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Time for a Trump Kennedy alliance

A Trump-Kennedy Alliance: the Key to Defeating Kamala and Saving America 🇺🇸

The stakes have never been higher. Trump must seize this opportunity to unite with Kennedy, proving his commitment to protecting our nation from a looming disaster.


As the 2024 presidential race intensifies, the chilling prospect of Kamala Harris seizing the presidency is becoming alarmingly real. This isn’t just another election—it’s a turning point for the future of our nation. Harris isn’t just a typical politician with a different vision; she represents a radical, dangerous agenda that could fundamentally alter the fabric of America. If the thought of Kamala Harris in the Oval Office doesn’t alarm you, it should. Her supporters often struggle to name a single meaningful accomplishment from her time as Vice President, usually defaulting to the fact that “she used to be a senator,” or “she’s a woman,” or “she’s black” — as if those are achievements worthy of the highest office in the land.

Meanwhile, Harris dodges interviews and press conferences like they’re landmines because her own team knows full well the train wreck that happens when she dares to go off-script. This isn’t leadership—it’s a ticking time bomb. But let’s be real, the low IQ is just the tip of the iceberg. Kamala is a woman steeped in the toxic sludge of socialism and communism, hell-bent on dismantling the very freedoms that make America the great country that it is.

Just in case you missed it, here she is laughing and pompously declaring she can come and snatch American’s patents saying all you need is the will to do it, declaring boldly she has the will to take our patents away. Watch:

The mainstream media, with its iron grip on the narrative, has been working overtime to keep the American people in the dark about who Kamala Harris truly is. They’ve painted her as a harmless, even likable candidate, but the reality is far more sinister. Harris has shown time and again that she’s willing to trample on individual rights, push through crippling policies, and weaponize the government against her opponents. Whether it’s her dangerous rhetoric about taking away patents—a tyrannical move that could crush innovation—or her hollow promises about combating price gouging while doing nothing to actually lower costs for everyday Americans, Harris’s policies are a direct threat to our way of life. Her track record is a roadmap to tyranny, and if she wins, the America we know could be lost forever. Kamala Harris is no ordinary candidate; she’s someone who’s made it clear that she’s willing to push an agenda that could be devastating to our freedoms.

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It’s clear that Harris’s rise could spell disaster, but Trump’s current messaging isn’t doing enough to counter her. The latest polls show Trump’s lead slipping in battleground states, with a particular gap emerging in his appeal to undecided voters. His attacks on Harris, especially given her status as a “black” woman (even though in 2020 she called herself “Indian”), might rally his base, but they’re alienating millions of voters who don’t know enough about her to see through her façade. This is where Trump’s campaign is faltering, which is why he’s brought back Corey Lewandowski. But that won’t be enough to overcome the mainstream media’s unwavering support for Kamala, conveniently skipping over any and all of her colossal screw-ups and turning a blind eye to everything that reveals her as a walking disaster and danger to our democracy.

Enter our good friend, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a man who’s been making waves in the political arena, especially among those who value health freedom. Recent polls place Kennedy between 5-8%—a significant chunk of voters that Trump desperately needs to win over. So, what if Trump and Kennedy joined forces?  Imagine Trump offering Kennedy the role of Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), a position with the largest budget in the White House. This isn’t just a symbolic gesture; it’s a power move that could solidify Trump’s commitment to revising the vaccine schedule and addressing public health with transparency and accountability—areas where Trump has lost some trust.

Kennedy’s experience and relentless advocacy for vaccine safety make him the perfect fit for HHS. This department oversees crucial aspects of public health, including the National Vaccine Program, which coordinates vaccine and immunization activities across federal agencies. Kennedy’s leadership would bring a fresh perspective to the HHS, ensuring that health policies prioritize safety, efficacy, and, most importantly, the well-being of the American people. By placing Kennedy in this pivotal role, Trump would not only regain the support of the health freedom community but also send a clear message that he’s committed to challenging Big Pharma’s influence and protecting our children from unnecessary risks.

Let’s not forget the opportunity that was missed in 2017. The deal was nearly done—RFK Jr. was poised to bring much-needed change to our public health policies, but Trump backed out, mainly because he took the bad advice of Bill Gates, who has a well-documented financial interest in vaccines. Gates, as one of the biggest proponents of vaccination and a major beneficiary from vaccine sales, undoubtedly influenced the decision to back out of this potentially transformative moment. This missed opportunity could have set a new course for health policy in America, prioritizing safety and transparency over entrenched pharmaceutical interests.

There were other road blocks in the way to this Vaccine Safety Commission. While Donald Trump was President, he was surrounded by powerful people who were at the top of the food chain with Big Pharma and the Vaccine Industry and none of them wanted this new alliance between Trump and Kennedy to last. They knew what that would mean, certain death of their Pharma Vice Grip on the Executive Branch of our Government.

Had Robert F. Kennedy Jr. been in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services back in 2017, we might have avoided the widespread injuries linked to the rushed COVID-19 vaccines. This presents Donald Trump with a pivotal opportunity to correct past mistakes, demonstrate his commitment to health freedom, and reestablish trust with voters.

In a recent interview on the Impact Theory podcast, RFK Jr.’s Vice President Nicole Shanahan discussed the campaign’s current dilemma. The team is deliberating whether to continue as a third-party candidate aiming for more than 5 percent of the popular vote to establish credibility or to join forces with Trump. Shanahan emphasized that they are reluctant to be a “spoiler” by drawing votes away from Trump, which could inadvertently lead to a Harris-Walz presidency. She admitted that deciding to align with Trump is a tough choice, but the campaign is considering it as a strategic move to avoid becoming a disruptive force.

Shanahan also criticized the Democratic National Committee for its tactics to undermine their campaign, alleging that the DNC’s actions—including legal maneuvers and internal sabotage—have made it nearly impossible for them to compete fairly. She firmly placed the blame on the Democrats for rigging the race against them, asserting that Republicans have not played a part in these obstacles.

If Donald Trump is truly committed to defeating Kamala Harris and safeguarding the future of America, he must recognize that this election is not just about his individual campaign—it’s about forging alliances that can drive real, transformative change. Joining forces with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is not just a strategic move; it is the linchpin to capturing those essential percentage points and forming a powerful coalition dedicated to freedom, transparency, and the nation’s health. Kamala Harris, with her dangerous socialistic/communistic agenda, represents a severe threat to our values and liberties.

This election is a battle for the very soul of America. A Trump-Kennedy alliance stands as the most promising path to victory and a restoration of integrity and freedom. With Kamala Harris poised to push a radical agenda and the mainstream media concealing the truth, the stakes have never been higher. Trump must seize this opportunity to unite with Kennedy, proving his commitment to protecting our nation from a looming disaster. The time to act is now—embrace the Trump-Kennedy alliance and lead the charge for a brighter, freer future.

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One Response to “Time for a Trump Kennedy alliance”

  1. Steve Kettle says:

    Kamala harris was a high class “Escort” so she’ll fit right in with all the other deviant Presidents.
    What a choice Americans face… 2 rabid zionists and an ex hooker ffs.

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