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Land Clearances in Strathnaver – Early 1800s – Personal testimonies

The evil “Land Agent” of the Duchess of Sutherland, Patrick Sellar. He organised the burning of the Gaels homes

My comments earlier today on another post:

I was up on the north coast of Scotland a few years back in my camper van, and I came across a local folk museum at Bettyhill, in an old church. It had first hand testimonies, translated from the original Gaelic, that explained what had happened to the locals during the “Highland Clearances”. Folk who had been totally self sufficient for hundreds of years. They were literally driven off the land by force. The Jewish land agent of the Duchess of Sutherland, oversaw the evictions. There was even a photo of the evil man on the wall, which I photographed myself as a reminder. In some cases they turned up and said “get out we are going to burn your house”. Some old folk refused and were literally burned alive. I was in tears by the time I left that museum….

We moved on and went to Wick, on the NE coast of Scotland, where we realised that the dispossessed had been herded into new housing in Wick. To provide labour for two new industries, fishing and kelp production. Both controlled by London based corporations, owned and run by very rich English capitalists. The southern part of Wick was built for the new herring fishing industry


“Pulteneytown, which was developed on the south side of the river by the British Fisheries Society during the 19th century,[6] was officially merged into the burgh in 1902”


“Pulteneytown was founded in 1808 to provide space for the many Scots displaced by the Highland Clearances, who poured to the coast in search of work in the fishing industry.[36] By the 1840s it was reported there were over 1,000 herring boats in the harbour alongside a large curing industry which had been developed around the harbour”

Incidentally, I just googled the museum, only to find that it is now “charitable” and funded by corporations, including SSE

“SSE plc (formerly Scottish and Southern Energy plc) is a multinational energy company headquartered in Perth, Scotland.[4][5] It is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. SSE operates in the United Kingdom and Ireland”

It was a scruffy old place when we went there in 2019. But it was the most informative UK folk museum that I’ve ever been….

Not any more because, checking the new website of the museum then, there is a section on the Gaels, the folk who were evicted and sometimes killed. Guess what? Not a peep about those moving testimonies, they’ve disappeared, no doubt never to be seen again

But I photographed some of them:


I will email the museum and ask them a few questions. I don’t really expect anything useful from them, but you never know

Amendment From Pete Fairhurst 2,

I emailed the museum and this is their reply. Seems that I was too hasty and jumped to conclusions about their motives. So my apologies to them if this is borne out.

“The testimonials are a very important part of the story we tell at the museum. As you may know, the museum reopened in 2023 following major refurbishment. The testimonials form part of our new digital display ‘Voices from the Pulpit’. They have now been given voice by local people, taken directly from the eyewitness accounts. This has proved to be one of the most remarked upon parts of the new interpretation and provokes an emotional reaction from many, both those familiar with events and those who have never even heard of the Highland Clearances.

As a small team, we have been working very hard to get the museum up and running again and as yet have not had time to update the website to reflect the new museum experience. I expect ‘Voices from the Pulpit’ will feature when the update takes place. Also launching this month is a new digital tour of the museum on Smartify, this has also been time consuming but is a fantastic resource going forward.

I hope this addresses your concerns.”

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14 Responses to “Land Clearances in Strathnaver – Early 1800s – Personal testimonies”

  1. ian says:

    Apparently George Stevenson of steam train fame was delighted by the influx of cheap labour after the Highland clearances. That is the Old clearances.
    I live in a shitty backwater near Gretna Green of runaway marriage fame. Tourism equates cheap minimum wage jobs ie shit hole. YET every day we currently have orange guys messing with phone mast and phone lines. There is an MOD Depot three miles away which has a shed?? built the size of four football pitches. John O’Looney claims convincingly that the immigrants are going to be “UN Soldiers”, I suspect, just anti “white British” soldiers. Chicken flu with 5G . MOD “prison/ quarantine camp??”. It’s brewing, I can smell it. We don’t need an army of immigrants to control the traffic. It’s getting serious, guys. wake up.

    • ian says:

      If it’s just gonna be a rerun of Kovid, why the troops. Think about it.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        What are they going to do Ian, hold us all down and stick a needle in our buttocks? There are 70 odd million of us for Pete’s sake [not me, the proverbial 🙂 ] And 20%+ refused the covid shots, that’s over 14 million people. And it will be even more than that if they try and pull that stunt again, once bitten, twice shy and all….

        And the MOD have big sheds all over the place don’t they? And nobody EVER sees what’s in them do they? It’s a long term boondoggle of epic proportions. Which the bad guys want to keep paying out for them for ever. See Ukraine etc etc etc…

        You seriously telling me that a funeral director is an oracle on such matters? Do me a favour…

        So it’s not gonna happen. Plus, if it did then, any pretence about UK being in a Liberal “Democracy” will be over. The Brit Establishment is far more subtle than that, far more. WW3 is a war on western folks minds, it won’t be kinetic, it will be voluntary, see covid and and and and…

        Finally Nigel Starmer ain’t cut out to be the British version of Hitler, Stalin or Mao. He just won’t hack it. He reminds me of quacky the duck

        • ian says:

          Hi Pete, let’s say, they ramp up the fear, using TV etc, and start killing off people using 5g, to ramp it up some more. Bring in the passport to shop, look at the gates at eg Tesco? even deny the un jabbed medical care, it has been suggested. and though it would be evil is possible. Starmer only needs to read his lines, like Biden attempts to do, or like he did with Saville.
          John O’looney might be a gob shite with a silly name, I agree, but he spoke out about the jabs and people like that get contacted by other whistle blowers.
          Why wouldn’t they do it Pete, because we’re British?

