Doses 2 and 4 were given while background mortality was falling, dose 3 while rising. So we’d expect the slope to fall in the first 6 months after vaccination. It does the opposite.
  13. Anecdotes such as the one from Jay Bonnar who lost 15 of his DIRECT friends unexpectedly since the shots rolled out. Four of the 15 died on the same day as that vaccine was given. Before the shots rolled out, Jay had lost only one friend unexpectedly. The probability this happened by chance is given by poisson.sf(14, .25) which is 5.6e-22. So this can’t happen by chance. SOMETHING killed Jay’s friends and 4 of the 15 died on the same day as they were vaccinated. Is there a more plausible explanation for what killed Jay’s friends? All of them who died were vaccinated with the COVID vaccines.
  14. Studies like the one done by Denis Rancourt show 1 death per 800 shots on average. Jay Bonnar estimates he has around 14,000 friends so Jay Bonnar’s numbers are roughly consistent with Rancourt’s results: 1 per 1,000.
  15. Survey data like Skidmore and Rasmussen Reports showing that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by the COVID shots. There have never been any counter surveys published showing this not to be the case. The Rasmussen polls have shown that a comparable number of people have been killed by the shots as by the virus (and the treatment protocols for the virus).
  16. The lack of any success stories. It appears that “vaccine success stories” where COVID infection fatality ratios dropped, mortality dropped, or that myocarditis cases plummeted after the vaccines rolled out do not exist. I couldn’t find even a SINGLE success story! The US Nursing home data shows that the infection fatality rate (IFR) increased after the vaccine rolled out. There is nobody using that data making the claim it reduced the IFR by a factor of 2 or more. At best, the vaccines did absolutely nothing. If you showed someone a graph of cases and deaths, nobody would be able to tell you when the vaccines rolled out! Conversely, after the shots rolled out, the “failure stories” skyrocketed such as Apple Valley Village.
  17. Anecdotes from healthcare are extremely troubling. One nurse reported a hospital admission rate that was 3X higher than anything in the 33-year history of the hospital after the COVID vaccines rolled out. Symptoms rarely ever seen were common after vaccines rolled out in that age group.
  18. Lack of autopsies in clinical trials and post-marketing. The CDC doesn’t request anyone to do autopsies even for people who die on the same day as they got the vaccine. Don’t they want to know what killed those people… just to be sure?
  19. Young people dying in sleep. There are way too many cases of young people who die in their sleep after being vaccinated. Doctors say this is a rare event. Now it is much more common. If the shots are safe, why is this happening?
  20. I have personal direct personal experience with the vaccine: two people I know were killed by the vaccine, none from COVID. I know many people who are vaccine injured from the COVID vaccine. Of course, I am not alone. Many of my friends have noticed the increase in unexpected deaths in their friends.
  21. Corruption in the systems used to monitor adverse events. See this presentation by Albert Albert Benavides about VAERS. In addition, the v-safe system showed that 8% of the people who got the vaccine had to see medical attention (which is in itself a train wreck), but the CDC refused to voluntarily disclose this important information and even today they don’t talk about it. If 8% had to seek medical attention, it is not unreasonable that a fraction of those died.
  22. The CDC covered up 770 safety signals. They didn’t tell the public about them at all. Not even hinting at them. A safety signal is very serious. To get one safety signal would be concerning. But to get 770 safety signals triggered (on 770 different adverse event types) and then not say anything to the public about it is a sure sign of a very corrupt public agency whose job is to protect the manufacturers, not the public.
  23. Ed Dowd’s book statistics. This very popular book (“Cause Unknown”) listed 500 who died unexpectedly. Ed didn’t know how many were unvaccinated. Only one person has come forward saying that one of the people in the book who died after the vaccines rolled out was unvaccinated.
  24. Sports players dying on the field in massive numbers. They try to normalize this saying “this has always happened; you are just noticing it more.” But this is not true as this video demonstrates. And if the vaccines are so safe, why did the UK Football Association stop recommending that players be vaccinated as noted at the end of the video. See this post of Matt Le Tissier revealing the details.
  25. Prominent doctor/scientists switching sides. Paul Marik is one of the top intensivists in the world. After seeing many COVID vaccine injured patients, he changed his mind about the safety of vaccines. When he was not allowed to practice medicine consistent with his Hippocratic Oath, he resigned his position.
