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On Trump, Part III – A man can not rise above his own worldview…

More on the Occulted, Masonic, Kabbalist Donald Trump, the fake conservative candidate

The third part of his series sums it all up…

“Kabbalah is the esoteric aspect of the oral Torah (i.e. the tradition of the elders), serving as a mystical guide within Talmudic Judaism: it has been referred to as the “soul of Judaism.” Since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, this strain of mysticism has dominated much of Rabbinic Judaism”

“If a ruler hearken to LIES, all his servants are wicked.”

The Book of Proverbs 29:12 KJ

As we navigate the shadowy realm of Donald Trump’s political and personal affiliations, it becomes evident that his life has been intertwined with occult practices and connections.

In Part I, we peeled back the layers of Trump’s Masonic mentors, Norman Vincent Peale and Roy Cohn; men who shaped his esoteric entanglements and ruthless pragmatism. We scrutinized how these influences formed the bedrock of his approach to politics and personal branding. Part II ventured further, examining the dark associations with figures like Jeffrey Epstein and the greater Zionist movement. These connections, many steeped in scandal and controversy, unveil a calculated strategy of subversion and control.

Now, in this final chapter, we synthesize these findings, exposing the culmination of Trump’s occult connections and the undermining of what little remained of Christian values in “conservative” politics. This final segment will piece together how these alliances and influences have not only shaped Trump’s rise but have also cast a long, dark shadow over the moral and ethical landscape of Evangelical politics.


— (L) Trump and John Bolton engaging in a Masonic Grip, the Pass Grip of a Fellow Craft. (R) Trump giving Vladimir Putin a modified Lion’s Paw Grip.


I have previously noted in The Power of Symbols that:

Amongst the hermetic orders and Mystery schools the power of symbols have particularly fascinated the practitioners of magick. … This power and spiritual potency is not just a rhetorical flourish … Sigil magick, the usage of signs and symbols to evoke specific changes in reality, has been in practice for millennia. The occultist employs symbols not just for a conscious and unconscious purpose, but for a spiritual purpose as well.

— The Power of Symbols

Furthermore, as I laid forth in The Coincidence Zone, Part I:

…the occultist places great significance and consequence in the convergence of the various esoteric and real elements. The more converging elements, such as devotionary symbols and invocations, the greater the effect. … This may seem quite ridiculous at first to the layperson, but the seriousness with which our leaders believe in these rituals is getting harder and harder to deny.

— The Coincidence Zone, Part I

What once might have seemed ridiculous is now impossible to ignore. Our leaders are not only aware of these rituals, but they are actively engaged in them; using the power of symbols and mass communication to manipulate and control the teeming masses.

As we delve into the influence of esotericism on Trump’s affiliations — particularly Kabbalah — we uncover how these teachings have permeated the corridors of power.


“Judaism, since Christ, is a CORRUPTION; indeed, Judas is the image of the Jewish people: their understanding of Scripture is carnal;”

— Augustine of Hippo, The City of God


Trump’s associations with Kabbalistic teachings and practices unveil a profound layer of his philosophical and spiritual inclinations.

Kabbalah is the esoteric aspect of the oral Torah (i.e. the tradition of the elders), serving as a mystical guide within Talmudic Judaism: it has been referred to as the “soul of Judaism.” Since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, this strain of mysticism has dominated much of Rabbinic Judaism (emphasis mine):

…up until very recent times, the lives of religious Jews were often dominated by all sorts of highly superstitious practices, including magical charms, potions, spells, incantations, hexes, curses, and sacred talismans, with rabbis often having an important secondary role as sorcerers, and this even remains entirely true today among the enormously influential rabbis of Israel and the New York City area [i.e. Chabad]. … Many of these traditional Jewish practices seem not entirely dissimilar to those we typically associate with African witch-doctors or Voodoo priests, and indeed, the famous legend of the Golem of Prague described the successful use of rabbinical magic to animate a giant creature built of clay.