          Ok all I said and am saying is pure speculation, based on very little, but an uneasy feeling about these things. There is suddenly the need for massive MOD sheds, why? they’re suddenly upgrading all the phone masts and lines. The mass immigration of military age men is still ongoing filling even Butlins camps, why????

          What’s your take Pete? and yes i know I could be completely wrong, as you point out, and if I am, I’ll change my mind, simple as.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            Fair enough Ian, you could be correct, hope not though obviously

            I just don’t see how such drastic measures will benefit the owners here in the UK. It’s home base for the money power demons isn’t it, or at least the City is. So I don’t see how creating a hostile populace here would benefit their long term aims, or their ongoing extraction from humanity. How would they gain from that?

            Yes, it’s not the British way is it, Brit rulers have been far more subtle than full blown totalitarianism. So far at least and I hope that it stays that way, which I expect that it will. I refuse to live in fear too as you know

            The rest of the world is a different matter of course. Our wealth is based on extraction, extraction, extraction. From everywhere else on the planet. What else do we do that creates wealth, nothing much…

            Final point, we had our Talmudic Jewish revolution in the mid 1600s, France in late 1700s, Russia early 1900s. These places are all in the bag, so why rock those boats too much?

            It’s primarily a mind war on humanity, that’s been the strategy for a very long time now. They are experts at moulding our minds…

            • pete fairhurst 2 says:

              Maybe you are right Ian

              Global IT outages? Take down the internet and global chaos looms. How on earth did we allow these idiots to take away cash and pen and paper.? Slowly slowly catchee monkey

  2. Tapestry says:

    The Clearances continue.

  3. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    I emailed the museum and this is their reply. Seems that I was too hasty and jumped to conclusions about their motives. So my apologies to them if this is borne out. I can’t amend the original post but if anyone else could add this retraction then I would be grateful

    “The testimonials are a very important part of the story we tell at the museum. As you may know, the museum reopened in 2023 following major refurbishment. The testimonials form part of our new digital display ‘Voices from the Pulpit’. They have now been given voice by local people, taken directly from the eyewitness accounts. This has proved to be one of the most remarked upon parts of the new interpretation and provokes an emotional reaction from many, both those familiar with events and those who have never even heard of the Highland Clearances.

    As a small team, we have been working very hard to get the museum up and running again and as yet have not had time to update the website to reflect the new museum experience. I expect ‘Voices from the Pulpit’ will feature when the update takes place. Also launching this month is a new digital tour of the museum on Smartify, this has also been time consuming but is a fantastic resource going forward.

    I hope this addresses your concerns.”

  4. newensign says:

    They are clearing the indigenous population with aliens with no roots or connection with British culture. If this was not so, our people would have noticed a great decline in population! Deaths now running 10,000 a week above normal, or so they say.

    • ian says:

      Good info N’, thanks.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      All down to the needlecraft I expect

      But those stats are not correct newensign, I hold ONS data from 2020 and I just downloaded this year from ONS

      Following figs are average number of deaths per week for first 27 weeks of the year for England and Wales

      5 year av – 10,768
      2020 – 12,768
      2024 – 11,279

      5 year average is pre covid 2014 to 2019

      So, compared with pre covid, an increase of 511 per week ie 26,572 per ANNUM. Sounds about right.

      These stats are from death certs and I don’t see how they could be manipulated. EVERY death in the UK needs a cert, otherwise police action follows

      So we are not seeing a catastrophe yet

      Btw, 2020 obviously includes Midazolam Matt’s care home spike.

      The covid enquiry report came and went in a flash didn’t it. Global outages far far more important today…

      Midazolam Matt got a rap on the knuckles for not being more “prepared”. Never mind the care homes, no need to worry about them they were all going to go soon anyway…

      Demonic and pure evil, all of them, they all KNOW

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      “They are clearing the indigenous population with aliens with no roots or connection with British culture”

      Sounds right to me newensign. Rather than as a ready made army to lock us all up. Slowly, slowly catchee monkey….

      It’s a process that is well advanced now too. And it will only speed up with the current massive influx. All those healthy, twenty something, hot blooded, easterners. Ostensibly they came here to avoid war, but they will be very happy with a bit of the old how’s your father, if possible….

      Our current males haven’t got a chance have they. Emasculated, screen addicted, soy boys who preen in front of the mirror, but always sit in the passenger seat now. They lack the necessary…

      Hot blooded real men, or soy boys? Who could blame the lasses?

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