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Speech by Dr. Alice Weidel, General Debate, Parliament, Berlin, 11 September 2024

Speech by Dr. Alice Weidel, General Debate, Parliament, Berlin, 11 September 2024 (verbatim record)

The German situation. The same bunch of crooks running the country as here!

Almost three weeks have passed since the horrific knife attack by a rejected Syrian asylum seeker in Solingen. Ten days have passed since the crushing election defeat in Saxony and Thuringia, which has reduced your chancellor’s party to a splinter party.

You still want to convince yourself that voters are deserting you in droves because you have not explained your policies to them well enough. The opposite is the case:

The citizens have understood perfectly well that your policies mean the destruction of prosperity, deindustrialization, mass migration and the loss of internal security.

You are the chancellor of decline, Mr Scholz!

The decline of Volkswagen also represents the erosion of Germany as an industrial nation. You are destroying the German economy for the sake of supposed climate protection. But the VW disaster is just the tip of the iceberg.

The statistics show 500,000, half a million unemployed since you took over the government. That’s hundreds of thousands of families, millions of people who have to fear for their future.

It’s affecting all sectors, especially the automobile industry and everything that depends on it. Supplier ZF is cutting up to 14,000 jobs. SAP is losing 10,000 jobsFord 4,600Bosch 3,760Bayer 3,200BASF 3,300Michelin 1,500, Miele 1,300, Continental 1,200. The best-known names are cutting jobs in Germany and relocating them abroad because they are no longer competitive here.

The list is growing every day. Thyssen-Krupp’s steel division is proving unsellable due to unprofitability and is facing collapse. 27,000 jobs are at risk. The number of bankruptcies reached a ten-year high in July; 40 percent more than in the previous year. A dramatic result, and it is your result, Mr. Scholz.

Your Heat-Pump-Minister Habeck [Greens] wants to force the threatened private households to pay for the politically demanded dismantling of perfectly functioning gas networks.

The budget that you finally presented after several failed attempts is as amateurish and cobbled together as your entire coalition government.

You are ripping off citizens in record amounts of tax money and levies and still can’t get by. You are piling up mountain after mountain of debt and it’s not enough for you. To put it bluntly: this budget is outrageous and cannot be surpassed in terms of dubiousness.

While you are trying to appease citizens with token politics and migration summits, knife attacks and rapes by illegal immigrants are taking place every day.

Just before the state elections, you are celebrating an absurd luxury deportation of 28 Afghan criminals and giving them a princely cash bonus of 1,000 euros. That’s two Afghan annual salaries: At the same time, the Federal Ministry of the Interior under Nancy Faeser is funding a portal in nine languages that calls for tips and tricks against its own authority in order to avoid deportation.

This federal government is sabotaging deportations by distributing residence permits through the so-called “Right of Opportunity for Residence” and by providing additional legal assistance to those required to leave the country at taxpayers’ expense in order to stay.

The Solingen attacker was able to evade his deportation to Bulgaria for months because a Green minister is thwarting deportations and a CDU prime minister is allowing them to go ahead.

For more than half the year, taxpayers work for a state that lures illegal migrants into the country and robs citizens of the security it owes them.

The victims of Solingen could still be alive and unharmed if those responsible acted according to law and order. First and foremost, that means not allowing illegal migrants into the country in the first place, but closing the borders and turning back anyone who wants to enter Germany without legal entitlement and without papers – not temporarily, but forever.

Incidentally, that is not an option, it is a legal obligation that you haveArticle 16a of the Constitution states clearly: People entering from safe third countries have no right to asylum. Section 18 of the Asylum Act stipulates that the rejection of these illegal immigrants is not only permissible, but required.

I’ll start for the third time so that you know the law: no European law regulation overrides that. No sovereign state can be forced to tolerate entry against its law and will.

And then a CDU chancellor [Merkel] came along. This chancellor wiped away this existing law nine years ago with the stroke of a pen and established a rule of injustice that is destroying Germany.

That is why everything the CDU is telling you today and what Mr Merz will tell you later is rubbish. Incidentally, we can see the CDU’s realpolitik in Berlin. Here, in CDU-governed Berlin, the number of naturalizations is exploding. There are hardly any rejections of naturalization applications: 60 percent more naturalizations in Berlin in the first eight months of this year than in the whole of last year! That is what CDU politics looks like.

Mass migration and the lack of control in migration policy have deadly consequences. We need a migration turnaround, and we need it now.

Non-Germans are six times more likely to pick up knives and seven times more likely to commit sexual crimes than German citizens. This is how the head of the Federal Police, Romann, recently summed up the situation.

According to figures from the BKA, since 2017 more than 52,000 women have been victims of a sexual crime by asylum migrants; the main countries of origin are Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq.

The number of gang rapes rose to 761 last year; more than two of these horrific crimes every day.

in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, almost three quarters of the suspects are non-Germans or have an obvious migrant background. Around two thirds of the suspects in gang crime are non-Germans. So what are you waiting for? Finally deport these criminals!

Only immediate, robust measures will help against the explosion of migrant crime: a strict moratorium on immigration, a stop to the admission and naturalization of all migrants for at least five years and no naturalization of people who are stuck in our social system, closing the borders, rejecting all illegal immigrants without exception, immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants and criminals, removing all financial, legal and welfare state incentives, benefits in kind instead of cash and finally restructuring the asylum law. This is what a responsible AfD-led government would do now.

They have all actively promoted the state’s migration policy failure in recent years and decades. What’s more: they have rejected the paths of reason and instead divided society.

They have systematically defamed critics, dehumanized them with vermin comparisons and the most vile fecal and Nazi language and set the secret service on them.

With his demand to ban Platform X, Mr Hofreiter of the Greens has shown the ugly face of the totalitarian evil spirit that dominates you.

This also means: you consider freedom of expression to be more dangerous than the unrestricted import of murderers and terrorists. Instead of seeking the best solution in a fair debate, you are depriving the opposition of important parliamentary rights. To this day, you are denying us the positions we are entitled to in the Bundestag presidium, in key bodies, in committees.

In doing so, you are depriving millions of voters of their full parliamentary representationYou are the true despisers of democracy and the rule of law.

With flimsy manipulation, your comrades and colleagues in Saxony and Thuringia want to continue this voter fraud and use all means possible to keep the force of a third of the voters away from the government and its rights.

The democratic center that you have constructed for this purpose is as democratic as the middle D of the GDR.

During the election campaign, the CDU adopted AfD-positions, but at the same time rejected all of our proposals – strange! – and after the election, it joined the left-wing united front.

But that doesn’t change our determination to put an end to this grotesque situation in the interests of our country, and to do so in the next election period at the latest, which hopefully won’t start for another year.

Because Germany can’t wait that long for reforms, and our country can’t stand it that long eitherIf you want real change and reforms, vote for the Alternative for Germany.

Thank you.


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