— Ron Unz, American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

This tradition alleges to be a continuation of the ancient teachings and wisdom of Moses, intertwining Jewish mysticism with elements of the Babylonian and Egyptian Mystery schools. It is calumnious to ascribe this perversity to the Lawgiver.

The influence of Kabbalah extends beyond Judaism, seeping into various mystical and theosophical traditions, including Gnosticism. The rise of Gnosticism was closely linked to Kabbalah (emphasis mine):

According to Fabre d’Olivet, Moses, who ‘was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,’ drew from the Egyptian Mysteries a part of the oral tradition which was handed down through the leaders of the Israelites. That such an oral tradition, distinct from the written word embodied in the Pentateuch, did descend from Moses and that it was later committed to writing in the Talmud and the Cabala is the opinion of many Jewish writers. …

…Gnosticism was not a defection from Christianity, but a combination of systems into which a few Christian elements were introduced. The result of Gnosticism was thus not to christianize the Cabala, but to cabalize Christianity by mingling its pure and simple teaching with theosophy and even magic. The Jewish Encyclopedia quotes the opinion that ‘‘ the central doctrine of Gnosticism—a movement closely connected with Jewish mysticism—was nothing else than the attempt to liberate the soul and unite it with God”’; but as this was apparently to be effected ‘‘ through the employment of mysteries, incantations, names of angels,”’ etc., it will be seen how widely even this phase of Gnosticism differs from Christianity and identifies itself with the magical Cabala of the Jews.

Indeed, the man generally recognized as the founder of Gnosticism, a Jew commonly known as Simon Magus.

— Nesta Helen Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements

This blending of Kabbalistic and Christian elements ultimately sought to transform Christianity by infusing it with mystical practices. Simon Magus, considered by many to be the founder of Gnosticism, exemplifies this fusion.


— (Top L) Trump ally Tucker Carlson. (Top R) Ivanka Trump receiving her booster. (Bottom L) Marla Maples, Trump’s second wife. (Bottom R) Trump’s former attorney and consiglieri, Michael Cohen. All can be seen wearing a red string bracelet, a magic talisman to ward off evil and a Talmudic mockery of the death of Christ.


In Mitch Horowitz’s insightful book Occult America, he explores the deep and often eye-raising intersections between mysticism and various facets of American culture. Amongst the more unexpected revelations is the relationship between right-wing political figures and occult or mystical thought. This intertwining is vividly illustrated through his commentary on Steve Bannon and Donald Trump, who have both drawn on knowledge gleaned from these esoteric and metaphysical philosophies (emphasis mine):

Although the media have characterized Bannon as the Disraeli of the dark side following his rise to power in the Trump administration, I knew him, and still do, as a deeply read and erudite observer of the American religious scene, with a keen appetite for mystical thought. …

President Trump himself has admiringly recalled his lessons in the mystic art of “positive thinking” from the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, the Trump family’s longtime pastor, who popularized metaphysical mind-power themes in his 1952 mega-seller “The Power of Positive Thinking.” …

There is a long-standing intersection between mysticism and conservatism in America.

— Mitch Horowitz, Steve Bannon and the occult: The right wing’s long, strange love affair with New Age mysticism

Trump’s engagement with Kabbalistic figures and practices firmly places him within this broader historical and mystical context. This association not only illuminates his personal beliefs, but also reveals a dimension of unseen influence that permeates his public and private endeavors.

It should be no surprise then to see a long and well documented history of Trump overtly displaying signs & symbols of the Mystery Religion, seen below:


— Trump displaying the inverted Delta, an esoteric and Masonic handsign.
— Trump displaying the Triple Six handsign.

— Trump ‘16 campaign officials sporting inverted delta pins.


These same signs and symbols of the Mystery cult of Babel can be seen utilized by politicians and celebrities galore, which I have documented at length in my cornerstone essay, The Great Delusion.

Given Trump’s admitted occult affiliations and Masonic mentors, it beggars belief to suggest that a lifetime of conscious & conspicuous physical actions is somehow accidental in nature. This is even more evident when we observe the eponymously named Trump Tower:


— (L) Trump Tower. (M,R) Trump’s Penthouse.


