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Ukraine War is Slavic Genocide – Link to Continues plus comments

HenryMakow.com – July 31, 2024

Latest! – Ukraine loses over 2000 soldiers in clashes with Russia over the past 24 hours


Soon the Ukraine will be goyim-free!

1994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson:

“Slav, Russian, can be destroyed but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.”

“The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on.”

Can someone send information on Jews who have been killed in this war?   hmakow@gmail.com

Rus Vs. Khazar Jews (Ukraine) – An Ancient Enmity

The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century to distinguish themselvesfrom their Christian and Muslim neighbors.

 Ashkenazi Jews (Israelis) have no connection to the ancient Hebrews. They are Khazars. The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge for the Kievan Rus destruction of the Khazar Empire in 965 AD. The Russian-Ukrainian war continues this millennia-long hate.The NWO is a rebirth of the old Khazar empire, extended to the whole planet. NATO is Khazaria in Drag (literally) 

We appear headed for the third Masonic Jewish world war.

A 1994 speech by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson suggests that the Ukraine war might be a part of a larger plan for Slavic Genocide.

However, although many Ukrainian soldiers have died, Russian reluctance to target civilians would belie this analysis. On the other hand, Russia’s failure to trace the problem to Organized Jewry and Chabad, referring to NATO as “Anglo Saxons” would support it.

NATO is Khazaria in Drag – from Sept 11, 2023

by Edward Menez – (henrymakow.com)  

Was the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict planned by Chabad?

Eduard Hodos was born in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, he was recruited by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson but resigned once he realized that Chabad aimed to destroy the Ukraine. Since then, Hodos has been an outspoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda — and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine’s Orthodox Christian church.

In his trilogy called “The Jewish Syndrome,”  Eduard Hodos explains that we are in the midst of “The Third Khazaria”.


Continues …

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