  26. The corruption with COVID protocols. The COVID hospital protocols likely caused 90% of the COVID deaths in hospitals. This led to Paul Marik resigning. See details in this article. Why are doctors forced to use hospital protocols that kill a huge percentage of patients instead of using their best judgment to save patients?
  27. This JAMA paper shows that COVID and influenza vaccines don’t work to reduce hospitalization. Zero benefit. That implies it doesn’t work to reduce infection or mortality. There isn’t a single counterexample in the history of medicine where there was no hospitalization benefit and there was a mortality benefit.
  28. The consistency of the data. There have been no counter-anecdotes showing the vaccines are safe. I keep looking for one and come up empty.
  29. Prominent scientists promoting the government narrative ALL REFUSE to be publicly challenged by their peers. No exceptions. This is the most telling fact. Why not resolve the issue through dialog? It isn’t resolved in the peer-review literature. For example, half the papers say vaccines cause autism and the other half don’t. Why can’t we talk about it and resolve this issue once and for all?
  30. Fear and intimidation tactics are used to silence dissent. Open debate would be more productive. But people are not allowed to hold or discuss views that go against the “consensus” or they will lose their jobs, their certifications, or their medical licenses. Health care workers are told they will be fired if they report an adverse event to VAERS, there are nurses who won’t talk about anaphylaxis after getting the vaccine for fear of being fired, vaccine injuries are covered up, hospital workers are afraid to talk about it at work.
  31. The cognitive dissonance is very disturbing. When healthcare workers bring up the topic of mortality and morbidity due to the vaccine, their peers say nothing and walk away.
  32. Censorship tactics employed by the US government to silence dissent instead of public recorded open debates. History has shown that purveyors of censorship are always on the wrong side of the issue.
    Liberty Justice Center Wins Battle for Doctors' First Amendment Rights as  California Repeals Physician Censorship Law - Liberty Justice Center
  33. We have exceeded the stopping condition. The Schwab paper (co-authored by Peter Schirmacher) showed people are being killed by the vaccine. The paper established that the rate of deaths was sufficient to halt the vaccine as unsafe. Nobody paid attention. The stopping condition is one death per million doses. So if you give 750M doses, you should have fewer than 750 deaths. The Schwab paper estimated that 14% of the people who died within 20 days of vaccination were killed by the vaccine. 14% of 137,000 people is 19,000 people which is more than 750 people.
  34. Highly respected scientists are calling for a halt to the vaccine. Peter McCullough has called for an end to the COVID shots, yet it falls on deaf ears. Peter McCullough and European Parliament 14 SEPT 23. Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections – Not Safe For Human Use: “I submit to you the COVID-19 vaccines and all of their progeny & future boosters are not safe for human use.”
  35. The only immunity provided is to the manufacturers. Why, if the vaccines are so safe, is it necessary to have liability protection for everyone involved in the manufacture and distribution of the vaccines?
  36. Why isn’t anyone taking my money? I’ve offered millions of dollars to back my claims of harm > benefit. To date, just one person in the world, Saar Wilf, has accepted one of my bets, and not for the full $1M offering price. Moderna and Pfizer should be taking my bet, but they are staying clear.
  37. The math never lies. Scientific studies are wrong all the time. But Poisson distributions cannot be gamed. Four simple anecdotes: Apple Valley Village (0 COVID deaths in 27 cases pre-vaccine vs. 90 cases with 28 deaths post-vaccine and it’s the same variantJay Bonnar who lost 15 friends, all vaccinated, unexpectedly (and 4 on the same day as the shot) vs. 1 loss in his history; Ed Dowd’s book with just one unvaccinated person of the 500 died unexpectedly deaths listed in his book; Lara Logan who knew 20 people who died from the vaccine and 1 person who died from COVID. Any of these would stand on their own, but all three remove all doubt. And these are just a small sample. If the vaccines worked, these cases would simply not exist.
  38. There was crystal clear gross fraud in the COVID clinical trials, but there is no appetite for an investigation. I know multiple whistleblowers who worked at Pfizer subcontractors responsible for the handling the data. They literally fabricated data out of thin air. But the DOJ will not speak to any of these whistleblowers because they’ve been told not to pursue this. In addition, we have clinical trial participants such as Maddy de Gary who were very seriously injured, likely for life, by these vaccines (she still cannot walk today after intensive therapy) and despite the personal assurances from former FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock that the FDA would investigate, the case has never been investigated by anyone including the mainstream press. They simply do not want to know that there was corruption; they act like it never happened.
