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Washington think tank says Ukraine’s biometric digital ID a ‘model of success’ for other nations to replicate – Leo Hohmann

Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Sept 3 2024

The government of Ukraine is leveraging the country’s war-time footing to fully digitize its citizenry with biometric digital IDs capable of tracking and controlling a large portion of human activity.

And, according to a prominent American think tank, Ukraine’s digital ID app, called Diia (pronounced Diya), is increasingly viewed as a model for other nations.

Reports The Winepress:

“Diia is being used to procure and facilitate a number of public services and electronic payments. The war in the country has acted as a gateway and testing ground to see just how effective the move to digitalization is, according to a U.S. thinktank.”

The U.S. think tank cited is the notoriously globalist Washington-based Brookings Institute.

To date, the Diia portal has registered more than 21.7 million users, with more than 70 government digital services available.

The app holds 14 digital documents including ID card, biometric passport, student ID , driver’s license, vehicle registration insurance policy, tax number, birth certificate, IDP certificate, and 21 other services.

In June, The WinePress reported on how Diia was being leveraged to exclusively provide veterans benefits.

But Diia can do much more. Biometric Update highlighted some of the things Diia is being used for. The tech outlet reported:

“In June, Ukraine became the first country to offer online marriage ceremonies, allowing Roman Lozynskyi and his fiancée Svitlana Kisilova to tie the knot using the country’s digital identity app Diia.”

The marriage between the Ukraine parliament member Lozynskyi and university lecturer Kisilova was validated with digital signatures on Diia, which allows Ukrainians to access documents such as ID cards, biometric passports and driver’s licenses. The app also gives individuals and businesses access to public services, with the main goal of bringing all public services online.

Reportedly, more than 30,000 couples have registered for online marriage since the service was launched.

Interestingly, the move toward digitalization of people in Ukraine really took off after the CIA-backed color revolution in 2014 ousted a Russian-leaning president, Viktor Yanukovych. This is when “the successor government led by Petro Poroshenko embarked on Ukraine’s national digital transformation,” according to Brookings.

The Brookings Institute further explains:

“Facing an existential threat to its sovereignty, Ukraine has demonstrated the essential role of e-government—built on foundational digital infrastructure—in bolstering not only government efficiency but also national resilience.”

Diia is the most significant innovation introduced by the Ukrainian government, according to Brookings, which adds, “With the foundational pieces of Trembita and Diia, Ukraine was able to swiftly expand Diia to address wartime needs, including launching services for internally displaced persons (IDPs), financial assistance, property damage registration and compensation, reporting Russian troops’ coordinates, buying war bonds and more. The latest innovation introduced is digital veteran cards.”

You can see here in the Brookings Institute’s analysis of the situation in Ukraine, how governments use crises, especially in time of war, to bring in monumental changes that lead to greater control over people — changes that people would otherwise not accept if not for their dire circumstances.

This is one reason why the U.S. government is pushing so hard for World War III with Russia-China-Iran, so America’s independent middle-class citizens can be brought to heel under a Big Brother system that tags and tracks them everywhere they go, and in everything they do. This will be part one of the social-credit scoring system meant to log our behavior and assign us a score based on how compliant we are with government dictates. Part two will be the central bank digital currency which, when married with the biometric digital ID, will make the recipients complete slaves to the beast system.

Once this system is in place, with biometric IDs and CBDCs, stores will at some point start to use it to bar entry to those who do not bear the digital marking that proves their compliance with the agenda of their government-corporate masters.

Lord have mercy on your people. Help us prepare as you would have us to prepare, for the days are growing evil and more evil all the time.

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