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A Warrior Falls: Voice For Covid Sanity, Dr Jackie Stone

‘They have erased us and it’s been so easy.’

  • Dr Jackie Stone developed a protocol to treat Covid in its early stages
  • She was taken to court 27 times over four years and blocked from practice
  • She confronted a supra-national power that brings down physician or president
Dr Jackie Stone found her success in preventing illness led to prosecution

Oct 5, 2024

The death of one of the top African voices for Covid sanity, Dr Jackie Stone, is a reminder that humanity is under attack on so many fronts.

Wars on health, on farms, on the food and energy supplies, kinetic wars of bombing, depopulation and land grabs, wars on freedom of speech and the right to research and to share information about health.

It comes down to one: the property you own above all else; your bodily integrity.

It was finding and sharing effective treatments that got Jacqueline Carey Stone on the radar of medical regulators. She was hounded for four years until, on October 3, she died, aged 59.

Four years ago the Zimbabwe physician and biochemist was among the first to research treatments for Covid. At the time, official protocol was not to treat Covid but to send patients home until they could not breathe, and then put them on a ventilator with a side treatment of Remdesivir, from which few emerged alive.

As Dr Peter McCullough has pointed out, the absence of any prophylactic protocol was a red flag. Governments were telling the population that there was no alternative but to wait for the “safe and effective.”

Stone, a biochemist who gained a masters in infectious diseases in London, had worked on HIV at St Bartholomew’s hospital. Like the late professor Luc Montagnier who won the 2008 Nobel prize for discovering HIV, she came to have doubts.

See Untimely Loss of Luc Montagnier: Discoverer of HIV dies as his warnings underpin the latest Covid shot concerns (Feb 11, 2022)

From HIV she concluded that treating people too late, with a single therapy, did not work and was hugely expensive. In January 2020 an Indian research paper would show that Covid combined SARS with a replication mechanism that was similar to HIV. The scientists were forced to retract the paper within weeks.

Stone found that Covid also had binding mechanisms similar to tuberculosis and in particular malaria. That was the clue to what the media called horse dewormer, and to which the Nobel committee gave a prize. This is simplistic: she put much work into multiple treatments, what did and didn’t work, until she found that patients were recovering.

In 2020 she was elated that she and her network of fellow doctors had found a treatment for Covid. Then in January 2021 she was reported by someone paid by the Wellcome Trust and sent to Zimbabwe by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. A police charge of dealing in dangerous drugs and making chemical poisons would follow. She would be taken to court 27 times.

So began four years of harassment. It was not the state — in fact Stone would tell ministers that the Wellcome Trust, the World Health Organisation and the Zimbabwe Medical Council were misleading the state.

She noted that the head of the medical council sits on a WHO special advisory group, and occupies a fine new building in Harare.

As Biz News headlined its September 2022 interview: “Meet Dr Jackie Stone, the ‘rogue’ doctor being punished for eradicating Covid-19 in Zimbabwe.” [1]


Supra-national power

Stone’s activity ranged far beyond illness. Why, she asked, are Africans — when not starved or poisoned by corporate pollution — physically more resilient than Westerners who consume a diet of processed food and expensive medicines.

That is an explosive question, for it overturns the entire Rockefeller-Gates-Wellcome Trust proposition to bring the “benefits” of Western medicine to Africa. Just watch a Gates Foundation video and you’ll see Bill and Melinda mooching around Africa, promising to raise health with injections.

Where children were falling sick to standard diseases like measles, Stone said the reason was often hunger and yet the supra-governmental solution was not to feed them, but to inject their way out of the problem.

Three million Zimbabweans fell into poverty during the Covid lockdowns, she adds.

Jackie Stone effectively questioned the raison d’être of Rockefeller petrochemical medicine and the Gates Foundation and World Health Organisation which it funds. That made her the target of powerful forces — far above the Zimbabwe medical establishment.

Africans actually had a low rate of Covid, perhaps due to sun, time spent outdoors, ready access to anti-malarial treatments like Ivermectin, even diet, but Stone developed treatments with a network of doctors across the huge continent.

The doctors would finally met in person after four years only July 2024 at the “Healing in Africa” event, at Victoria Falls. This was followed by an “African gastronomy summit” to compare the diets with the Western obesity crisis which affects one in three U.S. adults.

Assassination bureau

Given the health of their populations, many African leaders were suspicious about how hard Western institutions were pushing the Covid response.

Tanzania’s president, John Magufuli, who had a PhD in Chemistry, ridiculed the Covid PCR test — as had its inventor, Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis who said it could not be used to detect illness. He died suddenly in August 2019 just before Covid.

Magufuli sampled a pawpaw and a goat, gave the tests human names, and they came back positive. He died in March of 2021 from heart complications at the age of 61.

Africa saw a spate of unusual mortality in its political class as the military-pharma complex rolled out the Covid response, despite its low incidence in the general African population.

One month before Magufuli’s death in March 2021, The Guardian wrote: “It’s time for Africa to rein in Tanzania’s anti-vaxxer president.”