  39. Their data doesn’t match their data. The Pfizer clinical trial reported to the FDA similar serious adverse event rate in the placebo and treatment groups. See page 33 where it says, “Proportions of participants with serious adverse events, deaths, and withdrawals due to adverse events were balanced between treatment groups.” Yet the V-safe data shows 8% of vaccine recipients needed to see medical care following their vaccination. Both sources cannot be right. It’s critical to sort out the fabricated data from the real data. In general, the data that the CDC does not want the public to know (e.g., the V-safe data that required a court order for them to reveal to the public) is an excellent method to assess the credibility of the data. The drug companies would like you to believe that taking a vaccine is no more dangerous than taking a shower. Really? Do you seek professional medical attention after every 12 showers?
  40. The existence of millions of vaccine injured. There were Facebook support groups with hundreds of thousands of COVID vaccine injured people. This is unprecedented. Facebook deleted the groups since they were inconsistent with the government narrative. These people still exist. The rate of injury appears to be extremely high. I did a quick poll of my followers who largely avoided the vaccine to see what happened in their household just to estimate the effect size. It’s huge; nearly half the households where someone took the vaccine had a vaccine injury. How can a vaccine that is this harmful still be allowed on the market?
  41. Harms acknowledged by government scientists. The official New Zealand data shows over a 25X increase in the risk of myocarditis in the 5 to 19 year olds. But they said nothing to the public about it even though they had proof of causality (the effect was dose dependent). Even worse is that this is a huge signal that was not detected in the clinical trials. How is that possible if the trials were legitimate? We know from the Thailand study that you can detect cardiac damage in fewer than 100 kids and this was confirmed in adults in a Swiss study where all the adults tested has some level of cardiac injury post vaccine.
  42. This post and video from ADH TV is an excellent summary of the evidence of harms caused by the vaccines. Many countries are experiencing multiple years of excess deaths and there is nobody offering an explanation that fits. The vaccine is the only explanation that fits the observations. One researcher is quoted as saying, “The evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt that the vaccine is causing more deaths than the virus itself.”
  43. Excess deaths in America among young people are at alarming levels without an explanation that fits the data. See this post and video“For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. “Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively.”
  44. Professor Carl Heneghan in the UK discovered that excess deaths in the UK were caused by a rise in deaths due to circulatory issues. John Beaudoin found the same thing from analysis of 1M death records. The increase in these types of deaths started when the vaccines rolled out. It was like a light switch turning on: a massive shift right after the vaccine rolled out. See this article for details.
  45. The nurses revealed excess deaths caused by the COVID virus protocols and the vaccines. If the vaccines are reducing morbidity and mortality, why did the indicators increase after the shots rolled out. The most stunning was a Fresno hospital which saw up to a 90-fold increase in the number of fetal demises they experienced over the course of a month (vs. pre-vaccine rates). Watch the video at 2:53:00.
  46. The issues summarized in this article make it clear that the COVID vaccine is killing people; it’s the only hypothesis that can explain the evidence that is observed. So those deaths must be observable from the time-series data. For epidemiologists not to spot this in the NZ data where we have record-level data is an indictment on the entire profession. How can they all (with notable exceptions) miss the signal?
  47. The UK ONS is not interested in data transparency. They could easily release the records without risk but they don’t want to talk about it. What does that tell you?
  48. Survey of 1,000 Americans randomly chosen by an independent research firm reports that nearly half of the households who lost a family member believe that the COVID vaccine was responsible for the death. How can this be a safe vaccine? This is unprecedented. There are no surveys showing the opposite because all the mainstream media is afraid of asking the question.
