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Look at the above picture of Plato’s cave and do not ever forget what it means.

The book Virginia Stoner compiled and wrote as the outcome of her monumental research is literally groundbreaking. Its title “The Illustrated US Mortality Guide: An objective and eye-opening overview of deaths in the United States from 1968—2023: Just the numbers” says it all. The weight of the truth is really overwhelming, so better brace yourselves.

Here is what she says in one of hereye-opening and paradigm-shattering articles about it:

There were a series of strange “death waves” in the United States in 2020-2023—especially in 2020 (“the year of the virus”), and 2021 (“the year of the vaccine”).

More than a million extra people died in the death waves of 2020 and 2021, compared to prior years— that isn’t an issue of complex statistics, it’s an issue of basic math.



So, when I use terms like “unprecedented deaths” and “mass casualties” and “massive increase in deaths,” it’s not hyperbole—it’s an accurate description of what we just lived through in the US—most of us, with no idea it even happened.

What about COVID19?

Those who don’t know about, or don’t care about, or don’t agree with, the historic revolution happening right now to expose virology as a pseudoscience, and a primary tool of social control, will automatically attribute the death waves to COVID19, a disease allegedly caused by a virus called SARS-COV-2.

However, at least in the case of the NYC mass casualty event of Spring 2020, which I’ve written about previously herehere and here, this attribution would conflict even with the official mortality data, which shows that many excess deaths were not attributed to COVID19, but rather, a wide variety of ailments affecting a lot of different body systems and organs. Moreover, the pattern of deaths didn’t fit the virus narrative at all—deaths increased dramatically across the board among adults of all ages—not just the “elderly and vulnerable.” In NYC, deaths suddenly exploded, killing 50,000 extra people in just 8 weeks, then disappeared. And, the mass casualty event had an epicenter near New York Harbor, with deaths diminishing with distance from the epicenter.

I suspect there are many more aspects of the death waves that could help narrow down the possibilities of what killed all those people, both in the NYC region in the first wave, and in subsequent death waves elsewhere in the US. I hope to identify a few of those aspects, starting here.


It was the next paragraph that really got to me, quoting from her follow-up article:


Discussion for people who are genuinely interested in the facts about US mortality—or not

Is it just me, or does it seem like no one is even trying anymore? An astounding number of people these days seem to think their unsupported opinions about facts matter more than the actual facts. It’s hard to tell sometimes whether it’s laziness, corruption, incompetence, or something else.

Don’t get me wrong—I don’t have anything against opinions, especially when they emanate from someone wise. Opinions can be food for thought, and the impetus for discussion, investigation, and revelation. What I have a problem with are opinions masquerading as facts. And there is no place I’m more tired of opinions masquerading as facts than when it comes to US mortality, especially in 2020 and 2021. The number of people inflicting us with their baseless opinions about it, or outright lying about it, is mind-boggling.

Might as well roll the dice on what we’ll hear next: There were no excess deaths; there were excess deaths, but they were all due to toxic treatment and prevention protocols; the deaths were fabricated in a massive criminal conspiracy. No one ever seems to have any actual supporting evidence from the CDC WONDER database, in spite of its extensive search capabilities, which are 100% free and available to the general public.

Do their theories fit the evidence we’ve seen here—that adults of all ages were impacted across the board by the death waves? Do their theories fit the evidence we discovered last time, that most deaths occurred among hospital inpatients, and at home? Do their theories fit all the other mortality data I’ve documented on my CVax Risk page, and elsewhere on my blog?

I sure hope some of the baseless opinionators out there will make good use of the evidence I’m coming up with, but I won’t be holding my breath—the facts seem to be problematic for a lot of different agendas.

Data fabrication in WONDER?

I’m not opposed to the possibility of data fabrication in general, because the reality is, we live in a world where a lot of things are definitely fabricated. In fact, there is certain data in the WONDER database that would probably be pretty easy to manipulate—for example, population numbers, which are used to calculate death rates, including the sometimes suspect “age-adjusted” death rates.

