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The UN genocide pact

Every country in the world has fallen prey to a deception, and the deception is that it has treaty obligations with the United Nations, and because of those treaty obligations, they must do what the United Nations says they must do, in terms of health, in terms of land use, in terms of migration, in terms of economics through the World Trade Organization, and the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, and so on, and so on. It’s all a lie. It’s a deceit, and here’s why.

If you check out the Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties, which had two main findings in 1961 and in 1969, you will find explicitly stated the treaties can only take place between sovereign states, parties, countries. That means that Moldova, for instance, which has in its constitution that it must participate in the United Nations, and the United States, which has in its constitution that the president can sign a treaty with the advice and consent of the Senate. Neither of those nations, nor any other nation in the world, is in a treaty relationship with the United Nations.

They are in a fraudulent deceit relationship, because the United Nations is a private country club, both in the sense of the old boys sitting around having fun and deciding what happens next, and in terms of an association of countries. That’s all that it is. It’s not a sovereign nation.

The United States is currently considering a bill in its Congress, both in the House and the Senate, called Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023, H.R.6645 and H.R.3428. Those two bills, I beg your pardon, which comprise the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 must pass both the House and the Senate with enough of a majority, a super majority, to override the inevitable veto that whoever happens to be sitting in the chair in the Oval Office will issue. Once the United States leaves the unelected nobody’s death machine, all of its parts and pieces, including the World Health Organization, once that happens, other countries will be free to do so. It is my prediction that the globalists will allow that body to collapse, and they’ll come back around again with something else, trying once again.

But the destruction of agriculture ceases. The uncontrolled migration ceases. The requirement for the comprehensive sexuality education, making sure that every child is confused and traumatized and degraded in their ability to move forward on a psychosexual developmental level, that ceases to be a requirement.

In fact, it is critically important that countries remove themselves from the non-treaty obligation that they never had in the first place. If you know anyone in the United States, I urge you to support their going to preventgenocide2030.org and take the action there to demand that the members of their Congress, whether they’re corrupt, whether they’re not corrupt, whether they’re intellectually in line with what we’re talking about or not, really doesn’t matter. We simply have to force them to act on our behalf.

I urge you to send anyone you know who has a residence or an address in the United States to take that action at preventgenocide2030.org, and then I urge you to force your country out of this death machine before September 23rd of this year, 2024. Why before then? Because on that day, the United Nations General Assembly is slated to approve the pact for the future, which makes absolutely and abundantly clear that the world tyranny will be enacted and will be irreversible thereafter.

This is a message of great urgency, and I thank you for the opportunity to deliver it.

Please feel free to contact me at Dr. Rima at naturalsolutionsfoundation.com if I can be of assistance to you, and please visit https://preventgenocide2030.org/ to learn more and to take action.

Thank you.

Dr. Rima Laibow is the Medical Doctor of the Natural Solutions Foundation.

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