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A Tower of Turtles

August 20, 2024

by Doug “Uncola” Lynn:



transitive verb

1: to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate

2: to make a simulation of (something, such as a physical system)


Although several readers didn’t appreciate my last article for various reasons, I wrote in the commentary that I believed it would age well in time; and it already has:  Sleepy Joe stepped down just hours after it was posted, Queen Kamala was coronated, and, like digital magic, events manifested into the outcome of an old rich white dude and his young Hillbilly protégé versus a super-sleek Woman of Color® and her very-cool, really hip, avuncular socialist sidekick.

A percentage of political conservatives currently believe the endless attacks on Trump are deceptive operations (i.e. simulations) launched by dark powers in high places. To be sure, the various machinations were, indeed, set into motion by the Corruptocracy to achieve specific outcomes.  But ask yourself this:  Have the relentless attacks on Trump occurred because the former president is God’s man to lead America during this perilous hour in U.S. history?

Regardless of how you answered that question, you also surely realize that most Democratic Party voters believe Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler who must be stopped at any cost. Any cost.

Certainly, the U.S. political divide has grown wide and deep; and it’s about to grow even wider and deeper.

The phony allegations of rising Christian Nationalist Fascism versus actual nihilistic Woke Marxism is an American made-for-the-screen Project 2025® “Handmaid’s Tale” dystopia versus the Agenda 2030® global “utopia”; all propagandized via the Politics of Personality – or as I’ve described before:  Kayfabe FUBAR with genuine consequences.

And, like in any Marvel movie, expect more fantastical plot gimmicks coming soon to a screen near you.

The segment in my article last month regarding “Simulation Hypothesis” was to reveal one of the theory’s purported premises – that is the public’s inability to recognize layers upon layers of unreality.

Or, think of it this way:  If one was being deceived on purpose, but didn’t know they were being fooled, and they were acting on the deception, then that is living in a de facto “simulation” (i.e. manufactured unreality) beyond their conception.

As a result, many decent people have placed their faith in fake ideological constructs and, thus, are marching in lockstep with not-so-obvious operational dialectics.

Fortunately, however, time reveals things.  People are known by what they do and outcomes are often better understood in terms of their probabilities.

A few Operation COVID® outcomes

In early 2022, I had a conversation with some friends and acquaintances who were angry at those still unvaccinated against Covid.  These unsuspecting Karens simply could NOT understand why the selfishly Unvaxxed didn’t accept The Science®.

On February 7, 2022… in the commentary of another online article… I described that conversation in detail and how I TRIED to appease my wife by minding my own business… that is… until the “virtue signaling” began.  Only then did I (gently) weigh in on the matter and.. in so doing… there was a 40-something guy there who I called “Ron” (for the purposes of that comment) who did NOT appear to appreciate my opinions.  In fact, as I wrote in that Feb 2022 thread (linked above):

… after [hearing my perspectives on Covid] I looked over at Ron and his arms were crossed so bad he looked like he was in a straight-jacket.

My wife later asked me if I thought “Ron” and his wife were Covid-vaxxed and I replied that they most likely were given Ron’s attitude and body language during my comments… and… considering both of their career positions during the mandates. “Why wouldn’t they be vaccinated?”, I asked.

Fast forward to July 2024: Ron’s forty-something wife has died in her sleep. Her heart failed.

Additionally… and on a less serious note… three other people I know who previously acknowledged being Pfizer-vaxxed in 2021 and 2022, all separately texted me this week they have Covid:  A pink-haired liberal 60-something female, a 60-something Trump-supporting Republican male; and an aged 30ish apolitical guy who bought into the hype.

All of them vaxxed and now either dead or stricken with Covid.  Fortunately, for the survivors, their symptoms should be mild because of their booster-shots and, if they live, then they’ll know the vaccines actually are, indeed, Safe & Effective® (wink, wink).

And yet everyone I know who received the mRNA vaccines… which were designed to generate spike-proteins into perpetuity… never stops to question if the mRNA-generated spike protein might show up on a PCR test every time they catch a cold.

Furthermore, it is doubtful “Ron” will ever suspect the mRNA shot as potentially contributing to his wife’s Sudden Death®.

This is because the Covid deception exceeds their comprehension.