“He knows Ghana’s former president, Jerry John Rawlings, has died from the virus. So too has former Congo-Brazzaville president Jacques Joaquim Yhombi-Opango. Last month four Zimbabwe cabinet ministers, including Sibusiso Moyo, the army general turned foreign minister who helped oust Robert Mugabe, died of Covid. In Malawi, four government officials, including two cabinet ministers, succumbed.

In Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), the prime minister, Ambrose Dlamini, fell to the virus. Sudan’s last democratically elected prime minister, Sadiq al-Mahdi, has died, as has Libya’s former prime minister, Mahmoud Jibril, and Somalia’s former prime minister, Nur Hassan Hussein. In Burundi, Tanzania’s neighbour, two former presidents – Pierre Nkurunziza and Pierre Buyoya – have died from Covid-19. The African Union secured 270m doses of Covid vaccine for member states to supplement their efforts, highlighting the strong resurgence in cases and deaths that is sweeping through the continent.

Yet Magufuli sticks bizarrely to asserting that Covid is a hoax.” [2]

In fact so many vanished that scientific research papers were written with titles like, “Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19?” [3]

They have erased us

Jackie Stone may not have shared such speculations — she focused on the medical principle of “first, do no harm”

In her last interview, at the Healing in Africa summit in July, she said:

“Wherever this is being driven from is above governments; it is people who fund governments. I think that the doctors, many of them, were completely captured; I think doctors thought they were doing the right thing. The doctor-patient relationship was used to get the public to trust that these things were safe and that they worked. It was a massive machine.

“The people I am most concerned about are the media: nothing gets out. Even this summit was highly censored. Certain names are censored… words picked up by AI and censored and I think the vast majority of the population have no access to this information at all…”

The supra-national or globalist power is so great, it can remove anyone who stands in the way of its plans, be they presidents or physicians.

“They have erased us. And it has been so easy… You can put in decades of training… and knowledge and experience, and if you say or do the wrong thing, you’re gone.” [4]

The perpetrators

What we call geopolitics is often a shell game.

While the media keeps the Covid focus firmly on the United States, which off-shored the Covid project to a lab in Wuhan, China, which supposedly let it leak, the reality is very different.

The Pentagon developed mRNA and used Pfizer and Co purely for the branding, as shown by the patent trail.

The work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt has shown that the U.S. National Security Council is in charge of Covid policy, rather than Health and Human Services as we were told.

Before the PCR test, they were developing Theranos. The aim was to have a ubiquitious blood testing system in every pharmacy, ready for the pandemic. The board was stacked with deep state perennials, names like: Kissinger, Shultz, Perry, Nunn.

When Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes’ fraud was exposed, the PCR test had to be co-opted instead from its inventor Kary Mullis, who died shortly thereafter, and the unqualified German “virologist” Christian Drosten was tasked with declaring the PCR test fit for purpose.

See New FTX CEO Oversaw Enron Cover Up – Central banks and deep state poised to gain power from crypto drama (Nov 19, 2022)

Kissinger Dies But His Plans Much Alive – Foreign policy has come home to roost; Western populations in the bullseye (Nov 30, 2023)

Yet the influential Wellcome Trust is British, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance is from Manchester, Britain, though of Ukrainian heritage; the developer of Bill Gates’ modified mosquitoes is Oxitec, based in Oxfordshire.

Dark money hides the source; black money is funded by crime – the classic exposé is The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade, a book originally written by professor Alfred McCoy in 1972.

As the British bank HSBC — convicted in 2012 of laundering drug money — could tell you, there is no functional difference at the highest levels between international corporations and organised crime. HSBC’s origins go back to the British East India Company and the opium trade.

Credit for inventing the modern stateless corporation goes to gangsters Salvatore “Lucky” Luciano and Meyer Lansky.

The most manipulative foreign power in Africa is Britain. The U.S. may have about 30 military bases, but the historical knowledge, political connections and control of mineral resources is British, especially now that France is being pushed out of its former colonies. In Gabon, who owns the manganese mine but the Rothschilds.

You may dispute that the sprawling Rothschild interests are British, but that takes us back to the start of this section: it’s a shell game.

See Who’s Running Politicians After Epstein? – Latest ‘dump’ fails to convince us that blackmail op has ended (Jan 09, 2024)


Higher plane

Jackie Stone was asked if we could build an alternative medical regulatory body outside WHO-Rockefeller control.

Sadly, she said she could not put her heart and soul into it because she did not think it would work.

“What we’re up against is too powerful… I’m such a solutions-based person… It has been wonderful at the end of this summit… to have been able to connect with people I’d only met on Zoom before…

But the reality is that we are living in some very difficult-to-explain times and I don’t know what to do about it…. There seems to be a lot of chaos out there.”

Film-makers including Lisa Henry are working on documentary about “Healing in Africa” and have rushed out a short version, “This Way To The Falls.” [5]

Jacqueline Stone, 59, doctor, mother of three, was found dead in her Highlands, Harare, home on October 3, 2024.

Source: https://moneycircus.substack.com/p/a-warrior-falls-voice-for-covid-sanity

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