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Down the rabbit hole with Chris Spivey

One hundred percent every time… Now, what are the odds of them being two different people?


This is part 3 of Spivey’s recent series, part 4 to follow

It’s mind blowing stuff, NOTHING is as it is presented to us

It’s very long, and foul mouthed, as usual, so I’ve only posted the start of the article

There is far far more…..

The full monty is here: https://www.christopherspivey.co.uk/2024/07/21/a-harsh-lesson-in-history/

A Harsh Lesson In History

Alternatively entitled: “A Bionic Man – Or Just Another Corrupt Little Man? Part 1″ & “This Is How We Do It, Do It Part 2”.

By Christopher Spivey

David Cameron is another Cunt that I cannot fucking stand, so let me give him a proper fucking mauling here. And in doing so I should point out that some of the linked sources in this next section – snippets of which I have included – can be a little repetitive, but each one brings something new to the table.

Furthermore, there is fuck all wrong with a bit of repetition because what I am about to tell you gets a little complicated and as such, any repetition will help you get the facts straight in your heads.

So let me begin by saying that Dave the Rave plays multiple characters, with his role of the former Prime Mincer unlikely to be the principal… Or put another way, David Cameron is a made up persona.

Nevertheless, since I only have my suspicions to start off with as to who Dave the Rave really is, and in order to make the following section easier to understand, we will for the moment let the character David Cameron take the lead role.

Moreover, some of what I am about to tell you has already been published in the many long lost articles that I wrote about the criminal, particularly in my very popular “Cameron’s Closet“… You can in fact read ‘Camerons Closet‘ HERE, on the Wayback Machine Website, but as always I would recommend that you finish reading this article first – and besides, a lot of the all important images at that link do not load.

Are we all clear? Of course we are.

Now, one of those Characters Cameron plays is the Historian & Author, Andrew Roberts – best friend to Slaggy Maggie Thatcher. And of course, Cameron was her golden boy.

What a Cunt!

Moreover I would hazard a guess that Roberts is more likely to be the principal than Cameron is, but we will stick with Dave the Rave for the time being.

Note the gap in the teeth in the first comparison image of Roberts & Cameron.

Indeed, Roberts & Cameron get 100% every time on the facial recognition website, which as I said earlier is a virtual impossibility if the two people being compared are two different people


One hundred percent every time… Now, what are the odds of them being two different people?

And below are just some of Cameron’s other personas:

Check out the ears!

And as for Todd Allen Durkin and Mark Holyoake as seen in the above?

Well Mark Holyoake, [apparently] an international commercial and residential property investor since the mid 90’s, first popped up in the public eye in 2017 after suing the Candy brothers.

PHOTO: Mark Holyoake (check out the blatantly fake earlobes) and his “wife” who may or may not be Sam Cam after having her face digitally altered, particularly her strange ear but she certainly has Mrs Cameron’s nose. Or she could just as likely be an actor.

Mark – as you have just read – started making his fortune in the mid 1990’s (the same time as Cameron started being fast tracked to the top) and interestingly enough, he (Holyoake) once had offices in the Satanical, Tavistock Square.

Moreover, the press – for no other reason than to take the piss – like to keep these people in the public eye, hence Holyoake was back in the headlines in May 2023:

Which of course means more millions in Dave the Raves dodgy bank accounts.

And in relation to Todd Allen Durkin, you once again have an example of how the Atlantic Ocean is of no consequence, since he is an American actor.

However, it is worth noting that Durkin was allegedly born in Astoria, New York City – the irony of which will be revealed very, very shortly. He also had a small part in the TV series ‘WITS Academy” and appeared in an episode entitled “Cameron Rules”.

Nevertheless, getting back on track and it has to be said that Andrew Robert’s wife looks very much like Dave’s wife, Sam Cam.

And in viewing the image below, Remember what I said about false teeth showing plenty of gum being used as a disguise:

Would ya look at their noses & teeth! Fucking identical.

Cameron’s wife’s maiden name is Samantha Sheffield. The Sheffield family from which Sam descends were the first to build & own Buckingham Palace. Sam’s mum, Annabel later married into the wholly Satanic Astor family – when Sam was at the tender age of 5… Or put another way Sam Cam was brought up by Satanists.

PHOTO: Annabel Jones looking a bit of a munter on the day she married Reginald Perrin Sheffield.

And at this point I will remind you that Todd Allen Durkin was allegedly born in Astoria (Astor)… You couldn’t make it up, but they fucking can.

