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Letter to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, The Earl Marshal, The House of Lords

King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort, are met by the Duke of Norfolk, as they arrive for the State Opening of Parliament, 2015 CARL COURT/Getty Images


This Letter was sent to him, before the Coronation, but I don’t think that it had much – if any – effect.


Dear Duke of Norfolk, 24th February 2023

The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) Common Law Constitution

A Royal Retraction is now required for the Coronation Oath to be taken

We, the undersigned, make this urgent and open approach to you in your formal position as the Earl Marshal responsible for the planning and coordination of the forthcoming Coronation of King Charles III.We write not as Republicans but as loyal and well researched Constitutional Monarchists who fear very much the direction that our democracy is now being taken

His Majesty is to be crowned in Westminster Abbey this May as our ‘first among equals’, confirmed with the onerous and overriding responsibility of protecting his fellow sovereigns from tyranny, oppression and injustice throughout the period of his reign.

To ratify this formally, the King will swear and then sign his Coronation Oath in Westminster Abbey before God and his fellow sovereigns.

This will confirm that he will rule according to the ancient ‘laws and customs’ that make up the Law of the Land (Legem Terrae – the Customary Common Law) which, for England and Wales, is our ancient Common Law Constitution that was confirmed in 1215 by the Great Charter (Magna Carta).

As constitutional researchers of many years standing, we are fully conversant with the effective and inalienable protection that is rendered by our tried and tested Common Law Constitution.

The Law of the Land takes absolute precedence over any statutory legislation that has been passed by Parliament, especially if that legislation is contrary to the fundamental principles and the effective protection that is offered by Common Law.

Unless the people of England and Wales wish to experience government overreach that could lay the foundations of outright tyranny, common sense dictates that Parliament must never be allowed to write itself into constitutional authority.

To understand the full ramifications of having a fully-fledged Common Law Constitution, we will take this opportunity to remind Your Grace of two of the essential responsibilities a Monarch has:

  1. His Majesty must ensure that all trials involve a randomly selected Jury of the defendant’s peers that judges all aspects of the case, independently of legislation and the judiciary meaning that Annulment can result. It is in this way, that people define their own liberties and govern themselves at all times.
  1. His Majesty must use his constitutional right to withhold Royal Assent where proposed legislation would be violating the liberties of the people or be infringing constitutional laws and customs.

These two fundamental duties of His Majesty the King should provide a double-lock safeguard against any future encroachment of tyranny.

However, it is now becoming clearer by the day that both of these safeguards have been completely overlooked by previous Monarchs, including, it has to be said, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

During the whole of Her Majesty’s long reign, in complete contradiction to Article 39 of Magna Carta (which has not and can never be repealed by Parliament), unlawful trials were taking place without Juries.

Where trials did take place with Juries, the Jurors were not permitted complete independence as is required by our Common Law Constitution.

Never once did Her Majesty refuse to give Royal Assent despite very clear unconstitutional moves being made by Parliament to undermine the very sovereignty and fabric of the British nation.

As His Majesty’s reign begins, it would appear that there are no plans to address this unconstitutional state of affairs and this is despite the invocation of Article 61 of the 1215 Great Charter by concerned peers back in 2001.To this day there has never been any form of redress for that quite lawful invocation to challenge clear government overreach. Redress would include, but not be limited to, the expunging of all statutes that are out of alignment with our Common Law Constitution.

Indeed, to the contrary, King Charles has warmly endorsed, perhaps unwittingly, a global initiative by an organisation that is both unelected and entirely unbound by any oath of service to the people of this country.

For, on June 3rd 2020, the King, as the then Prince of Wales, helped to launch publicly the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’.

This is the brainchild of Klaus Schwab who set up this privately run global think-tank that recruits the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs and technocrats whilst grooming and placing his ‘young global leaders’ to influence the world’s political channels.

Meeting annually in Davos and elsewhere, these unelected and unaccountable ‘visionaries of the future’ purport to direct the lives of all the peoples of the world.

Working alongside the privately controlled and usury-practising central banking system led by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the World Economic Forum (WEF) is now overseeing extreme social engineering to hollow out sovereign nations from within in order to bring them to the point of complete moral collapse and meek compliance, especially when it comes to sowing the seeds of deliberate confusion and doubt in young minds.