  49. Former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan revealed that she knows 20 people who died from the vaccine but only one who died from COVID. If the vaccine is safe, how can this anecdote exist?
  50. paper was published in a prominent peer-reviewed medical journal calling for the halt of the COVID vaccines due to safety issues.
  51. The AstraZeneca vaccine was praised as highly safe and highly effective until it was discovered it wasn’t. Is it possible the same could be true of the other vaccines?
  52. Deanna Kline, an RN with 35 year of experience, wrote about what she saw in a highly rated book on Amazon. She works at a geriatric practice. Before 2021, they used to have 8 to 10 deaths a year consistently. After the vaccines, they had 36 deaths in 2022 and 48 deaths in 2023. That is statistically impossible if there is nothing causing those deaths (4.6e-18). She knows everyone who died and believes all the excess deaths were due to the shot. What else could cause such a dramatic mortality shift so quickly in such a large population?
  53. Trade embalmer who does 189 cases a year reports seeing the odd clots in 90% of his cases. He attributes all of these clots to the the COVID vaccineWatch here starting at 49 minutes into it with Bill. Richard Hirschman has found that if you take someone’s blood in a tube and wait 4 hours, you can easily tell who is vaccinated and who isn’t. Vaccinated blood forms abnormal clots both in the body as well as post mortem (e.g., in ECMO tubing).
  54. Autopsy results make it crystal clear that the COVID vaccines can kill people. There is absolutely no doubt. So the failure of the medical community to want to quantify this is stunning.
  55. On Feb 9, 2024 I had dinner at one of our friend’s house. My friend’s wife mentioned she follows me now. I asked what changed her mind. She said 3 of her friends died unexpectedly since 2021 and that had never happened in her life before. She said now 7 have died unexpectedly since 2021 and she didn’t know of anyone before that. Her husband said he knows 3 people who died unexpectedly and no one before that. All those who died unexpectedly were vaccinated. This seems like a trend.
  56. The blood of vaccinated people clots differently. This is not true for every vaccinated person, but whenever a phlebotomist draws blood and just draws serum or the blood clots prematurely, it is always in a vaccinated person or someone with a transfusion. Embalmers such as Richard Hirschman noticed the same thing. The blood can clot both before death as well as after death. This isn’t COVID related because it’s only happening in the vaccinated.
  57. The people who took the vaccines told the CDC that the vaccines were not safe in the recently released free-text data. Why did the CDC collect the V-safe data if it wasn’t going to read it. Anyone reading just a handful of these reports would be appalled. Here’s the tweet announcing the data. See this first look analysis.
  58. A Cath Lab Whistleblower who admits to pulling the “white fibrous clots” out of LIVING PEOPLE for the last 3 yearsAnd he says that 99% of the patients with these clots are Covid vaccinated!
  59. Over 22% of households where someone took the vaccine have a vaccine injury according to two independent surveys on X came to nearly identical numbers, but a more unbiased survey done by an independent polling organization found a 28% rate of vaccine injury in households where someone took the COVID vaccine:
  60. Three football players collapse on the field in the span of a week. This has never happened before. No explanations.
  61. FRED disability stats have climbed quickly and steadily to an all time high starting right after the shot rollout. The chart below shows over 1M women are newly disabled. No investigations as to the cause. See other charts here.
    Population - With a Disability, 16 Years and over ...
  62. All these vaccine injuries documented in this short video:
  63. Paper by Anthony Fauci admitted the COVID vaccines cannot possibly reduce risk of infection. This means the trials were fraudulent and the vaccine should never have been mandated.
  64. The vaccine clinical trials were rigged. See Science summary: COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety exaggerated in clinical trials & observational studies, academics find
  65. Nobody can find a medical practice anywhere in the world where the results were consistent with the clinical trial results. But it is easy to find medical practices where mortality and morbidity skyrocketed after the shots rolled out. If the shots worked as claimed, it should be trivial to find hundreds of thousands of medical practices with results consistent with the trials and statistically impossible to find a medical practice where morbidity and mortality went up dramatically.
  66. Same is true for cardiologists and kids with myocarditis. Can you name a cardiologist who saw 3 kids within a week with myocarditis BEFORE the vaccines rolled out? Check out this post.
  67. If the vaccines worked, then MOST medical practices would have declining morbidity and mortality rates. Yet NOBODY can name even ONE.

