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Fake trials as experimental theatre – C J Hopkins

The Consent Factory, [C J Hopkins] is just Experimental Theater

by Miles Mathis
First published October 6, 2024

I blew the cover of C. J. Hopkins as a CIA agent two years ago, which slowed him down for a while,
but he is back full steam this month reporting on a fake trial in Germany

Yes, they have fake trials and dummy courts all over the world, not just here. Think of this like the Alex Jones dummy trials in the same period. The point of them all is to bluff you into compliance, fearing you too will be dragged before these inquisitions and either sent to some Midnight Express jail or fined $2.7 trillion or something. Remember, this is a Consent Factory (the name of Hopkins’ website), Consent Factory, Inc.

Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years where they bluff you into consent and silence without ever having to arrest or charge you. The fear stops you cold and you police yourselves. Worried that you will be made an example of like these guys, you close your website or take down anything that might cause offense.

And yes, that masthead is copied straight from his website. The whole thing is transparent as thinnest
glass. They all might as well be wearing Langley gimme-caps. Hopkins is trying to be funny, since he
sees himself as some sort of next-generation Pynchon, but the site still reeks of experimental theater,
with the smarmy Jewish self-satisfaction of that vaudeville clinging dankly to everything there.
You will have noticed I haven’t been bluffed, since I still have up all my old Sandy Hook papers, and
everything else. I haven’t removed a word. In fact, as Alex allegedly goes into receivership, I am still
updating my Sandy Hook papers. And Sandy Hook is low on the list of my most controversial papers.
The German government allegedly charged Hopkins for putting a swastika on the cover of one of his
books. But as you see under title, it is targeted prosecution, since others do the same thing and are not
charged. Why? We are told it is because some authors have a pass: they are historians or government
workers obviously not promoting Nazism. But Hopkins is also obviously not promoting Nazism. He
is clearly continuing to argue against it, by negatively comparing Covid mandates to Third Reich
coercion. If he were promoting Nazism, he would have to argue that such coercion was a good thing,
right? So did these judges allegedly prove he was promoting Nazism? No, as usual the trials were
shams, with the proceedings not following any legal precedents or normal rules. Hopkins even admits
that, saying they “staged this public trial” and that the proceedings were no more than dramaturgy.

The prosecutor had mumbled two or three sentences in a monotone at the outset of the trial. She didn’t
bother to attempt to appear to present an actual legal argument, as that would have ruined the faitaccompli mise-en-scène efect they were obviously going for. I have to give the court and the
prosecution credit for their dramaturgy. The point of staging a public trial like this — which the
prosecution demanded, which is unusual at the appellate level — wasn’t to pretend to be carrying out
justice. It was a show of force. A demonstration. A public humiliation ritual. And, all things considered,
they staged it well.

Sounds familiar, since worldwide Intel doesn’t even bother trying to make these dummy courts look
real. They know most people don’t know squat about the law, so they can stage anything they like.
They don’t bother with juries anymore, just doing everything with bench trials or summary judgments.
What Hopkins forgets to mention is that his wife is an admitted Jew, and that he is, too (though perhaps
not admitted, I don’t really know). So it is the usual Jewish mindfick to find him charged with antiSemitism here. It is a repeat of the old David Irving fake-out.

Plus, why would the American Hopkins be living in Germany while purposely breaking their laws?
All he has to do is move across the border into France, Belgium, or the Netherlands, and he could avoid
this whole thing. The book is published in the US by the Consent Factory, which I take it means it is
published out of Langley. So the German government can’t touch it or him . . . unless he wants them

At Instantcheckmate, we learn Hopkins is also a Barclay, which figures. His sister or wife is Julia
Barclay. He probably links us to that bank. Julia’s family of Barclays does indeed link us to Hugh
Douglas Barclay, New York State Senator and US ambassador, confirming that guess.

Hopkins came out of the drama department, so he knows all about dramaturgy. He was a Fellow of the Drama League of New York in his 30s and then went to the spooky Mabou Mines experimental theater company, also of New York, in the late 1990s. This was a spin-off of Ellen Stewart’s La MaMa
experimental theater club in the East Village, so the red flags pile up on Hopkins very fast and high.
And it continues: La MaMa was cofounded by the shadowy Paul Foster, who had just come out of the
Navy. We are told he was only in the Navy for two years, but it doesn’t work that way. No one comes
out of the Navy after two years to found experimental theater in the East Village except some
undercover ONI turkey. He never did anything worth mentioning, but was nonetheless showered with awards, including a Guggenheim, a Rockefeller, an NEA, an a BACA. Mabou Mines was funded in part by Carnegie Foundation and Michael Bloomberg, proving again it was a front of some sort.
Hopkins was still involved in bad experimental theater until about seven years ago, when, at age 56, he was finally tapped for something with a bit more meat. That’s when he started writing essays and
published his first and only novel—a post-apocalyptic thing warning of a corporatist takeover while
greasing the skids for it—like Orwell but worse.

Which brings us full circle: whether we are talking about the Hopkins trial in Germany, the Manson
trials, the Menendez trials, or the Alex Jones trials, we are looking at nothing but experimental theater. This is what the CIA and other agencies do, and they have been doing it for centuries

Source: https://mileswmathis.com/cjh.pdf

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