Certainly, people live and die under delusion; and that’s the way it has always been.  But modern technology has taken psychological simulations operations warfare to entirely new levels.

The Digital Migration

As any student of history recognizes, human suffering generally occurs when delusion meets reality. But not so much anymore.

For most clueless Americans, Modernity has manifested similar to the guy in the Matrix film who chose the satisfaction of eating fake steak in lieu of reality’s hard truth.

Ignorance is bliss in Clownworld because the circus has been dimensionally separated, via technology, from what was once perceived as reality.

As readers of my previous posts know, I’ve written about three twentieth-century philosophers, to wit, C.S Lewis, Augusto Del Noce, and Francis Schaeffer who all predicted the rise of the technological elite.  As outlined in their books “The Abolition of Man”“The Crisis of Modernity”, and “How Shall We Then Live?”, respectively, the three authors recognized the dangers of relativism and, in turn, predicted the eventual conquest and consolidation of international corporations, governments, and mass media by a technocracy that would politicize science into social dialectics.

English authors Aldous Huxley and George Orwell also prophesied our current “unreality”.

As I paraphrased in the “The Abolition of Man” article:

[C.S.] Lewis argued that in Mankind’s fanatical quest to conquer nature (i.e. reality), Man has failed to see that nature is simply engaging in a temporary strategic retreat while Man erases himself.

The global financial elite are going long on death and depopulation (even their own, although they may not understand that yet); and some have identified the trends occurring as the result of “The Luciferian Intellect”.  By any designation, however, modern influences do appear to be… other worldly.

Although I am no expert in ancient mathematical speculations, I will ask the readers to consider the following as a thought exercise; if only as a means to understand our modern unreality – or what some have called The Simulacrum, or The Imaginarium.

The ancient Mayans supposedly developed a “long calendar” that predicted a cyclical ending as occurring at the end of the year 2012. Interestingly enough, some important transitions occurred around 2012, just as other eventualities were forecasted to occur, apparently, as the result of the ancient calculations.

Perhaps modern wizards, like World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, believed the ancient Mayans and thus commenced to conjure The Great Reset® and The New World Order®?  It’s probably more likely than impossible.

In any event, “The Digital Migration” that began around the turn of the New Millennium was mostly completed in the Western Nations by the year 2012. As a small business owner, I remember TV commercials were no longer shipped via beta tapes after mid-2012 and were, instead, digitally uploaded directly to the stations.  Analog broadcasts were terminated around that time, too, and replaced by digital programming.

Paradoxically, Covid was forecasted during the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics under eerie giant pyramids towering over the performers and spectators.

A few years before, the 2012 movie was released that revealed the global technological “elite” as choosing themselves worthy to escape the end of the world (in the year 2012) by gathering together on giant high-tech “arks”.

And less than 60 days before the 2012 Presidential Election, the September 11, 2012 attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya were said to have been the result of a YouTube video.

So if the Mayans peered through a primitive looking glass of sorts, perhaps they saw the end of (what they perceived as) reality which, in turn, marked the beginning of The Borg’s new (digital) unreality.

Again, my referencing of the Mayan Calendar and The Digital Migration is merely a thought exercise to better understand our current digital world that (I contend) operates not unlike a computer’s simulation. After all, we live in a time where “intelligence” has become “artificial”.

The Digital Gates Are Closing

In early 2022, we witnessed the “debanking” of those who supported the trucker’s convoy in Canada. Since then, the trend has accelerated in the World Economic Forum’s race to take DEI and ESG initiatives global.  Keep in mind, this was done in plain sight; not unlike how the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allowed the proliferation of propaganda and high-tech censorship to go mainstream.

The rise of the global surveillance state that began after 911®, grew high-tech teeth during Covid as masking and lockdown mandates led to vaccine passports; and while simultaneously providing a database of all the uncooperative and religious loons who didn’t trust The Science®.

The Covid test-run was a success and the infrastructure for the next simulations is now largely in place – with only a few remaining loose ends to lock down.

For example, as a small business owner, I am required this year to file a “Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report” to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN).  If I don’t file before January 1, 2025… then I could be fined $500 per day, pay up to $10,000, and be put in jail for two years as criminal penalties.

This travesty is called The Corporate Transparency Act  (CTA).  It was enacted in 2021 as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to “help prevent and combat money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption, tax fraud, and other illicit activity.”