The amount of occult symbology within Trump Tower is nothing less than staggering. Within Tarot, The Tower arcana is interpreted as “an image of old forms collapsing and represents a sudden, dramatic upheaval or reversal in fortune. … [it] is a card about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth”: a description that bears striking similarities with the crafted persona of The Donald. The base of Trump Tower displays an inverted delta with six rows of trees, forming a triangle with three sides of six trees: a representation of the divine feminine and a veiled allusion to the Number of the Beast. Six, the number of man, appears yet again in the architecture of the tower: despite being ten stories shorter in actuality, Trump’s penthouse is located on the 66th floor. Furthermore, his New York home is practically a shrine to the pagan gods and goddesses of yore: artwork of Eros, Apollo, & Libertas festoon his abode.

Trump’s occultic affiliations and symbolic gestures unveil a disturbing truth, further revealing the shadowy underpinnings of his public persona and political power.


“It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness.”

— The Book of Proverbs 16:12 KJV


Given these facts, the shocking litany of blasphemies and heresies that Trump has uttered is much less shocking.

Despite claims by evangelical politicians and leaders, Donald Trump’s statements and actions are not just antithetical to the teachings of Christ, they openly mock the very foundations of the Christian faith. Only months ago, Trump compared his legal woes to Jesus Christ’s suffering on the Crossit would not be the first time he accepted such comparisons. Trump has also stated numerous times that he has never asked for forgiveness:

I’m not sure I have ever asked God’s forgiveness. I don’t bring God into that picture. When I go to church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of forgiveness. …

Why do I have to repent or ask for forgiveness, if I am not making mistakes?

— Donald Trump. July 23rd, 2015

After being lambasted for this insanely hubristic response, he slightly softened his answer when asked this question a year later:

I will be asking for forgiveness, but hopefully I won’t have to be asking for much forgiveness.

— Donald Trump. June 8th, 2016

The Scripture states plainly in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Without repentance and submission to Christ, there is no forgiveness — this is the bedrock of the Christian faith.

Moreover, his boastful and profane language is exemplified by these declarations:

Trump [said] “They’ll be hit so g–damn hard,” while bragging about bombing Islamic State militants. And Trump recounting his warning to a wealthy businessman: “If you don’t support me, you’re going to be so g–damn poor.”

— ‘Using the Lord’s name in vain’: Evangelicals chafe at Trump’s blasphemy

These are flagrant violations of the Third Commandment: “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Such routine blasphemy demonstrates a profound lack of reverence for God from this alleged Christian.

Furthermore, Trump’s lifelong aphorisms, particularly from his book The Art of the Deal, flies in the face of Biblical teachings:

The point is, you can never be too greedy.

— Donald Trump, The Art of the Deal

Greed is a vice condemned throughout Scripture, yet Trump embraces it as a virtue! His superficial displays of piety, such as having pastors pray for him while he himself refrains from prayer, are hollow gestures aimed at garnering favor from the devout without embodying any true faith or humility whatsoever (emphasis mine):

Most of Trump’s current relationships with evangelical pastors, particularly with believers in Pentecostal, charismatic and prosperity gospel strains of Christianity, appear to have developed only as he considered running for president. …

Several pastors, as well as two former White House officials, said they have never seen Trump pray in front of others. Instead, he regularly asks for Vice President Pence or for one of his many evangelical Cabinet members to pray. He does not regularly reference God in making his decisions, these aides say, and they have never seen him open a Bible. But he has long coveted the visual of having pastors pray for him, including the distinct image of the laying on of hands.

— Trump mocks the faith of others. His own religious practices remain opaque.

It is utterly bewildering and disheartening that so many Christians have rallied behind a man who so openly defies and mocks the tenets of our faith, a man who blasphemes our God: we sully our witness by claiming this man somehow represents Biblical values, let alone that he is divinely favored by God.


— (R) Transvestite performers at the 2024 Republican National Convention.


