The Wonky Scales of Justice—with Clare Wills Harrison – Link and information below
Sun 10:33 am +01:00, 8 Sep 2024
Clarification: On matters referred to from 51:50, from the Probity website:
“It is a criminal offence [R v Letts] in this country to pay tax if any of it is used to fund war crimes, crimes against humanity & genocide, as outlined in the 1945 UN Charter and the Terrorism Act 2000.” and…..”HM Gov can ONLY collect these taxes when they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that none of these taxes will be used to fund wars crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide.”
A legal system should protect the people that it envelopes, and it was this concept which brought Clare Wills Harrison towards a career in succession law. When policy began to change, initially around anti-money laundering, so did Clare’s perspective.
From 2020, Clare has been professionally committed to clients on matters of consent and capacity, regarding the treatment of residents in care homes, Do Not Resuscitate notices, and the use of midazolam. She has now closed her legal practice and is embarking upon a new project. To keep abreast of Clare’s work and progress, see her Substack blog, Conscientious Currency, and her Telegram channel, Lawyers of Light.