Seriously, “other illicit activity”. What could go wrong?

FinCEN’s rule became effective on January 1, 2024 and, now, in the digital age, small business owners are assumed guilty until proven innocent – just like we were “locked down until proven well” during The COVD-19 Pandemic®.

It seems unconstitutional, right?  Well, that’s because it IS unconstitutional and the CTA has been so proven in court:

Plaintiffs Isaac Winkles and the National Small Business Association (“NSBA”) brought suit in the Northern District of Alabama against the Treasury, as well as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Acting Director of FinCEN Himamauli Das, both in their official capacities (collectively, the “Government”).4 Plaintiffs alleged that Congress lacked authority under Article I of the Constitution to enact the CTA’s mandatory disclosure requirements, and that those disclosure requirements run afoul of the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth amendments.

On March 1, 2024, the district court granted the Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, and issued a final judgment enjoining the Government from enforcing the CTA against the Plaintiffs.

The CTA requires many entities conducting business in the United States to disclose beneficial ownership information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), a law enforcement arm of the US Department of Treasury. The court, in enjoining the CTA’s enforcement against the plaintiffs, found that the CTA exceeds constitutional limits on Congress’s power.

Good news, right?  Wrong.

In the wake of the decision, FinCEN announced that it intends to respect the court’s decision and will not enforce the CTA beneficial ownership requirements against the plaintiffs, but its silence as to other parties implies that everyone else must continue to comply.

Did you catch that?

While members of the NSBA and Winkels do not need to comply with the CTA’s requirements for now, there is no indication that FinCEN intends to let any other regulated party avoid compliance. Indeed, on March 4, 2024, FinCEN issued guidance in response to the court’s opinion, stating that “FinCEN will comply with the court’s order as long as it remains in effect.” Though FinCEN acknowledged that the plaintiffs in the case—the NSBA, members of the NSBA, Winkles and reporting companies for which he is the beneficial owner—will not be required to report beneficial ownership to FinCEN as a result of the Order, its silence as to other non-plaintiff reporting companies implies that FinCEN expects all others to comply. Additionally, FinCEN stated that it is interpreting the court’s decision to apply only to persons who joined the NSBA prior to the issuance of the decision, again implying that a person cannot now join the NSBA to avail themselves of the relief.

Obviously, the CTA will eventually lead to debanking, deplatforming, and de-whatevering, for any unassimilated and uncooperative “criminals” when deemed necessary by “The Government”.

Evidently, there is no need for The Borg to be perceived as playing fair anymore. In the digital age, it doesn’t have to.

Turtles All The Way Down

Each deception is built upon another which is built upon another. It’s like the story of the world resting on a giant turtle that is resting on another, and another, all the way down.

The War on Terror® launched the surveillance state to protect Americans from 911-style attacks, but also to “prevent and combat money laundering, terrorist financing”, etc, for which The War on Drugs®, digital currencies, Cybersecurity & Regulation®, and The Corporate Transparency Act® are required, too.

It’s like a giant three-dimensional Venn diagram with John Q. Public trapped inside.

Additionally, the petrodollar’s debt bubble is about to burst, but the Great Resetters and top-tier bankers want it to burst so they can roll out the new digital cash.  Whereas others believe pressure is being placed on the Western banking system by the BRICS nations’… thus adding high-stakes momentum to World War III.

It would seem one’s perspective on current events may depend on their location in the global pyramid of power.

Multi-layered deceptive schemes operate as simulations; like a tower of turtles.

As pointed out in my previous post from last month, SOME people believe the universe is code, like the Matrix, and I used one of the premises of that theory to challenge readers to check their own premises.

Hate on Israel and side with Islam and the political left.

Or, join Republican radio personality Sean Hannity and Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer in cheering on Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu.

What decides? It’s an important question.

Come out my people, come out!

John Adams said: “Our [U.S.]Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Ben Franklin said America was a republic if we could keep it.

Ooops. NOW what?

That, too, is an important question. Especially now.

As throughout history, another beast has risen – this one with high-tech teeth.

The monster has, once again, traversed time’s horizon and now marches Forward® … looming larger and larger – until its shadow will swallow the light. The Beast will never stop; and it won’t stand being ignored.