Is it any wonder then that Trump’s so-called spiritual advisors and religious allies are a carousel of heretics, charlatans, and fiends? Much of the group, such as Rodney Howard-Brown and Paula White, are notorious false teachers and peddlers of the noxious prosperity “gospel”. Just weeks ago, Trump confidante Robert Morris resigned amidst numerous accusations of sexual assault, admitting to “inappropriate contact” with a 12 year-old girl. He wouldn’t be the only advisor on this panel to be mired in dire sexual sin whilst advising Trump: Jerry Falwell, Jr., a former client of Michael Cohen, would resign after the sordid details of his own depravities came to light in 2020. In 2021, Mike Flynn duped clueless evangelicals into repeating occult prayers created by Elizabeth Clare ProphetThe stink of these rotten fruits could not be more evident.

The final fig leaf with which embattled evangelicals try to cover this man’s shame is his increasingly trepidatious support of the “pro-life” cause. He is the President who ended Roe v. Wade after all, some credit is to be given for that surely? But we must ask, what good has that decision truly done to stop the wholesale murder of children in this country? Through the widespread proliferation of dangerous chemical abortifacients via the Postal Service, more children are being murdered in utero after the repeal of Roe than before! And that is before we even address Trump’s participation in the greatest chemical “abortion” campaign ever created — Operation Warp Speed.

It has been my contention, and remains so, that Roe was the superficial victory they were willing to throw the Right as the enemies of mankind moved on to different battlefields altogether. Even still, as far as the defense of the unborn goes, this is a battle that the national GOP has once again slinked away from like the traitorous, spineless curs they are. The 2024 GOP platform has officially dropped support of a federal child murder ban, as well as its opposition to institutionalized sodomy.

Trump’s running mate JD Vance has taken a similarly lukewarm position on the matter of child murder. Lest there be any confusion on just how untethered from any semblance of Christian values the GOP has become, a literal pornstar gave one of the keynote speeches at the RNC this year. After that, a pagan prayer to the divine feminine closed out the first night of the convention. Whatever moral high ground this party once feigned to stand upon has been vacated in its entirety.

In fact, Donald Trump has become one of the strongest proponents of this cultural degeneracy. In 2019, Trump officially recognized June as “Pride” month. With the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act in 2022 (an utterly Orwellian title), Trump hosted a celebration of this transgressive attack on the bedrock of civilization at his Mar-A-Lago resort, stating:

We are fighting for the gay community, and we are fighting and fighting hard… With the help of many of the people here tonight in recent years, our movement has taken incredible strides, the strides you’ve made here is incredible.

In April of 2024, Melania would host yet another celebration and fundraiser for the Log Cabin Republicans, an “LGBTQ+ affirming” organization. Sadly, Trump represents a growing segment amongst not only the Right, but those who claim to profess Jesus Christ — all whilst making a mockery of His teachings on marriage (Matthew 19).

Taken in their totality, Trump’s blasphemous statements and actions are a grave affronts to the teachings of Christ and the Scriptures. His spiritual advisors are a cavalcade of error, greed, and deviancy. It is incumbent upon true believers to discern the difference between mere lip service to Christian values and a life truly transformed by the Gospel; or in other words, to be wise as serpents. As Jesus warned us in Sermon on the Mount: “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

By this standard, it is clear that Trump’s fruits are utterly rotten.


— Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani: Trans allies?


“Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.”

— President Donald J. Trump


As we conclude this series, the evidence is overwhelming: Donald Trump’s political ascent is marred by occult influences, Zionist benefactors, sexual depravity, and the blatant mockery of the Christian faith.

Trump’s overt use of occult symbols, from the Masonic grips with John Bolton to the inverted delta hand signs, are not mere coincidences. These are deliberate actions by a man deeply entrenched in the Mystery Religion of Babel. Likewise, Trump’s associations with Kabbalistic teachings and practices reveal a profound layer of his philosophical and spiritual inclinations.

