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Old World Architecture – the Underground Reservoir Conundrum (Part 2)

In Part 1 “Going Underground” I proffered the suggestion that the underground reservoir near Papplewick Pumping Station was more ancient than the official narrative would have us believe. That narrative states that  a firm from Wolverhampton was employed by the Nottingham Authorities to build the massive reservoir required by the pumping station. In and of itself, that is a dubious suggestion on the simple basis that the most logical appointment would have been a local firm of architects and builders, familiar with the geology of the region and the topography of the land.

As if that is not enough, there are other logistical questions that cannot be answered.

Was it really possible for a firm of builders, from another county, using only donkeys, horses and carts and hand tools to dig out the site, line it with clay and then use 100s of thousands of red bricks to construct a magnificent reservoir that was then covered? And, equally, significantly, how was it possible that the purported building works were completed in 1879, in less than 9 months?

These sorts of questions cannot be answered by the mainstream narrative, as promulgated by Wikipedia, amateur historians and the guides who take visitors to view the underground reservoir.

In response to the first part. an associate emailed me the following information, taken from the site, Entity Art, to which credit is duly given,

Underground Reservoirs

The vast majority of these Old-World under-city reservoirs would have likely been buried by the mud flooding, and the melting of buildings, that I showed you occurred in previous articles in this series – in what was a large scale moulding and destruction of the Old-World infrastructure in Earth’s more distant history. Old World buildings all around the world are partially buried, so many reservoirs would have likely been filled in with dirt / mud. They would also be cut off from the water supplies that filled them, which could have been from manmade over-ground or underground rivers.

The water ways (both above and below ground), and canals systems, that we have all over our land masses, would have nearly all been built by these Old-World builders (giant humans). Source

There is nothing in that that I would take issue with. By way of example, the author includes the following images

Images from around the world of underground reservoirs:

Basilica (Rome) – a Greek word (Left) and Greenwich Reservoir (London) (Right)
England – underground cistern reservoir (location unknown)


Ramla pool of Arches (Israel) (L) and Cistern Reservoir, Leicester, England (R)

It is a case of stating the obvious that all archeology is based on the presumption that buried artefacts have to be dug out but why don’t any of the archeologists ever ask the questions,

How were they buried?

Who really built them?

When were they really built?

Why do so many buildings have foundation stones? Were the glorious buildings already there, found and dug out to be repurposed?

Or were they genuinely built by the townsfolk of the 18th Century using the Big Horse and Donkey Services Inc at a time when there were no power tools, the roads were invariably mud-deep in Winter and dusty in Summer? That those grand feats of architecture were completed in a matter of months or a year or so? And, from where were all the skilled craftsmen and master stonemasons required for such undertakings at a time when the populations of the world were very low? Where were they trained?

That is the logistical connundrum on which the official narrative always falls.

My take? That our history is a lie, covering up the fact that our buildings are ancient and not built by the stove-pie-hatted Victorians, backed up by huge armies of flat-capped navvies from Ireland.

Which also brings into question the construction of thousands of miles of canals across the British Isles by the same navvies using nothing but pick-axes, spades and muscle.


To be continued.

A special thank-you to Steve Hirst for providing this additional information and to the excellent EntityArt website for the photographs.

Thanks, also, to my discerning readers and viewers, whose appreciation is highly valued.

Should anyone wish to express his/her appreciation, then please use the Buy Me a Coffeebutton and leave me a comment – I will get back to you.

I can also be found on Substack, should you frequent that platform.

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