Historical cycles are also like powerful weather systems, and wildfires, in that they are fueled, they intensify, they cause mass destruction, and they subside at their own pace.

So when facing such dangers we only have four fundamental choices to consider:

1.) Fight

2.) Yield

3.) Run

4.) Or apply any combination of 1,2, and 3

For some, there is nowhere to hide, no safe harbor; and, for them, their options are limited.

In an article from 2018 entitled “Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You”, I explored the choices using a Biblical frame of reference and the examples of “Barabbas the Fighter”, “Judas the Sell-out”, and “Daniel in Babylon”.

As an American Nobody, I can’t effectively advise online readers on what they should do in the days ahead.  I don’t know everyone’s exact situations in their respective areas, or what they (and those around them) believe.  Neither am I a military guy or a survival expert.

But I suspect there will be a spectrum of responses to the Beast in various geographical areas.  Moreover, I also believe the most successful of these responses will be discovered beneath the… shall we say… “base turtle”.

I believe the Foundation is a veritable Rock called “The Great Reality” and most of modernity’s so-called “turtles” are vain imaginings stacked on top, each one upon the other. Like peering up from the ground and viewing the ever-diminishing floors of a high-tower, or seeing the increasingly shrinking stratified layers of a pyramid.  Or like computer programs spinning, and spiraling, until intelligence grows artificial and humanity gets deleted.

On the Sunday morning prior to this post, I was walking to my mother-in-law’s room at her nursing home.  As I exited a hallway into an empty common area, I saw a young female aide pushing an old woman in a wheelchair. I’ve seen the elderly woman before and noticed that she is non-communicative. She always stares ahead vacantly and it’s obvious she’s afflicted by dementia, Alzheimer’s, or some other cognitive ailment.

I figured they were going to the facility’s chapel service that morning and… although the young 20-something aide didn’t notice me…. and there was no one else in that area to see… the young lady was leaning forward awkwardly and pushing the wheelchair with her forearms while using both hands to braid the aged 90+ resident’s hair.

The moment touched me. And it gave me hope.

From the Biblical perspective, Jesus said to love even our enemies and to render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar; and to come out of the world system.

At the same time, King David was said to be a man after God’s own heart – and David violently defeated his enemies.

As for me, I’ve spent very little time paying attention to the national news this summer. I recently installed an old-fashioned antenna with UHF capacity to receive free digital broadcasts from local stations and I’m increasingly unplugging from the grid.

While working in my community to bring people together, I’ve been surrounded by serious, common-sense folks. Many of us were working at the same location the day after Trump was shot and the topic was not even broached. No one talked about what was on Dateline NBC the night before, either.

Pursuant to humanity’s first attempts to conquer nature, societies were designed in harmony or disharmony with natural law – and for the expansion, or obliteration, of the dignity of mankind.

Perhaps the harmony derives from humility and wisdom… and the disharmony from arrogance and pride in the pursuit of power – probably since that first high tower was built in Babylon; and even before.

I will continue doing what is necessary in my local community.  I will engage with the beast system when required; and, when the time comes that any Karensignoramuses, or sell-outs attempt to infringe on my natural rights, or interfere with my making a living, I will attempt to reason with them at first. After that, and depending on their response, there will be either an accord or hell on earth. I hope we choose wisely.

As seen in the recent past, the Karens and ignoramuses will act according to their beliefs within any given simulation.  But whether the operation is an aggressively-marketed “virus” like COVID-19®, or the rise of the earth’s temperature by one or two degrees Fahrenheit, or neo-Marxist ideology, or phony emergencies initiated by false-flags and pseudo-events, the dupes will one day realize their ignorance is not bliss after all.

The sell-outs, on the other hand, will be treated with less patience and without mercy. They made their choice.

Although the world operates via layers of overlapping “simulations”, reality still does exist; and that’s why the Borg wins when we play its games.

In most instances, therefore, I would strongly suggest the readers avoid doing what your enemy expects, or hopes, you will do. And, when the timing and circumstances are right, may you have the opportunity and courage to do exactly what your enemy fears the most.

Ask yourselves:  “What can be won?”

Beyond that, stay vigilant, seek wisdom, and prepare.

I am an American Nobody and I approve this message.


Source: https://thetollonline.com/2024/08/20/a-tower-of-turtles/

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