As events continue to unfold, it is becoming more and more evident that Trump stands poised to be (s)elected once again. Following his guilty verdict in May, Trump raised a whopping $52.8 million in 24 hours, with campaign funds continuing to poor in. In the wake of the extremely dubious “assassination” attempt on July 13th, figures from across the aisle have lined up behind Trump in an attempt to “unify the country.” In the wake of the attack, Elon Musk has pledged $45 million a month to support a Trump-adjacent super PAC. Mark Zuckerberg is lauding Trump as a “badass”, coming short of all but endorsing the man.

An even more conspicuous event on this timeline occurred on July 15th when Trump’s classified documents case was tossed out after the special counsel was deemed unconstitutional. With seemingly the entire legal system against him, Teflon Don “miraculously” escapes danger in the court room yet again. With Biden out of the way and Democrats seemingly in chaos, the pathway to the Presidency has never been clearer for Trump.

I certainly understand the allure of the persona that has been crafted, why the myth of Donald Trump has so captivated the undiscerning masses. The West is in throes of its collective suicide, and those who seek to beat back the proverbial, and increasingly literal, barbarian hordes have few allies in this dark hour. When a man shows even the merest hint of masculine initiative, of gumption, of pugnaciousness, it is no small wonder why so many would flock to his banner.

But when a men tells you who he truly is, you should listen.





The salient point remains: there are no political solutions to spiritual problems.

Compromise in the political arena is often touted as a necessary evil — a pragmatic strategy in order to achieve incremental gains. However, the extent to which Christians and Conservatives have compromised their values to support Donald Trump has been nothing short of catastrophic. For those who seek to preserve the remnants of America’s foundational principles and the integrity of the Christian faith, the allure of political power and influence has led many to compromise their stated principles, embracing a leader who stands in stark opposition to those principles.

True and lasting victories cannot be achieved through compromise with evil.

Adding to this tapestry of moral corruption is Trump’s well documented association with Jeffrey Epstein, the most prolific sex trafficker in US history. Epstein’s nefarious activities and the elite network he maintained remains a stark reminder of the pervasive influence of this particularly heinous brand of evil amongst those in power. The fleeting political gains achieved by supporting such a figure are dwarfed by the immense spiritual and ethical costs of doing so. The Apostle Paul’s admonition in Romans 3:8 is unequivocal: “And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.” The belief that we can endorse or support a morally bankrupt leader to secure some supposed greater good is a fantastical delusion.

The only path forward begins with repentance.

Judgement begins first in the House of God (I Peter 4:17), and it is here where we must first lay the blame. A man this duplicitous, this morally bankrupt, this depraved could only appeal to a people as equally compromised as he. Far too many have allowed the allure of political power to overshadow their commitment to Biblical principles, forfeiting both power and principles in the process. As Christians, we must collectively acknowledge our complicity in elevating and supporting leaders who neither defend the innocent nor fear God.

First and foremost, that begins with Donald J. Trump”


Source: https://dfreality.substack.com/p/on-trump-part-iii

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14 Responses to “On Trump, Part III – A man can not rise above his own worldview…”

  1. newensign says:

    Good article Pete, Its amazing how many think Trump is their saviour and worship him as an idol! It mentions the Torah but that is nothing to do with the so called jews, but they did write the Koran and invent Islam to destroy the Christians together with the Talmud (traditions of the Elders)!

  2. PKinPanama says:

    You’re a special fellow, Pete. Thank you.

    👀🔥🔥 Jewish-Rabbis, Crown of their Messiah, Guess-Who? – YouTube 2 minutes 23 seconds

    👀🔥 Here, this is the top secret plan behind “MOSHIACH” Donald J. Trump | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

    Trump – Jewish Traitor Posing as Savior – henrymakow.com
    Trump—Jewish Traitor Posing As A Savior | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary

    https://stateofthenation.co trump jewish messiah — Yandex: 1 million results found

    trump moshiach state of the nation — Yandex: 111 thousand results found

    I listened to Stan Johnson of the Profitsy Club Gang, a man obviously ‘read-in’ on The Plan, the script, moving us towards the end, last night on John B Wells’ Caravan to Midnight program. It will curl your toes. It did mine. What.A.Qult. !!