My top list

If I had to make a “top N” list of the most compelling pieces of evidence, it would probably look something like this list (drawing from the points above):

  1. JAMA article showing the COVID and flu vaccines are completely useless (doctors love this)
  2. US Nursing Home data shows NO difference in COVID CFR after shots rolled out
  3. VAERS data: 770 safety signals and the CDC stayed silent
  4. 1000 person survey: Nearly half deaths attributed to the vaccine
  5. In most public surveys, people know more people who died from the vax than from COVID. Some anecdotes are stunning and impossible to find if this wasn’t true, e.g., Lara Logan stated she knew 20 people who died from the vaccine, only 1 from COVID
  6. Clear evidence of fraud (e.g., Maddie de Garay, 3 Pfizer whistleblowers), but the DOJ doesn’t want to talk to them.
  7. Complete lack of interest in producing the record-level data or time series analysis from everyone in authority. Nobody wants to know the truth.
  8. Top people shifting from being pro-vax to anti-vax. Nobody shifting the other way.
  9. Cardiologists report no increase during virus phase. Big increases starting … in April, May 2021. Nobody had cases go down after the vaccines rolled out.
  10. NZ record level data and Medicare record level data both show people who got the shots died at a higher rate than background.
  11. None of the advocates will debate any of us; instead they use censorship and intimidation tactics. History has always shown that people engaging in such tactics are always on the wrong side of the issue
  12. Doctors afraid to speak about what they observe. If they speak the truth, they lose their job and/or license. This is not an incentive for telling the truth to people.
  13. False promises like FDA’s Peter Marks saying he will do anything to prevent misinformation yet he won’t take a phone call so we can resolve with dialog
  14. Jay Bonnar’s anecdote: 15 friends died unexpectedly. All were vaccinated. 4 vaccinated on same day as they died; 3 of the 4 were under 30.
  15. Deaths skyrocket at geriatric clinic where Deanna Kline works. Went from 8 to 10 deaths per month to 48 deaths/yr in 2023; all the excess deaths ascribed to the vaccine by the medical staff.
  16. There are no success anecdotes, e.g., nursing home where deaths declined after vax rollout
  17. Wait times to see a cardiologist are now up to 2 years in some area.
  18. Most doctors, who have a choice, are not taking any more shots.
  19. Harvard faculty refuses to be mandated to get the shots. So they mandate it for the students.
  20. No vax advocate is asking for data transparency so we’d know the truth
  21. 42% Americans want to sue the COVID vax drug manufacturers
  22. I challenged the founder of Moderna to a debate on whether their drug was safe. Loser pays the winner $1M. No response. That doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in their product.
  23. When people trying to debunk me, either their arguments are nonsensical, they use ad hominem attacks, or they simply walk away when they realize that their arguments are hand waving attacks without evidentiary support.
  24. A top medical scientist recently confided to me that we are right, but he can’t go public because he’d be vilified by his peers.

Other evidence of harm articles

  1. Evidence of harm
  2. Incriminating evidence
  3. What the data tells us
  4. How can they explain any of this data?
  5. The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart
  6. The US nursing home data is devastating for the narrative: FINAL GRAPHS
  7. If vaccines don’t cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence?
  8. Think we got it wrong?
  9. Pfizer Phase 3 clinical trial fraud allegations that should be immediately investigated by the FDA


The bottom line is that the:

  1. lack of data transparency
  2. lack of accountability (no questions can be asked)
  3. censorship and intimidation tactics
  4. lack of liability
  5. real-world anecdotes that cannot be gamed simply do not match the safe and effective rhetoric
  6. health policies that are based politics instead of science
  7. there is no appetite for investigating the fraud in the clinical trials which covered up very serious adverse events

should be very troubling to anyone still in possession of critical thinking skills.

Source: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/a-summary-of-the-evidence-against

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