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Global warming is a gigantic conspiracy.

Yes, well, dur, obviously we’ve known that for years. I wrote about this myself more than a decade ago in my book Watermelons, which poured scorn on the pitifully scant evidence supportive of the utterly dishonest thesis that global warming is a) man-made b) unprecedented or c) any kind of threat we should take seriously.

What I hadn’t quite appreciated when I wrote the book, though, was the vital role played by the family that did more than anyone to invent, promote, and finance the global warming mega scam: the Rockefellers.

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For this discovery, I am indebted to Jacob Nordangård, a Swedish academic (and part time heavy metal vocalist), who first rumbled the Rockefellers when he was still an ardent greenie and doing a research paper on Peak Oil theory. You can hear him tell the story of how he saw the light, and talk about much else besides, on my latest podcast.

Jacob Nordangård

Sep 7
Jacob Nordangård

Jacob Nordangård is a Swedish researcher, author, lecturer, and musician.


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Anyway, the Rockefellers. They weren’t even mentioned by name in the first few editions of Watermelons, which just goes to show how brilliant the dark overlord families who really run the world are at covering their tracks. While normal folk are busy being distracted by designated boo/hurrah figures such as Greta Thunberg or Al Gore or Leonardo di Caprio or whoever, the real villains – such as the Rockefellers – are behind the scenes, pulling the strings and taking us all for fools.

One of the many great lies promoted by the Climate Industrial Complex is that environmentalism is a grassroots movement, driven by the sincere concerns of ordinary folk like that plucky little Swedish girl in pigtails who decided one day to skip school in protest at all the damage her parents’ generation were doing to the planet. But no, ‘climate change’ is and always has been a project of the elites, which has nothing whatsoever to do with saving the earth. Rather, it’s about power, control and advancing the New World Order agenda to turn all us useless eaters either into dogmeat or slaves.

The climate change scam dates as least as far back as the 1940s, when the descendants of ruthless oil baron John D Rockefeller began brainstorming new ways to consolidate their massive wealth and power. What they needed, they decided, was to exploit issues that transcended national borders and which would thus come within the remit of supranational institutions they already controlled, such as the United Nations. One of these was viral disease outbreaks. (Hmm. That one rings a bell). Another was overpopulation. But the one that has had arguably the biggest influence on our lives in the eighty or so years since is climate change.

In order for climate change to become the huge thing it is today, the Rockefellers first had to invent the problem. This they did by buying up all the people and institutions they needed in order to promote their lie: academics, opinion formers, politicians; newspapers; universities, research institutes (such as Woods Hole, which specialises in oceanography); publishers; think tanks; etc.

Lest you think I’m inflating the Rockefellers’ significance let me list some of the institutions in which they have had a hand, either directly or via cronies or through the Rockefeller Foundation: the United Nations; Chicago University (and over 70 other top colleges and universities); Time and Life magazines; Chase Manhattan Bank; Conservation Foundation (and over 50 environmental organisations including National Geographic Society and World Wildlife Fund (WWF); the Population Council; the Council on Foreign Relations; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Institute of Advanced Study; Center for Population Studies; the Club of Rome; the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); the Rio Earth Summit; the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). [For more details, read Nordangård’s book Rockefeller – Controlling The Game]

The Rockefellers had learned their lesson from Ivy Lee, the Godfather of Public Relations, whom they recruited as their flak-catcher after an unfortunate incident in 1914 known as the Ludlow Massacre. This was when 21 people, mostly women and children, were machine-gunned or burned to death by strike-breaking enforcers working for John D Rockefeller Jr at one of his mines. Lee told the Rockefellers the bad news (which, being pathologically mendacious, they didn’t want to hear): that the public really hate it when you lie to them. Then he added the good news: the way to get round this problem is to reshape the public’s perception of reality so that they no longer know they’re being lied to. This was what would later inspire Joseph Goebbels Big Lie theory dictum: ‘repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.’

So now you know the true origins of all that nonsense that your hapless kids are indoctrinated with every day at school and which people like David Attenborough spout ad nauseam on their propagandistic nature documentaries. It was all invented by dodgy scientists in the pay of the Rockefellers (and people like the Rockefellers) in order to provide your Dark Overlords with yet another excuse to steal more of your resources and freedoms, to ration your energy use, stop you travelling and eventually imprison you in your very own 15-minute city.

I’ll be writing about this in more detail in the revised final chapter of Watermelons which, with any luck I’ll be releasing in a new edition in time for Christmas. Here is Jacob’s Substack https://substack.com/@drjacobnordangard

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