  3. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Thanks newensign and PK

    I’m reading Douglas Reed’s book newensign, The Controversy of Zion. It’s a fascinating read and I’m halfway through now

    He says that the Torah was written by Israelites who were subsequently banished by Judahites, now called Jews. He also says that the Israelites spread West and assimilated. So that all westerners [“Caucasians”?] have Israelite blood as a result

    And that the Judahite priests developed the Talmud over many centuries, and used it as a fence to keep their brethren from assimilating like the Israelites had done

    That is the gist of it, if I’ve understood him correctly. I intend to reread the book after I’ve finished the first reading, it is packed with very interesting stuff. But it lacks source references which I find a bit of a head scratcher tbh. I’d be interested to know what you think about his book. Do you know if he is reliable in what he says?

    You are too kind PK, thanks for the links

    I already saw the Makow one, but I will have a look at the others today

  4. PKinPanama says:

    You’re welcome. I do believe Reed’s book needs to be in the personal education mix, though, it’s not definitive imo. BTW, there’s a copy on Ron Unz’s site. Ron recently dunked me, for whatever reason. Personally, I think “synagogue of Satan” upsets him. Idk. Don’t care anymore, really. Revelation 2v9, 3v9. John 8:44.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Ron is a decent guy from what I’ve read, ie a lot of American Pravda, which is sometimes very revealing. But he’s a tad too mainstream for me

      Btw, in one of his essays about Jews he says that he is, in effect, a lapsed Jew. Says that he never learned much about Judaism at all as a kid and only understood about the Talmud etc later in life

      Which is entirely possible I expect. Assimilated western Jews are often Reform rather than Orthodox. Reform is Judaism lite…

      My missus was similar to Ron in that respect, she was Reform too. She knows about the Torah but virtually nothing else. At Hebrew school she learned about the Torah and homemaking, She has been a brilliant wife to me and mother to my children as a consequence

      But she knows jack about Judaism and the Rabbinical methods. I’ve been telling here what Reed says and she’s been repeatedly amazed…

      • PKinPanama says:

        If I could trade my remaining earthly existence for one thing, it would be to humbly bring each man, woman and child to the foot of the cross for repentance and salvation in the name of King Jesus, the Christ. Regardless where we came from. I have been so richly blessed, and I would choose myself last were everyone to know everything that I have done. Amazing grace, there’s nothing that compares. 🙂

  5. PKinPanama says:

    I may need another pot of coffee today…

    I’m on part 3, here is part 2:

    Would someone be so kind as to drop the part 1 link here, please ? Thanks in advance.

  6. newensign says:

    I would say that Douglas Reed had got it wrong, as at the time of Christ there were hardly any true Judahites in Jerusalem, they were nearly all Edomites including Herod, that is why Christ resided in Galilei with his own people and only went to Jerusalem on 2 or 3 occasions, for fear of the Edomite Jews, the Edomite Jews had absolutely nothing to do with writing the Torah. The Roman occupying power were true Israelites of the Zarah Judah branch, with the rest of the tribes being found in Europe. Christ didn’t have anything bad to say about the Romans, but he did about the Edomite Jews!! The Jews don’t even speak Hebrew, but Yiddish with any words therein akin to Hebrew having been picked up from German and English which languages have an affinity with Hebrew.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Blimey! Thanks newensign that is very interesting. I will carry on with Mr Reed fo the end for sure. But your response has certainly made me sit up and take notice. And I clearly need to understand who the Edomites are

      Presumably they are the authors of the Talmud? Which was originally an oral teaching according to Mr Reed

  7. PKinPanama says:

    Pete, Newenign, and anyone else:

    Please, just hear me out. It doesn’t matter where we were or of whom we came from. What matters is our current condition. We are either in Christ, or, we aren’t. Neither “jew”, “gentile”, “greek”, or anything else. I speak as one pulled out of the fire by King Jesus, Himself, visiting me, personally.


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