However, there are some serious limitations on data fabrication in a database like WONDER, which is freely accessible to the general public 24/7. This database is widely accessed on a regular basis, not only by CDC employees, but also by other government agencies, academic institutions, private companies, and many interested individuals, like me. The results of their searches are routinely stored, both in the WONDER database itself, and in private documents.

In other words, a lot of people will observe and document everything that happens in the WONDER database, so any criminal fraud would have to take place right under the noses of thousands of users, without arousing suspicion.

In addition, mortality data, obtained from death certificates, is stored at the county, state and federal level. To the best of my knowledge, no significant inconsistencies have been found between county, state and federal death data.

COVID19 was a democide. It wasn’t a pandemic caused by a novel pathogen, or created solely by harmful policies and fear propaganda.



I was left speechless for a brief moment. My mind went numb, just what to say about this? We all know what are the implications – it was a deliberate, vile action by the usual stooges against the people.

Was it also global?


As we can further learn from Virginia’s paper:

Researchers discover reason for 31 million excess deaths worldwide: Mistakes were made

new paper by Denis G. Rancourt, Joseph Hickey, and Christian Linard, could be described as earthshaking (1). In this paper, the authors estimated there were a stunning 31 million excess deaths worldwide from 2020-2022, known as the “Covid years” (2). If true, the implications are mind-boggling, and deeply disturbing.

The authors proposed 3 primary reasons for the mass casualties, all involving some variation of “mistakes were made;” and in many cases, “they signed a consent form.” Here, I look at whether these 3 proposed causes are supported by the official US mortality data—a question that the authors of the Rancourt paper did not address.

About 1.6 million of the 31 million excess deaths from 2020-2022 occurred in the United States, according to the official US mortality data. Table 1 compares all-cause US deaths from 2017-2019 to deaths from 2020-2022, to estimate the number of excess deaths during the 3 Covid years, which was 1,619,942. (5)

The authors of the Rancourt paper concluded excess deaths were not due to a viral pandemic (3). In other words, the official COVID19 narrative was either in error, or a lie.

Instead, the authors proposed 3 primary causes for the 31 million excess deaths, which I’ll describe as stress, bad medical treatment, and Covid vaccines. (4)

This paper is not a general review or critique of the Rancourt paper, which is huge, with over 500 pages. It looks like fascinating reading that includes a lot of actual data, but admittedly, I’m not in a position to critique it at this time.

Instead, this paper is a limited evaluation of the feasibility of the authors’ proposed 3 primary causes of excess deaths, in light of official US mortality data—which the Rancourt paper does not examine closely. I’m not referring simply to the number of deaths, but also details like when, where, why, and how the deaths occurred, using information from the federal mortality database.



How many terrible things can you think of that could cause a massive but short-lived death spike like that—while deaths elsewhere in the US remained normal? A chemical weapon? Electromagnetic radiation? Infrasound?

I don’t pretend to have any answers—all I can do for now is eliminate possibilities. And, in this particular case, I was able to eliminate all 3 causes of excess deaths proposed by the authors of the Rancourt paper.


If the estimated number of excess deaths from 2020-2022 in the Rancourt paper is correct—31 million worldwide; and if a virus did not cause any excess deaths; and if the 3 proposed causes of excess deaths in the Rancourt paper do not fit the official US 2020 mortality data; then this is bombshell news—more evidence of a global democide.

As to the question of which of the primary causes of excess deaths proposed in the Rancourt paper could explain the NYC mass casualty event, the answer is, none of them.

Oh. My. God.

So what could be the cause of the excess deaths and democide?

Here is what I have learned for Proton Magic’s substack, where the information is given as PM’s reply in conversation he had with Rancourt himself:

Dear Denis, there have been at least 2 large studies showing correlation of 5g with getting ill and a Covid label in time and place. Perhaps I missed any discussion on 5g and other EMF effects in your paper so if you can please comment on this.




What these studies show is as much shocking as learning about the democide in the first place, screenshots taken from the second linked paper above:






San Marino is the first EU country with 5G technology and the state with highest number of cases per 1000 inhabitants. 4.07 times more than Italy and 27 times more that Croatia, which had no 5G [at the date of investigation 13.4.2024]









South African Republic is where most covid cases were reported, but also the only African country with 5G installations.



