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11 Responses to “THE END TIMES: The Olympics Opening Ceremony Was One Giant Satanic Ritual”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Thanks John

    This is exactly why I would never watch an “opening ceremony” or a “half time show” anymore. I avoid them like the plague and then catch up with the following days analysis

    4 hours of such satanic perversion would be just too much.. They know that it will get a massive global audience, so they always use perverted satanic images now, every time.

    The Olympics opening ceremony in London, Danny Boyle. 2012 was gross too, it even prefigured covid. Showing that covid was in the planning for at least 8 years before it was launched

    But Paris last night was clearly on another level. Rothschild lacky Macron’s, France to a T. He’s “married” to a tranny isn’t he…

    As the dude says, it’s not hidden in plain sight any more, it’s right in everyone’s faces. So it would be interesting to know what percent of the audience sussed it. My guess would be a lot more than 2012

    End times indeed

  2. Belyi says:

    I can’t understand why people bother any more with such a rigged display of all that’s negative, including the cheating; the doping; the keeping teams out because they win too many medals.

    This is something that should have been abolished years ago and we’re probably witnessing the dying throes of a spectacle that won’t be missed.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      I hope so Belyi but I doubt it, as things stand

      The “amateur” Olympic ethos was discarded years ago. It’s a business now, a very big business. So it will continue, even if there are zero spectators, the media money will see to that…

      Football has gone the same way. The crowds are almost irrelevant now, they just provide authenticity. Which will soon be provided by a can like all “comedy” shows are now

      It’s all about the media money, all pro sport. Football has been globalised with extreme prejudice. And it’s lost it’s soul as a result. All old timers like me can see it plainly, we remember how it used to be. The youngsters don’t know any different. They’ve been screen trained all their lives and so they think that it’s normal

      • Belyi says:

        I agree, Pete, about the football. In my youth I suppported Arsenal and Dad and I went to all their home games.

        I was lucky enough to get a ticket for the final of the 1966 World Cup for £5, having also watched the semis at Wembley. Those were indeed the days when football was worth watching and I believe it was after the WC final that Alan Ball became the first £100 a week footballer.

        • ian says:

          Pele sent off for fouling Nobby Stiles????? The Germans poisoned in their hotel????As pure as the body line cricket team. Harold Larwood trying to kill Don Bradman instead of playing cricket. Nothing changes.

          • ian says:

            I was serving my time as an apprentice mechanic then. Mini’s 1100’s ,a40’s etc. Part of my job was to watch the petrol pumps at dinner time when some folk were off. I had the full set of England world cup coins in a frame. four star petrol went up to 3/-9p, from 3/-6 a gallon. A couple of folk said if it went up to 4/- they were packing in driving. Them were the days.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            In the 1966 World Cup, Pele played 3 games at Goodison Park. But Brazil were knocked out after losing to Hungary and Portugal

            Pele was clogged mercilessly by Bulgaria in their first match. Rested for the second v Hungary. And clogged again by Portugal, who won the group and went on to play England. Eusebio was their star

            According to the Liverpool Echo:

            “Pele, still recovering from his rough treatment on the field in the first group game was brought back into the team for the crucial match. Despite Pele back in the side, the game itself did not go Brazil’s way.

            The world’s greatest player was reduced to a hobbling, bandaged shadow from the 30th minute after a bone-jarring challenge from Morais. With substitutes not allowed at the time, Pele had to stay on the field limping for the rest of the game, powerless to help his team in any meaningful way.

            The rival for Pele’s crown, Eusebio, scored twice to seal Portugal’s third group win. But for all their brilliance, the Portuguese also came in for criticism at the time for their tough-tackling and cynical time wasting.”

            Different world, so much tougher and harder than now. But somehow so much more real too

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:

          You were lucky Belyi, those tickets were not readily available. They were like gold dust

          Ah, Bally, a true Blue, an Everton all time great…

          “When Everton has touched you then. nothing is the same again” Alan Ball

          We were the “Mersey Millionaires” at that time, funded by John Moores, the Littlewoods Pools millionaire. John was a class act, no segregation for him. I saw him walking down Goodison Road, having hopped out of his Roller, on his way the game more than once…

          So we could afford to buy the best at that time. Bally had just become a World Cup winner and he came to Goodison. He was the most competitive guy on the pitch that I’ve ever seen. And very skillful too, not the most skillful, but certainly the most determined and competitive. And that is saying something in an era of very very hard men

          We sold him to The Arse after he won us the League in 1970. We were all utterly stunned, shocked, bereft, it was like he had died

          Different world then. So innocent compared with now

          • Belyi says:

            I worked in an ad agency on the Wilkinson Sword account and the client sold the ticket to a colleague.

            Just watched RT’s 17.00 news and half of it was devoted to the satanic ceremony which apparently was not appreciated by many people.

            • pete fairhurst 2 says:

              Interesting Belyi, I suspected as much, see my first comment, penultimate sentence

              • Belyi says:

                Well, Pete, I believe the ‘ceremony’ was geared to shock as these entities feed on negative energies. The best thing to do is to laugh at France going down the drain of history.

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