The Astor dynasty founded by John Jacob Astor (1763-1848) from Waldorf in Germany is arguably the most Satanic of the 13 bloodline families. Their vast wealth was made from the fur trade and opium. Indeed the family is notorious for its cruelty and indifference to human suffering.

John Astor’s great grandson, William Waldorf Astor, first Viscount Astor was said to be the richest American of his generation. He moved to England in 1891, where he bought two very grand houses, Cliveden and Hever Castle.

Willie’s daughter-in-law Nancy Langhorne Astor was the first woman to sit in Parliament and supposedly “the greatest hostess of her day“.

Nancy Astor is credited with turning the family home – Cliveden – into a hub of cultural and political intrigue, entertaining everyone from Charlie Chaplin and Edith Wharton to Winston Churchill and Joseph Kennedy at her weekend house parties… I shall be referencing both Winnie the Nonce & Mafia, Bootlegger Joe in due course.

PHOTO: The formidable Nancy Astor

Moreover, it is alleged that Sam Cam’s mother, Viscountess Astor, provided ‘Fag Mistress’ services to Lord Boothby with the Kray Twins in the Astor-Club London of the ‘60s. Annabel Astor/Sheffield also claims that as a child she used to spend hours in the renown sculptor, Jacob Epstein’s studio playing with his granddaughter Annie Freud, the daughter of Lucian.

And therein is another red flag.

You see, alcoholic Lucian Freud, like his brother, the former MP – now deceased – Sir Clement Freud, were both notorious paedophiles, which is hardly surprising what with them being the grandson’s of Sigmund Freud; a drug addicted paedophile himself, obsessed with the notion that all children want sex.

Furthermore, as a Psychotherapist Sigmund Freud proposed that personality development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages. He then used his mind control techniques on children, in order to prove his warped theory.

And would you Adam & Eve it, Annabel’s mother-in-law, Lady Bronwen Astor was also a Psychotherapist… As were some of those we met working with children in part 2.

Psychotherapy is described by Wikipedia thus:

Mind-control by any other name.

It should also be noted that Sir Clement Freud shared an office with the fat nonce cunt, Cyril Smith MP. His son, Matthew, is a PR guru who is married to Rupert Murdoch’s daughter Elisabeth. I will be coming to Mr Murdoch shortly. Meantime, Clem’s daughter, Emma is a broadcaster and the partner of Richard Curtis, the filmmaker behind Four Weddings and a FuneralNotting Hill, and Love Actually.

Yet more worryingly still is the fact that Lucian insisted that his daughter Rose pose naked for him and according to some accounts, she wasn’t his only child to have to do so. Rose recalled the occasion that she admitted to posing nude for her father (who more often than not also painted in the nude), in an interview that she gave to the Guardian newspaper:

Freud would make ALL of his models stay in naked pose for hours even if he were only painting the background… Carry on the Guardian newspaper:

She could do with a fucking good trim though… And the Charles Atlas body doesn’t do her any favours either.

Nevertheless, Sam Cam’s step-father, William Waldorf Astor III, 4th Viscount Astor, was at one time a prominent Conservative MP in John Major’s government and as such, doubtlessly knew all of the Paedophiles in Slaggy Thatcher’s Cabinet… He now resides in The House of Gaylords, which is money for old rope.

Meanwhile, Samantha’s mother, Annabel is also the step daughter of her husband’s Uncle, Michael Langhorne Astor, who kicked the bucket in 1980… Told ya it gets fucking complicated.

Michael Astor married Annabel’s divorced mother, Pandora in 1961, when Sam Cam’s Mam was 12, going on 13. So she too was brought up by Satanists.

PHOTO: Michael Astor – he’s profoundly in love with Pandora and I suspect he couldn’t wait to get in her box… Do you geddit? Pandora’s Box? Well at least I thought it was good.

There is however, much more to Pandora than first meets the eye and she could in fact be the clue to the mystery of who David Cameron really is. So much, much more to say about her later on.

Now, new ‘Daddy’ Mick – who Annabel claims was nice to her one minute, horrible the next – was also a politician and one of the most evil, Satanic looking blokes you would never hope to meet.

PHOTO: Annabel’s Daddy Mick – Exactly as a Satanist should look. Stare deep into his eyes.

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3 Responses to “Down the rabbit hole with Chris Spivey”

  1. newensign says:

    A good find Pete, I had heard in the past that David Cameron had many guises, so this is confirmation that all the world is a stage!

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      I agree newensign, this info opens up a massive can of satanic worms as he shows in the article. All the world a stage indeed

      • newensign says:

        Yes Pete, its so obvious now that one has to wonder why people still bother to vote to replace the puppets!

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