  • The results obtained demonstrate a clear and close relationship between the rate of coronavirus infections and 5G antenna location.
  • This study does not analyse the beneficial or harmful effects on humans of 5G electromagnetic radiation. However, it does indicate a possible cause-effect in the current pandemic.
  • A “border effect” is significant, original and unique to this pandemic: it presents marked differences between contiguous states with and without 5G installation. it is particularly significant that the countries bordering China have very low rates of infection. One may also compare between Mexico and the USA or between Portugal and Spain, etc.
  • The case of San Marino is particularly significant. It was the first state in the world to install 5G and therefore, the state whose citizens have been exposed to 5G radiation the longest, and suspiciously, the first state in the world with infections. The probability of this happening is 1 in 37,636.
  • In the cities studied, Madrid, Barcelona and New York, this correlation is also observed. In the study of the city of Barcelona (pp. 7-8), it can be seen that the socio- economic factor plays a significant role.*
  • It is very significant that on the African continent, with scarce health resources but without 5G, the rate of infection is very low, except for some antennas in South Africa, which also presents the highest rates of infection in Africa.
  • The rates of infection are diluted. The rates of some regions are influenced by cities with 5G, but the rates of infection of these cities are diluted in those of the region to which they belong. So it is more significant, as is the case of Spain, to compare uniprovincial autonomous regions, than among those that are formed by 3 or more of the old provinces. Thus we see that some regions with 5G such as Rioja, Madrid and Navarra, have rates between 4 and 8 times higher than others without 5G. The same is true in other cities around the world where the 5G network does not cover the entire territory of the state or region.
  • These data and results have the value of being taken “in vivo”, not based on prospective or laboratory studies. Never before have we had so much epidemiological information about a disease in humans to be able to produce scientific studies. A means of answering the question of cause and effect would be to disconnect the 5G networks, at least as a preventive measure, and see the results of the evolution of cases of coronavirus. So would studying the rate of infection in a state that declared a 5G moratorium after the pandemic started and studying if the statistics change. Given the evidence presented here, the data and conclusions of this study urgently need to be given due consideration. Given the current gravity of the pandemic, the media and political and health authorities have a responsibility to take urgent action. A failure to act in the face of the findings of this study could be considered negligent at the very least and very possibly criminal.


Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre, 14 April 2020

Translator’s note: there is a contradiction between the last paragraph of the section entitled “Results and discussion” and paragraph 5 of the section entitled “Findings”. In one it is stated that “sociological factors do not have a significant influence on rates of infection”, and in the other it is stated that they do.


As Virginia correctly pointed out in our email exchange in connection to the above 5G study – excess deaths are not the same as number of reported COVID-19 cases. I absolutely concur with it.

However, there are number of studies and governmental documents accessible on the net, such as here or here. These studies identified adverse effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation (hereafter called wireless radiation) reported in the premier biomedical literature. It is emphasized, that most of the laboratory experiments conducted to date are not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of the real-life operating environment in which wireless radiation systems operate. Many experiments do not include pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal. The vast majority do not account for synergistic adverse effects of other toxic stimuli (such as chemical and biological) acting in concert with the wireless radiation. These studies also present evidence that the nascent 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, as commonly believed, but will have adverse systemic effects as well. A few key points:

  • 5G mobile networking technology will affect not only the skin and eyes, but will have adverse systemic effects as well.
  • Identifies wide-spectrum of adverse health effects of non-ionizing non-visible radiation.
  • Most laboratory experiments were not designed to identify the more severe adverse effects reflective of real-life conditions.
  • Many experiments do not include the real-life pulsing and modulation of the carrier signal.
  • Vast majority of experiments do not account for synergistic adverse effects of other toxic stimuli with wireless radiation.

Then consider research study showing that frequencies from 10GHz and up increasingly interact with the oxygen molecules in the air. The peak is at 60 GHz (5G – 60GHz Wireless Network – Oxygen Absorption – Unable to Breath).

