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Vote rigging in UK used to be 5%. Today read 50%.

My conversation with Andrew Bridgen and Liz Gunn

Andrew just got 3% of the vote in his district while receiving over 60% last time he ran for office. None of the opposing parties bragged about his unpopularity. How likely was VOTE RIGGING?


By what percentage do you think a certain party might be willing to rig the vote in the US, given this degree of vote rigging in England? Andrew had won about 4 prior races for Parliament, garnering ever high percentages in subsequent elections.

As the most outspoken Parliamentarian in the UK, he is of course a victim of vote-rigging.

In the US, election watchers have long felt that no party was bold enough to try and rig the vote more than about 5%. But Andrew Bridgen’s case should be a wake-up call. The party that still pretends Joe Biden is running the United States could be brazen enough to rig the vote by 50%! After all, they are now managing to convince too many of us that Tipsy Kamala is a joyful rocket scientist who has been protecting the border for the past 4 years.

(5) Meryl Nass & Andrew Bridgen – Monkeypox & Other Matters (substack.com)

[ANDREW BRIDGEN] I’m not worried about monkeypox. I think what Meryl says is very sage. We don’t have much detail about if it were as dangerous as it is, we’d be seeing the real science behind the symptoms and the casualties.

But I am very worried about the WHO and their director general announcing another public health emergency of international concern, a pandemic and seeking to influence our governments.

I’m also very worried that the Pandemic Treaty and the Amendments, the International Health Regulations will go through very shortly through our departments and we’ll be giving these people even more power to declare emergencies, take sovereign powers, well, unilateral powers over nations, and act with absolute impunity from being held to account: tyranny across nations, lockdowns, forced vaccines and mask mandates.

Comprehending Agenda 2030

Comprehending Agenda 2030

27 June 2023

And of course, as I’ve said, being interviewed by you before, the WHO have never conducted any review of the decisions that their recommendations during the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, so sure are they that they’ve made all the right choices for us.

And those who failed to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.

The Real Cost of Pandemics to Human Health

The Real Cost of Pandemics to Human Health

21 April 2023

So it will be exactly the same as we’ve seen before.

It will be mandates, lockdowns, masking, all the things which real science, independent science says really didn’t work and have certainly harmed a huge proportion of our populations.”

David Bell expands on the confirmed Moneypox numbers and the false emergency

BTW, It is only an STD if lesions are confined to the genital area.



So, here we are in 2024, on the tail of a massively profit-driving (and impoverishing) outbreak called Covid-19 that enabled the largest transfer of wealth from the many to the few in human history. The WHO’s announcement that 5,000 (or less) suspected Mpox cases is a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) allows it to fast-track vaccines through its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) program, bypassing the normal rigor required to approve such pharmaceuticals, and is suggesting Pharma start lining up.

Did you catch that? By calling moneypox a PHEIC, vaccines that are not licensed in the country where they are to be used can be fast-tracked for use there, and presumably a liability waiver (as included in early version s of the IHR that were not passed) with be attached to their use.

Who wins when this foolish declaration is made?

  1. WHO
  2. The 3 manufacturers of moneypox vaccines (Bavarian Nordic, Emergent Biosolutions, and I do not know who will supply the unlicensed Japanese-developed vaccine). Bavarian Nordic and Emergent Biosolutions are both built on the back of biosecurity fear-porn, have no civilian business, and pump out dangerous products of no established value.
  3. the Biosecurity establishment
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7 Responses to “Vote rigging in UK used to be 5%. Today read 50%.”

  1. Chris x says:

    The 2015 South Thanet election was rigged to stop Nigel Farage entering Westminster. The results for this seat are normally announced after midnight but this time it was near 11am.

    They even got Al Murray creator of the character “the pub landlord” to run against Farage and get some of his votes with the independent Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) he formed. Of course, Murray is private school and Oxford educated, and is of nobility. He never stood for Parliament again his role being to take votes from Farage.

    “Because of this heritage, Al Murray awaits both English and Scottish peerage titles, he is in line for the dukedom of Atholl and the barony Strange, each with their own coat of arms.”

  2. Tapestry says:

    They’ve given up with hiding the fraud of fake democracy. 3% for Bridgen is ludicrous. They just stole his votes.

    • Chris x says:

      George Galloway has alleged vote rigging in the seat he lost after winning the by-election in February. The establishment didn’t like Galloway talking about Palestine and Bridgen about vaccine dangers in front of the MPs

      When the propaganda and lies no longer work in the media, all that is left are censorship and threats.

  3. Belyi says:

    I seem to remember UK Column telling people to go to vote with a biro instead of using the pencil stub nailed to the polling booth. Not sure if this would have helped.

  4. newensign says:

    As I showed on an earlier post Tap, the main area for ballot fraud is the postal vote, for this reason many countries have banned postal voting!

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