This all has the potential to take humanity towards a very dark place indeed, involving complete digital enslavement and the physical lockdown of entire communities and countries.

At the same time, ‘bad science’, to quote the late and sorely-missed Professor David Bellamy, is being hyped up by multi-billionaire-funded universities to justify this ‘Great Reset’.

They are using bogus ‘climate change’ modelling to take us towards a Net Zero carbon-free economy where we will experience complete state control over our everyday lives involving among other things, their planned ’15 minute cities’.

Any proper scientific debate has been deliberately shut down by the mainstream media and people are not being told that CO2, which accounts for only 0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere, is in fact the ‘Gas of Life’. Real science actually says that we need more CO2 not less!

Our freedoms will be further put in jeopardy by the myriad of digital traps that are currently being laid: for example, the ‘internet of things’, the ‘internet of bodies’ and ‘transhumanism’ – that is the physical linking of the human body to the digital world.

It is proposed that we will have Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) which will be combined with invasive and detailed Social Credit Schemes that use advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Whether in our home, on the streets or in our workplace we will all be monitored on a daily basis by the state using SMART 5G/6G technologies and advanced facial recognition software.

Our capacity to make independent decisions for ourselves, including the right to travel, will be diminished considerably, if not altogether.

Our ability to spend our state-provided digital money or tokens in an otherwise cashless society will be determined by our ‘carbon footprint’ and our loyalty, acceptance and ‘good behaviour’ towards the ‘state’ and what it now stands for. Everything that George Orwell warned us about is now starting to happen.

When it comes to the actual roll-out of this encroaching nightmare, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is already leading the way as it set out to digitally enslave all of China with a comprehensive and all-pervading CBDC and Social Credit System ⎯ a blueprint that Klaus Schwab and his WEF team have actually been working on with the CCP for some years.

And please remember, Your Grace, that this is all being done on the premise of ‘saving the planet’ from a gas that actually gives life to all living creatures on Earth.

But apparently, it is not all bad news. The all-seeing and all-knowing state will allow us to invest in the digital Metaverse so that we can all enjoy and escape to a very different ‘reality’ from the one that the ‘globalists’ are now working to create for us.

His Majesty, to his enormous credit, has a high profile in calling for the tackling of pollution, increasing bio- diversity, supporting rural economies and protecting our vulnerable eco-systems. The ideas of the WEF are deliberately presented so as to appear to provide solutions to many of his Majesty’s legitimate environmental concerns.

However, the level of control proposed presents an enormous risk to our liberties, the main protection against which is to shore up our national sovereignty under our ancient Common Law Constitution. The country looks to His Majesty for this protection.

What is now emerging as a result of the British Establishment’s support for and endorsement of these external policies is a technocracy about which the British people have neither been consulted nor for which they have voted.

This is unlawful under our Constitution. If this state of affairs is permitted to continue there is a risk that our ancient Common Law Constitution and our great nation will be completely destroyed. In order that the people can feel sure that they have His Majesty’s protection, common sense decrees that there now must be a comprehensive and public Royal Retraction by His Majesty to end, formally, his commitment to the WEF and its planned Great Reset; this to include the rescinding of the 2006 honour endowed on Klaus Schwab by the late Queen. It would seem, Your Grace, that only then would His Majesty be in a position to recite and sign his Coronation Oath to uphold our ancient laws and customs.

Lastly, as with our ancient Common Law Constitution that was drawn up by our forebears and later confirmed by the Great Charter of 1215, this Royal Retraction must contain a solemn commitment that the King and all future monarchs will continue to uphold good governance according to the same constitutional principles.

This must be a statement in the form of a Royal Constitutional Document signed personally by His Majesty and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in front of the privy councillors and invited lay witnesses.

Only then can His Majesty take the Coronation Oath before God with a truly clear conscience.

Your Grace, this is an extremely serious situation that we all find ourselves in and a massive constitutional crisis will emerge if His Majesty takes the Coronation Oath without having first signed and sealed a Royal Retraction to negate his erroneous support for what is being planned by the World Economic Forum. Yours sincerely Justin Walker

Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) https://hardwickalliance.org/people-vs-globalists/

William Keyte

Common Law Constitution.



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