Another set of publications published by GSM operators studied the attenuation (reduction) of their signal propagation depending on the frequencies used in the GHz band.

Scientists worry that this change in the properties of oxygen molecules will no longer allow oxygen to effectively bond with the hemoglobin in our blood.

  • Which could possibly lead to respiratory distress
  • And may explain the increased respiratory distress experienced with Corona

This technical report from 19/11/1948 titled “THE MICROWAVE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM OF OXYGEN” shows that the measurements of the absorption of 5-mm radiation (60 GHz) in oxygen gas have been made. The existence of an absorption band in the millimeter region due to molecular oxygen has been predicted and discussed at some length by Van Vleck. Measurements made by Beringer have given a preliminary confirmation of the existence of this absorption band, as have those of Lamont.


As Van Vleck has pointed out, the oxygen molecule is in a 3Σ ground state, since it has one unit of spin angular momentum. As a consequence of this resultant spin, it has a magnetic moment equal to two Bohr magnetons. This permanent magnetic moment is the cause of the paramagnetism observed in oxygen, and it also allows the molecule to couple to the magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave. The unit of spin angular momentum perturbs the rotational state since it is coupled to the rotational motion of the molecule. The unit electron spin has three spatial orientations with respect to the given molecular rotational angular momentum vector, K, so that each rotational level is split into three states, J= K + 1, K, and K-l, each J state of this so-called p-type triplet arising from a different orientation of the spin with respect to the rotational motion of the molecule.


“To summarize the effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure on the blood, the following general changes emerge:

Decrease in leukocyte count

General decrease in hemoglobin content

Generally reduced coagulation times

Much, much more is left to consider and discuss, like for instance how does blood transport oxygen in the first place and what happens when 5G radiation alters the cell membranes.

Or how exposure to 5G and WiFi frequencies canlead to: oxidative stress, sperm and testicular damage, neuro-psychiatric effects including EEG (electroencephalogram) changes, apoptosis (programmed cell death), cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload. This blog is a treasure trove of further links and sources.

But I believe you get the gist of it by now.

All those ill people you have noticed had eeringly similar symptoms to those high-end frequency will induce after exposure.

By the way, try buying a frequency measuring device with range above 10GHz as an individual. See where that leads you and ask yourself why aren’t you able to properly examine your surroundings. It’s just another coincidence, I suppose.

Two very important things I want to say in conclusion hereafter.

Firstly, without any further excuse,my own post from 2021 amidst the worse Covid-related lunacy is proof, I have fallen for the propaganda. I can now understand my shortcomings, for which I’m deeply grateful to Virginia Stoner and other people like her heroes for enlightening me. I will let it stand as an example of my naivety and effectiveness of propaganda machine, which repeatedly, but gently slaps my ego in retrospective. It will also serve as my personal reminder how intellectual laziness leads to being blind to the most obvious. I should have doubted much more while searching for answers.


Secondly, I can now understand why people like Cowan, Bryant, Yeadon, Bailey(s), and many others fit into the picture. You see, within the alternative group (as that opposed to the mainstream) there is a small subgroup of the co-called “No Virus” individuals. Just by noticing that some people got much more attention than others, it should be suspicious per se. As per their standard modus operandi, much truth is being disclosed and discussed, but there is a limit. Because there is a cave above the cave. Certain line cannot be crossed, and those who should be screaming about the truth the most, are either ignorant, dismissive or deliberately want to hide.

They say that time will (always) tell, and it most certainly did in this case. Virgina Stoner has confronted many of these prominent alt-alternative figures and figurines about her findings. The fact that she was either ridiculed, ignored, banned, etc., while engaging them is the only thing you need to know. Do not trust me and do your diligence – cross-check everything. Look at the above picture of Plato’s cave and do not ever forget what it means.

Source: https://vexmansthoughts.wordpress.com/2024/09/17/virginia-stoners-disclosure-of-democide-the-real-reason-why-covid-19-pandemics-is-fake/

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